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Creation of Caelumen



The creation of Inferncenem and Caelumen began as a friendly competition between Ameuses and Zutnebas to see who could create a better world for intelligent creatures and their wives would be the judges. Their wives gave them just seven days to create a world so they quickly got to work.

Ameuses created Caelumen using clouds, soft linen, precious metals like gold, silver and bronze and gems like rubies, sapphires, emeralds and opals. Meanwhile, Zutnebas fashioned Inferncenem out of fire, brimstone and various metals like iron, lead and copper.


The creation of Caelumen occurred in five stages, one for the first five days:
Day 1
Ameuses took some clouds and formed a vast land in the void above Earth. He then used bits of his beard to make floating islands and plateaus and filled the empty spaces with water.

Day 2
Ameuses pulled out a few strands of His hair, planted them in various areas then sprinkled some of His dandruff around the center of the land. Tall trees grew from the hair strands and grass, plants, and flowers sprouted from the dandruff.

Day 3
As Ameuses was nurturing the plants, He glanced up and noticed that the Sun and Moon couldn't be seen because they were below the clouds. He couldn't move the Sun and Moon because that would have severe consequences for the state of the Earth. So, instead, He removed His left eye and threw it up to the sky where it transformed into a giant ball of light: the realm's sun. Then, He went to His wife and asked her to lend Him Her right eye to create the realm's moon and she obliged. Now the world had its sun and moon.

Day 4
On this day, Ameuses decided to make the new realm more beautiful by including some gardens. He collected the seeds, saplings and spores from the existing vegetation, soaked them in His sweat to nurture them and planted them in groups in specific areas. Huge forests sprang from these areas. Then, Ameuses took a larger group of seeds and saplings and buried them in the middle of the world. From there a vast forest sprouted, bigger than every other forest grown. This giant forest was filled with tall trees bearing delicious fruits, lots of bushes, various flowers, vines, creepers and more. Immensely pleased with the forest's size, Ameuses named it the "Garden of Eden".

Day 5
Finding the new forests too bare, Ameuses decided to bring some animals from Earth to reside there. So He travelled down to Earth, picked two of every animal, brought them to the new realm and placed groups in each forest. The largest group was put in the Garden of Eden.

Satisfied, Ameuses thought it was finally time to create intelligent creatures who would manage the new realm. He carved their skeletons out of a block of bronze, crafted their hearts out of gold and blood vessels out of silver, wrapped everything in silk and cotton and added facial features with rubies, emeralds, opals and amethysts. He also gave the lifeless vessels wings made using pieces of silk and bright halos moulded from molten gold and brass.

Ameuses then brought the husks to life by filling their empty blood vessels with drops of His blood and filling their lungs with His breath. Thus, the first angels were born.

Days 6 & 7
Ameuses taught the newly-made angels how to nurture plants, communicate with one another and worship Him. He also rested on those days.

Ameuses was glad with how the world looked and named it "Caelumen", derived from "caelum", meaning "heaven".


Ameuses' wife and Zutnebas' wife travelled through each realm and admired all their unique features. After roaming around, they returned to their husbands and declared Ameuses the winner. Ameuses celebrated His victory with a large buffet, ecstatic, while Zutnebas stood by, bitter.

Historical Basis

The creation myth emerged when Ameuses narrated the creation process to the first angels, who then orally passed on the story to their children, who passed it to their children and so on.


There is no angel in Caelumen who doesn't know of this story.

Cultural Reception

Every angel ethnicity adopted the two-day weekend because, in the myth, Ameuses rested for two days after creating Caelumen.

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