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Fuego Caldo

Written by CoolG1319

What Is It?

Fuego Caldo (fire soup in Spanish) is an insanely spicy soup the Angels of Fire enjoy at their weddings. It is consumed during the Bibere Lava, a friendly competition where the groom and wingmen must finish a large bowl of the soup in under a minute without letting the stinging spice set in.


One day, out of boredom, an angel mother was experimenting with various combinations of peppers and spices in a soup. She then tasted the concoction and was instantly taken aback by its potent spice. The angel, immensely pleased, served the soup to her family who loved it very much and told their friends and neighbours about it. Word about this tasty dish spread like wildfire.

The Angels of Fire decided that a meal this yummy could only be enjoyed on very special occasions and the most special occasion to them was weddings. Thus the dish, named Fuego Caldo or Lava Soup due to its lava-like appearance and hot nature, was reserved for weddings only.


The soup is quite thin with different-coloured vegetables floating on the top and its red, orange and yellow colouration gives it the appearance of lava. It is served in an ornately carved wooden bowl with two rubies glued to the front. One would immediately notice tiny bursts of fire shooting out from the dish.


  • Mordaz pepper slices
  • Ground Abrasad peppers
  • Salt
  • Incene chilli broth
  • Various chopped vegetables


  1. Take a large wooden bowl and squeeze 20 Incene chillis into it. Wear gloves whilst doing this so the chilli's liquid won't burn your skin and thoroughly wash them after use!
  2. Pour the chilli liquid into a pot and boil for 15 minutes until it is properly boiled.
  3. Take 4 cups and portion the boiled broth equally, then cover them so the heat won't escape.
  4. Slice 5 Mordaz peppers, grind some Abrasad peppers (only add 3 tbsp), chop up some vegetables then put them into an empty pot.
  5. Pour the cups of Incene chilli broth into the pot and add 1 tsp of salt. Boil for 30 minutes.
  6. Serve the soup in an ornately carved bowl and now you have Fuego Caldo! Congratulations!


The moment a single drop of the soup so much as tickles the tongue, one would be instantly caught off-guard and thrown back by the potent spice and pepper. Their eyes would turn into gushing fountains of tears, their cheeks would turn an alarmingly bright red, and their mouth would fill with a huge cloud of spice. If not quickly swallowed, the cloud would build up, becoming unbearable to contain, and when one opens their mouth, it escapes in the form of a long jet of fire (don't worry, no injuries are sustained from consuming the soup).

Subsequent consumption of the soup lessens the effects of the spice and one can properly appreciate the soup's peppery, nose-tingling, mouthwatering goodness!
The first time drinking this soup, the spice is extremely intense and unbearable; it's as though the inside of your mouth is set ablaze! But around the second or third time, the spice becomes manageable and you finally get a good taste of the soup. It's really, really scrumptious!
— An angel, after finishing a bowl of Fuego Caldo

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Angels of Fire 
Fuego Caldo by CoolG1319
Hah hah haaaah... so... hot....!
— An angel who drank the soup
Effects of Drinking Fuego Caldo by CoolG1319

Cover image: Fuego Caldo by CoolG1319


Author's Notes

This article is an entry in the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial challenge by moonflower-writing!
Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge
Generic article | Jun 1, 2024
All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)   © CoolG1319 All rights reserved.   Powered by World Anvil

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May 13, 2024 14:21 by Keon Croucher

Well written, easy to follow, and a fun little food article and the pixel art is adorable and a great touch, love it very much!

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
May 13, 2024 16:50 by CoolG

I'm glad you love it, it was so much fun to write ^^

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