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Angels of Fire

Written by CoolG1319

This is a WIP

Who Are They?

Compared to the other ethnicities, they are the most carefree and lively, so much so that they receive a lot of scorn from the Angels of Light, who view them as not being pious enough. Make no mistake, they are a religious and righteous group though their fiery attitude may make you believe otherwise.
  The Angels of Fire are also the most powerful, being able to create, destroy and manipulate fire. They comprise the majority of Archangel holders, with over 60% of Archangels being Angels of Fire.
  They are famous for their bravery, resilience, power, dedication and unending passion for what they love.


Common Dress code

There is no set dress code for ordinary residents other than they must always wear their rosaries, but there are for nuns and other officials: long, flowing white-and-red robes (other colours are reserved for special occasions) adorned with ruby and amethyst buttons and tall wine red boots.
Hey, look at that! You can see that our dress code isn't unbelievably strict; the Angels of Light should take notes, haha!
— Igna, a good friend of Venus'

Foods & Cuisine

If there's one thing the Angels of Fire adore more than anything, it's spicy food; they live for the stuff! Their cuisine consists of almost entirely spicy meals or food containing pepper and chilli. The most famous is  Fuego Caldo, the spiciest soup one could consume.

Common Taboos

These include, but are not limited to:
  • Lying
  • Intolerance
  • Swearing or blasphemy
  • Unnecessary cowardice

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that as their creator Ameuses was coming up with types of angels to create, He was enjoying a particularly spicy dish made by His wife Junii. He found the dish so delicious it sparked the idea of a race of angels with fire abilities. He then made an environment filled with various peppers and spicy plants which would be their home, which is why all the dishes native to the Angels of Fire are spicy or contain pepper.


Beauty Ideals

In general
  • Wings should be kept dirt-free.
  • Halos must always be kept ablaze unless one wants to bathe or sleep.
  • Clothes must always be neat.
  • Hair should be well-kept and regularly trimmed.
  • Profane words must never be tattooed on the body.
  • No excessive piercings.
  • Skirts, dresses and shorts should not go above the middle of the thighs.

Courtship Ideals

If a male expresses interest in marrying a female, he must first receive permission from her parents or guardians and his parents must also approve the union. After both parties receive the approval of their parents, the Pre-honeymoon begins. The pre-honeymoon is where both parties spend ten years together in The Garden of Eden to determine whether the couple is truly compatible, enjoys each other's company and loves each other. Only when the couple successfully passes this step can they officially marry.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships should be filled with trust, respect, love and appreciation for your partner. We allow sexual relationships; we're not as rigid as the Angels of Light, haha!
— Sister Valerie, Leader of the Concilium Flammae
Hello! We are the determined and fiery Angels of Fire, the most powerful angels in Caelumen.
— Sister Valerie, Leader of the Concilium Flammae

Family Names

  • Ignis
  • Flammae
  • Calor
  • Ardor
  • Aestus
  • Ustrina
  • Mulciber
We give our children special names to reflect their braveness, resilience and the fire that resides within their hearts!
— Sister Valerie

Female Names

Include, but not limited to:
  • Clara
  • Cecilia
  • Emilia
  • Diana
  • Valeria
  • Amelia
  • Marcy

Male Names

Include, but not limited to:
  • Leo
  • Andreas
  • Luis
  • Marco
  • Alejandro
  • Nicolas
  • Adie
  • Aelius

Unisex Names

Include, but not limited to:
  • Peyton
  • Jules
  • Val
  • Kit
  • Guthrie
Related Organizations


Author's Notes

This is a work in progress; more will come soon.  

All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)   © CoolG1319 All rights reserved.   Powered by World Anvil

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