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Vestim (vesh-THIM)

What Is It?

The ancient and sophisticated language known as Vestim is spoken exclusively by the Angels of Light, a group known for their strict adherence to religious principles. Vestim holds the distinction of being the oldest language in Caelumen, pre-dating the existence of all other angelic races and their respective languages.

Stopb pd tcg k
Fricativef vs zh
Lateral approximantl
Pronunciation and Spelling
Sound changes:   o → ɒ
i → ə
t → θ
z → ʒ
d → ð
s → ʃ
c → ʧ
ʜ → hʌ
ɱ → muː
ɠ → gɒ
Vestim is a language in which the last syllable is often stressed.
Ethnicity = biḩe [bə.hʌ.'e]
ɪ (sometimes ignored)
ɠg’ (sometimes ignored)
ʜ (sometimes ignored)
ɱ (sometimes ignored)
cch (only at the end of a word)


Definitebed [beð] the
Indefinitelom [lɒm] a, an, some
  There are certains ways of utilizing definite articles:
  • Definite article can be omitted: Gœ eʜœn evu [gœ ehʌ'œn e'vu] = 'I am going to market'
  • Used to talk about countable nouns in general: 'I like cats' would translate to Gœ bed öfata ɠetes [gœ beð ɒ.fæ.'θæ gɒ.'e.θeʃ] = 'I like the cats'
  • Used with place names: Bed Charechos Cham [beð ʧ.hæ.reʧ. 'hɒʃ ʧ. 'hæm]'The Great Amphitheatre'


  Nouns have three cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
NominativePrefix mɒ-
mödïm̈ö [mɒ.ðɪ.ˈmuː.ɒ] dog (doing the verb)
AccusativeIf starts with vowel: Prefix n-
Else: Prefix næ-
nadïm̈ö [næ.ðɪ.ˈmuː.ɒ] (verb done to) dog
GenitivePrefix æ-
adïm̈ö [æ.ðɪ.ˈmuː.ɒ] dogʼs
SingularPrefix gɒ-
gödïm̈ö [gɒ.ðɪ.ˈmuː.ɒ] dog
PluralPrefix ɒ-
ödïm̈ö [ɒ.ðɪ.ˈmuː.ɒ] dogs


1st singular [gœ] I kï [kɪ] me fo [fɒ] mine
2nd singular [ðœ] you ra [ræ] you ben [ben] yours
3rd singularbe, ɱno, ir [be, muːnɒ, ər] he, she, it pœ, hol, ir [pœ, hɒl, ər] him, her, it fem, cim, irs [fem, ʧəm, ərʃ] his, hers, its
1st pluralde [ðe] we [ɪ] us bï [bɪ] ours
2nd pluralsan [ʃæn] you all fa [fæ] you all dö [ðɒ] yours (pl)
3rd pluralga [gæ] they ged [geð] them cha [ʧæ] theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singularbï [bɪ] my
2nd singular [ðœ] your
3rd singularson [ʃɒn] his, her, its
1st pluralfïd [fɪð] our
2nd pluralru [ru] your (pl)
3rd pluralpu [pu] their


Verbs always come after a word. When verbs are conjugated, the pronoun is placed before the verb.
  • I fly: ɪʜed [gœ ɪ.'hʌ.eð]
  • you speak: ɠos [ðœ gɒ.'ɒʃ]
  • it moves: ir osɪn [ər 'ɒ.ʃɪn]
  When negating, either the word "nœʜis", meaning none or nothing, or "nœʜ", meaning no or not, is placed after the verb.
I do not speak/speak none = Gœ ɠos nœʜ/ɠos nœʜis [gœ gɒ.'ɒʃ nœ.'hʌ/gɒ.'ɒʃ nœ.'hʌ.əʃ]
  When using the past or future tense, the verb is marked with a prefix.  
Pastlin- before vowel
li- before consonant
kip-I spoke: Gœ li ɠos [gœ lə.gɒ.'ɒʃ]
... was spoken: ... kip ɠos [kəp.gɒ.'ɒʃ]
Futuredal- before vowel
da- before consonant
zud-I will speak: Gœ da ɠos [gœ 'ðæ.gɒ.ɒʃ]
... will be spoken: ... zud ɠos [ʒuð.gɒ.'ɒʃ]


Adjectives in sentences or word groups are always positioned before the noun or verb they refer to.
a small bird = lom em esovɪ [lɒm em e.ʃɒ.'vɪ]
  In addition, adjectives are increased with the suffix ɱ for first degree and uɱ for second degree.
  • Without increase: big = cham [ʧ.'hæm]
  • First degree: bigger = cham ɱ [ʧ.'hæm.'muː]
  • Second degree: biggest = cham [ʧ.'hæm.'u.muː]


Adjective → adverbPrefix sa-quick/quickly = ucho/saucho [uʧ.'hɒ/ʃæ.uʧ.'hɒ]
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj])Prefix u-late/lateness = miwum/umiwum [mə.'wum/u.mə.'wum]
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj])Prefix n- (before vowel)
Prefix nɪ- (before consonant)
beautiful/beautify = patœd/nɪpatœd [pæ.'θœð/nɪ.pæ.'θœð]
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun])Prefix m- (before vowel)
Prefix mo- (before consonant)
punctuality/punctual = uzun/muzun ['u.ʒun/'mu.ʒun]
Noun → adjective (relating to [noun])Prefix f- (before vowel)
Prefix fɒ- (before consonant)
economy/economical = rœdaces/förœdaces [rœ.'ðæʧ.eʃ/ fɒ.rœ.'ðæʧ.eʃ]
Noun to verbPrefix b- (before vowel)
Prefix bi- (before consonant)
love/to love = ɠetes/biɠetes [gɒ.'e.θeʃ/bə.gɒ.'e.θeʃ]
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb])Prefix m- (before vowel)
Prefix mœ- (before consonant)
amuse/amusing = ocatɪ/mocatɪ [ɒ.'ʧæ.θɪ/mɒ.'ʧæ.θɪ]
Verb → noun (the act of [verb])Prefix b- (before vowel)
Prefix bɒ- (before consonant)
fly/flight = ɪʜed/bɪʜed [ɪ.'hʌ.eð/'bɪ.hʌ.eð]
Verb → noun (that [verb] produces)Prefix so-know/knowledge = ezosa/sozosa [e.ʒɒ.'ʃæ/ʃɒ.'ʒɒ.ʃæ]
One who [verb]sPrefix y- (before vowel)
Prefix ya- (before consonant)
protect/protector = lœnek/yalœnek [lœ.'nek/yæ.lœ.'nek]
Place ofPrefix ɒc- (before vowel)
Prefix ɒce- (before consonant)
bake/bakery = ovawa/öcovawa [ɒ.'væ.wæ/ɒ.cɒ.'væ.wæ]
Formation of Sentences and Questions
All sentences are formed in the Subject - (Prepositional phrase) - Object - Verb (SOV).
I shook his hand = son huzɪ li fiɱə [Gœ ʃɒn hu.'ʒɪ lə fə.muː.'ə]
  W-questions are introduced with question words before the verb.
What is your name? = A dœ udos œs [Æ ðœ u.'ðɒʃ œʃ]

Basic Dictionary
These are some of the more important words you will need to make simple sentences. You can find more in the dictionary.



Vestim has a base-20 number system:   1 - ba
2 - höd
3 - fu
4 - chad
5 - lam
6 - mudœn
7 - detova
8 - gaved
9 - mu
10 - g’ï
400 - bözad
8000 - g’a


be - œ
become - œmun
can - di
do - cö
fly - ɪʜed
give - ayos
have - nuwa
speak - ɠos


flight - bɪʜed
home - kɪ
man - ɪdo
woman - bum
angel - ɪmaza
light - ma


I, my - gœ, bï
you, your - dœ
he, she, it - be, ɱno, ir
we, our - de, fïd

Question Words

What - a
Where - nɪ
When - oʜo
Who - ɠas
Why - hom
How - osɪm
To whom - esɠas
Whose - ɠaske

Other Words

and - ɪyɪ
the - bed
a, an, some - lom
much - pad
Important Everyday Phrases
Good day! - Uwe ma!
Greetings - Futœsəm
Welcome - Udocu
How are you doing on this fine day? - Osɪm huwɪvœm ma colodœ
Where am I? - Nɪ Gœ tœ?
How much is ...? - Osɪm œs pad ...?
How do I travel to...? - Osɪm Gœ cohine se ...?
How may I assist you? - Osɪm utgœ dœ rovovɪ?
Please - Kum
Thank you - Gasowe
I appreciate your help - Gœ dœrovovɪ ocotom
Farewell - Poduses
May the Lord give you strength - Uta Ameuses ayos otizod
All of this should give you a great start in learning this language. I wish you the best of luck and uta Ameuses ayos otizod!


Author's Notes

If you didn't guess, this article's layout is inspired by Blue Fairy's own language article! It's very handy ^^ Shout out to her!

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Sep 5, 2024 15:37

When I opened the individual spoilers, I thought, oh, that looks familiar, and then I read your author's comment and had to laugh. I'm glad you used my language article as inspiration and thank you for the shout out. Your article turned out well ;).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 5, 2024 16:22 by CoolG

Thank you and you're very welcome ^^

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