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Angels of Light

Written by CoolG1319

This is a WIP

Who Are They?

The Angels of Light are the most religious and pious of all angel races in Caelumen. They hold strict and unwavering beliefs and are highly judgmental towards the carefree Angels of Fire. They discourage interaction between their children and the Angels of Fire, considering them not pious in their eyes.
  The Angels of Light are often perceived as old-fashioned, overbearing, and inflexible by other ethnicities, especially the Angels of Fire. Despite these negative opinions, the Angels of Light are the kindest and most caring beings who can comfort uneasy souls not even the Angels of Souls could.
  Additionally, they are renowned for their ability to create, manipulate, and destroy all forms of light.


Shared customary codes and values

These include, but are not limited to:
  • Frequent praying
  • Honesty
  • Chastity (unless married)
  • Generosity
  • Utmost piousness

Common Dress code

  • White tops with trousers (male), skirts or a dress (female).
  • Long, flowing golden robes for officials or special occasions.
  • White or pale gold knee-high boots (golden yellow for officials or special occasions).
While it may be strict, it is necessary to maintain our piousness and God-fearing nature.
— Aunty Bethany, Assistant Head Nun of The Central Church

Art & Architecture

Various works of art, like oil paintings, made by the Angels of Light extensively use features like humanism, linear perspective and naturalism incorporated in each piece. This choice of art style signifies the dignity and structured manner of the angels.

Reach for God- an oil painting by CoolG1319

Foods & Cuisine

The diet of the angels consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and other natural foods readily available from their environment. Even though they have the technology to make processed foods, they choose not to consume those often because they want to maintain a healthy diet and an active and athletic population.

Main Foods

Fruits & Nuts

Orchards of fig, olive, apple, orange, pear and other fruit trees can be found throughout their settlements. Fresh figs, olives, apples and pears are frequently eaten and dried for storage. Meanwhile, nuts like almonds, walnuts and pistachios are prized nuts and oftentimes added to cakes.  

Vegetables & Oil

Common vegetables include cabbage, onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, carrots, parsley and spinach. Leafy greens like chard, beetroot leaves and dandelion greens are also eaten.
  Olive oil is a good source of fat and is often used in cooking, as dressings and to flavour food. There are multiple olive tree farms in Albis Nubila.  

Legumes & Grains

Beans, peas, chickpeas, broad beans and lentils provide an affordable and effective source of protein while grains like wheat, millet and barley are energy-giving foods and are always used to make bread, cakes and porridge.

Eggs & Dairy

Chicken and quail eggs are commonly eaten together with cow, sheep or goat's milk. The milk is used to make soft cheeses like feta, cottage cheese and burrata.  

Meat & Poultry

Meat is less common than plant-based foods but is still consumed as an excellent source of protein. It also greatly aids in strengthening muscles. It is obtained from cows and sheep. Horse and goat meat are forbidden.  

Herbs and Spices

The Angels of Light make good use of paprika, curry, thyme, garlic and other herbs to add distinct flavours to their meals. Sometimes, they use Urbem Ignis' native spices which they receive through trade.  


Wine is always drunk during meals by adults but is diluted with water to avoid getting drunk, which is a sin.

Common Taboos

These include, but are not limited to:
  • Lying
  • Intolerance
  • Swearing or blasphemy
  • Inappropriate dressing and gestures


Beauty Ideals

We strive to be the most righteous and Ameuses-fearing we can be.
— Mother Mariam
  In general
  • Wings must be kept clean and free of any dirt
  • Halos must be polished to a shine
  • Clothes must always be a pristine white or gold (any other colour is reserved for special occasions only)
  • One must not wear anything that would make one stand out unnecessarily (unless it's a special occasion)
For Females
  • Medium-lengthed or long hair (short hair is frowned upon) should be neat and well-kept; must never be shaved.
  • Slim or fit curvy figure (chubby or plumb figures are frowned upon as one would be seen as gluttonous)
  • Unblemished skin
  • No outlandish or distracting jewellery, e.g. large earrings, bright rings, etc. (doing so would cause one to come across as vain)
  • The hems of skirts or dresses must always be below knee-length (wearing a shorter skirt or dress would cause one to be seen as promiscuous)
  • No revealing outfits
For Males
  • Short hair (long hair is frowned upon) must be neat and well-kept
  • Slim physique (being chubby is heavily frowned upon as one would be seen as gluttonous)
  • Beards should be well-groomed; no stubs
  • Must not wear any form of jewellery other than their rosaries (doing so would cause one to come across as rebellious and unholy)

Gender Ideals

Females are typically expected to cook, clean and care for the children while the males are expected to protect the household, though it's perfectly fine for the roles to be reversed.

Courtship Ideals

If a male expresses interest in marrying a female, he must first receive permission from her parents or guardians and his parents must also approve the union. After both parties receive the approval of their parents, the Pre-honeymoon begins. The pre-honeymoon is where both parties spend ten years together in The Garden of Eden to determine whether the couple is truly compatible, enjoys each other's company and loves each other. Only when the couple successfully passes this step can they officially marry.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships must be respectful and open-minded, with no one-sidedness and plenty of honesty, tolerance and patience. In addition, relationships must never be sexual or inappropriate.
— Mother Mariam
We are the Angels of Light; the holiest, greatest and most prestigious angels in Caelumen.
— Mother Mariam, Head Nun of The Central Church
Angel of Light by CoolG1319
Languages spoken
Related Locations
When it comes to naming our children, we always choose names that reflect their pureness, innocence and holiness.
— Mother Mariam

Female Names

These include, but are not limited to:
  • Star
  • Venus
  • Solisa
  • Angela
  • Camilla
  • Estelle
  • Alba
  • Aurora

Male Names

These include, but are not limited to:
  • Aurelius
  • Julian
  • Caius
  • Lucas
  • Oliver
  • Aeneas
  • Cornelius
  • Bennett

Unisex Names

These include, but are not limited to:
  • Ace
  • Abril
  • Max
  • Jules
  • Val

Family Names

  • Lux
  • Lumen
  • Luceat
  • Stella
  • Coruscus
  • Lucidus
  • Rutilans


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