
The Honauwa are one of the larger factions on the Island of Sanctuary , and their primary settlement can be found in the north-central region of the island, not far from the central lakes. While several satellite communities exist outside of this larger one, they tend to be a very community minded people, gathering often and moving between the settlements regularly, though they seldom wander far outside the borders of their lands without purpose. While content to keep to their own and enjoy the lives they live, among them are some of the most stalwart and imposing warriors among The People of Two Seasons mirroring the bears to which they are linked.


The Honauwa have a clan system in which members are divided into different groups based on their family lineage. Each clan has its own responsibilities and obligations, such as hunting or gathering specific foods, or protecting particular territories. These families round out a system in which the needs of the entire tribe are met and maintained in an organized fashion. Within this structure is a Council of Elders who are responsible for making decisions about the tribe's governance, including the allocation of resources, settling disputes, and making important decisions that affect the whole community. These elders are chosen based on their wisdom, experience, and knowledge of the tribe's traditions and history and answer only to the Chieftain who serves as the primary leader of the tribe, both in a political and a spiritual sense. The chief is responsible for negotiating with other tribes, leading the tribe in times of war or conflict, and serving as a mediator in disputes. The chief also has a special relationship with the tribe's spiritual leaders, the Singers of the Last Breath , and plays an important role in the tribe's religious ceremonies.


The Honauwa have a rich and diverse culture, with a strong emphasis on communal living, oral traditions, and spirituality. they celebrate life with a vibrant artistic tradition, including various forms of visual art such as pottery, beadwork, and basket weaving, and also have long standing musical traditions, with songs and dances that celebrate their connection to the natural world. Their Oral traditions are an essential part of their culture, and the Honauwa have a rich body of stories and legends that have been passed down from generation to generation. These stories include creation myths, tales of heroic deeds, and legends about the tribe's ties to the bears of Sanctuary.   The Honauwa's society is organized around communal living, with families living in clusters within their villages. They have strict rules and customs around communal property and resource sharing, to ensure that everyone has access to what they need, and they also have a system of honor and respect that emphasizes cooperation and non-violence.   Their bond with their tribal spirit are very strong,and the act of that bond forming a prevalent theme among them. When a child is born into the Honauwa tribe, a special ceremony is held to celebrate the birth of the child and their corresponding bear cub. The child and the cub are given special names that reflect their bond, and the entire community gathers to witness the birth ceremony and offer their blessings and support as the Singer of the Last Breath passes the spirit of the previous fallen tribe member into the new vessel. As the child and the bear cub grow up together, they undergo a special initiation ceremony to formally acknowledge their spiritual bond. This ceremony involves a series of challenges and tests that both the child and the bear cub must complete, demonstrating their commitment to one another and to the Honauwa community as a whole.


The Honauwa were one of the last to splinter off from the greater nation prior to the formation of the confederation, and also one of the last to join. While this had less to do with politics and more to do with their nature as a people, one cannot deny they benefits they bring to the confederacy as a whole. They were a huge part of the defense efforts against the Bonedancers when war found them, fighting fiercely and holding a strong line against them, though they suffered tremendous losses as well. They continue to hold a vigilant number of well trained warriors as a deterrent against further incursions, and while they are generally calm and peaceful, experience has taught them that one cannot be too trusting of outsiders. Although cautious, they remain remarkably welcoming and friendly to outsiders that show no intentions of harm or malice.


The northern-central forests are the lands of the Honauwa tribe, from the edges of the forest itself to the shores of the great leakes of the central island. From here they hunt and gather what they need, but due to their communal views on society, these borders are only enforced loosely.


The Honauwa tribe's standing force of warriors is made up of individuals who have undergone rigorous training in both combat and spiritual practices. These warriors are responsible for defending the confederacy's lands and resources, as well as protecting their own community from external threats.The Honauwa warriors are trained to fight using a combination of hand-to-hand combat techniques and weapons such as bows, spears, and knives. They are also trained to work in tandem with their bears, using the bears' strength and tenacity to their advantage in battle.   In addition to physical training, the Honauwa warriors also undergo intensive spiritual training, which helps to deepen their connection to their bear companions and to the natural world. They are taught to meditate and commune with the world to strengthen their inner resolve and prepare them for the challenges of battle.   The training of the Honauwa warriors and their bears is a lifelong process, with young individuals beginning their training at an early age and continuing to hone their skills throughout their lives. They learn from veteran warriors within the community, as well as from their own bear companions who share their purpose and determination. They are skilled at guerrilla tactics and use the natural environment to their advantage, using the terrain to hide from and surprise their enemies.

Technological Level

The Honauwa have a reputation as masterful herbalists and skilled healers as the result of centuries of tradition and innovation. Their deep connection to the natural world, and their spiritual beliefs surrounding the healing powers of plants have allowed them to develop an extensive knowledge of local flora and its medicinal properties. They have used this knowledge to create a wide range of herbal remedies and treatments, and are able to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries with remarkable skill, using these plants to promote healing.   In addition to their skills in healing, they are also known for their crafting of innovative poisons and traps. These are used for a variety of purposes, from hunting game to defending their lands from intruders. The Honauwa use their knowledge of local flora to identify plants with toxic properties and have experimented with different combinations to create poisons that are effective but not harmful to their own people or their bear companions. They are also skilled at crafting traps that use natural materials such as vines and thorns, as well as decoys that lure animals or enemies into them.

Agriculture & Industry

The Honauwa cultivate a wide range of crops, including maize, beans, squash, and other vegetables. They use a variety of techniques to ensure a successful harvest, such as intercropping, companion planting, and crop rotation, and they also use natural fertilizers, such as compost and manure, to enrich the soil and promote healthy plant growth. They are also highly skilled at fishing and hunting, using their knowledge of the land to track and capture game in a sustainable and respectful manner, utilizing all parts of the animals they hunted, including the hides, bones, and other materials, to create a wide range of tools, clothing, and other items.   They are also highly skilled at working with wood, stone, and animal hides, using these materials to create a wide range of tools, clothing, and other items for use among their people and for trade with the other tribes.


The domed houses of the Honauwa are a sturdy, stable shelter that can withstand the elements. The frames are made of saplings or small trees, bent and lashed together to create a round, dome-like shape, and is then covered with bark or woven mats made from local materials, creating a weather-resistant shell that protects the inhabitants from wind, rain, and other external forces. Inside the structure, there is a central fire pit for cooking and warmth with the smoke from the fire vented out through a hole in the top of the dwelling, which also allowed for natural light to enter. The interior of the home is divided into living areas for the family, with animal hides and woven mats used for bedding and seating and ample space for their bears as well.  
Founding Date
2800 AR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Species

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