
The sturdy folk of the Pitsooti tribe are some of the hartiest members of The People of Two Seasons , generally being stockier than their kin, though not as large as the Honauwa . Making their lives along the western shores of Sanctuary , these individuals safeguard the border of their domain from outsider incursions using their intricately built kayaks and lethal naval tactics that allow them to take down much larger vessels rapidly. Despite their voracity on the water, they are some of the friendliest of the tribes of the Sahahimu Peoples , and while they guard the borders fiercely, they never attack without undo provocation, preferring to move defensively and allow for diplomatic solutions when possible.


The Pitsooti tribe is led by their chieftain, who is the highest-ranking member of the tribe. The chieftain is responsible for making decisions and providing guidance to the other members of the tribe, and often serves as the tribe's spiritual leader on a greater scale, directing matters of tribal importance based upon the spiritual guidance and direction they receive from the world around them, reading the signs and changes in the world around them and interpreting them into practical information that can be used to direct their people. This information is openly discussed and then disseminated by a council of elders, who are respected members of the tribe that have lived long enough to have accumulated a great deal of knowledge and wisdom. The council of elders advise the chief and assist in making decisions that are in the best interest of the tribe.   Warriors hold a significant high standing among the Pitsooti, and are revered and respected, each wearing a sash of stained hides that denotes their role within the ranks of their caste ranging from red to black, with black being the most decorated and veteran among them. These individuals are chosen from a young age and train constantly to hone their skills, working in tandem with their animal companions to maximize the effectiveness of their tactics and procedures.    Hunters and fishers provide for the tribe and are well respected as well, though over the last century, aside from the lakes within the interior of the island, the bounty of the ocean has become less constant and the creatures that have been pulled from the water have grown increasingly more strange. The Pitsooti do not risk the altered creatures being added to their diet, and this has put a much heavier burden on their methods and stores, forcing them to rely more on trade than before.    There is a circle of Singers of the Last Breath that attend to the needs of their people and the transference of spirit from the fallen to the newborn. This remains a crucial part of Sahahimu life, as with all the tribes, but due to the time the Pitsooti spend on the water, and the recent amounts of travel, they have lost many whose spirits were not able to have their songs captured when they passed. The Pitsooti value the whistles of the lost above all else.    The remaining members of their tribe all serve the roles they are most adept at providing, and are all expected to do their part for the benefit of the tribe as a whole. They consist of families, foragers, gatherers, traders, and the like.


The Pitsooti may place a strong emphasis on community and family, and the community spirit of their way of life reflects that of their animal companions in many ways. In a Pitsooti settlement, the day to day, family, and practical needs are overseen and directed by the women of the tribe, who work as a group for the betterment of all. Their direction and authority decides the way that food is distributed, work is done, and directional focus as well, answering to the chieftain and council of elders only in matters of spirituality and war. While the genders are viewed as equals, the Pitsooti believe that organized functionality is the most efficient and sustainable method of governance, believing that women have a much stronger natural connection to the spirit of the world and that their motivations are the result of this close and constant connection.    The Pitsooti maintain a diet that is heavily focused on meat and gathered fruits and nuts, their connection to the boars also make them a central part of their hunting and food-gathering practices, the hunters and foragers using their connection to their animal companions to find and acquire food in a sustainable way. They also have rituals and ceremonies that are performed before or after a successful hunt, to honor the boars and the connection they share and to show their gratitude for the sacrifice of the animals and plants that have provided them with sustenance.   These individuals have a rich tradition of boatcraft and have developed over time a masterful skill at the design and construction of tandem kayaks used by both their warriors and fishers as well. These small crafts are big enough to carry the Pitsooti and their animal companion, and sturdy and quick enough to make longer distance journeys possible, as has been recently seen with their forays to the mainland. This cultural aspect of their lives has integrated into most facets of their day to day routine and expression. They have developed a tradition of art and music that honors both their spiritual connection to the land, and their love of the water as well, using found materials along the shore in innovative and creative motifs that depict their victories and dreams of tomorrow which they use to decorate their homes and settlements. They also have a unique musical tradition where they gather along the shore from time to time when the fog rolls in and utilize the reverberations they find there to vocalize haunting melodies that play with their own echos with flute accompaniment and slow simple percussive rhythms.


The Pitsooti have always been a stalwart folk and generally considered friendly and welcoming, especially to the other tribes. They have a long history of maritime traditions and, while it is never spoken of, there are rumors that they visited the mainland many times prior to the knowledge of it becoming public. Seeing the world they found there as barren and the people they saw unwelcoming and dangerous, the Pitsooti made little effort to return, and saw no real reason to open the way to potential threats. This was further cemented by the discovery of the Bonedancers and the ensuing war that followed. The Pitsooti played a vital role in their defeat, their naval prowess devastating the Bonedancers larger ships in large numbers while they themselves sustained very few casualties by comparison. Their pivotal accomplishments during this time left sustained marks on their society, elevating their warriors to near celebrity status among their people and causing the rest of the confederation to consider them invaluable in the protection of their homeland.


The Pisooti make their settlements from the central lands to the lands along the western coasts of the island and claim the oceans beyond as well. While extremely defensive of the island from outside aggression, they do not enforce strict borders internally.


The Pitsooti warriors receive extensive training in the use of the atlatl, a spear-throwing device that allows for greater speed and accuracy than throwing a spear by hand. They also receive training in hand-to-hand combat and other forms of weaponry, depending on the needs of the tribe, such as the devastating fire lances used by their naval forces. They are also organized in a hierarchical structure, with leaders and commanders who are responsible for planning and executing military campaigns decided by a combination of veterancy and accommodation of action. They also have specialized units, such as scouts, skirmishers, and naval warriors who are trained in specific tactics and techniques, all of which rely heavily on working in tandem with their animal companions. In addition to the atlatl, the Pitsooti warriors use other weapons and equipment, such as bows and arrows, shields, and stone or bone knives. They may also wear protective clothing or armor made from animal hides or other materials.   The Pitsooti warriors have a deep understanding of the terrain and environment in which they fight, especially the ocean, and use this knowledge to their advantage. They often employ hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, or other forms of guerrilla warfare, depending on the situation. Their naval prowess is one of the deadliest military forces in the world as was proven during their war with the Bonedancers.

Technological Level

Given their heavy reliance on kayaking and fishing, the Pitsooti have developed advanced techniques for building watercraft. They have created boats made from lightweight materials, wood and animal hides, that were designed for specific purposes, such as war, hunting, fishing, or trade.    In terms of military ingenuity, the Pitsooti stand apart from the other tribes due to the weapons they have crafted over time. The atlatl makes their spears deadly, but the fire lances they use in naval warfare are where their skills shine. The Pitsooti fire lances are weapons designed for use in naval combat, specifically for attacking and damaging enemy vessels. Each fire lance consists of a sturdy bamboo pole with a barbed point and gripping spikes for piercing the enemy hull and making it very  difficult to remove, especially with the depth  they are capable of digging into a ships hull when thrown with the atlatl. Attached to the tip of the pole is a chambered clay pot that has been molded around the tip, and inside the pot, there is a mixture of materials that are designed to ignite when combined. One of these materials is phosphorus oxide, which serves as the primary ignition agent. When the pot breaks upon impact with the enemy vessel, the contents spill out and mix together, causing a chemical reaction that produces intense heat and flames. The phosphorus oxide reacts with the oxygen and moisture in the air to produce a bright white flame that is highly reactive and can spread quickly across the hull of the enemy vessel. As the flame burns, it also causes the other materials in the pot to ignite, creating a self-sustaining fire that can continue to burn even in the absence of additional fuel. The adhesive properties of the mixture also cause it to adhere to the hull of the enemy vessel, making it difficult to extinguish and causing additional damage as it burns. The heat and flames can weaken the structural integrity of the enemy vessel, making it more vulnerable to attack and potentially causing it to sink.


The Pitsooti longhouses are large, communal structures that serve as both homes and gathering places for the tribe. They are typically built using natural materials such as wood and bark, and are designed to withstand the harsh conditions that can occur along coastal regions. The longhouses are typically long and narrow, with a peaked roof that slopes down on either side, and the walls are made of wooden planks or bark that has been tightly woven together to provide insulation and protection from the elements. At either end of the longhouse, there are large doors that can be opened or closed to control the flow of air and light, and inside the longhouse, there are multiple living areas, each of which is separated by partitions made of woven mats or animal hides. The living areas are furnished with mats or furs for sleeping, and there are communal cooking and eating areas where the tribe can gather to prepare and share food.   The settlements themselves are typically located near the ocean or internal lakes where the tribe can take advantage of the fish and other sea life. The Pitsooti are skilled fishermen, using nets and hooks to catch fish and other sea creatures, which they can then smoke, dry, or preserve for later use.      
Founding Date
2800 AR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
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