Delvin of Clan Ennslin

Lord Delvin Ulstahd of Clan Ensslin is the most senior member of the Clan, and the current Ceannard of Fidach. First elected Taoiseach over 40 years ago, Lord Delvin is the second longest serving Ceannard (after Lady Sergonta Craghold). He has ruled over the longest era of peace in Fidach history. While his reign has been uneventful, this is considered a happy circumstance by his subjects. Lack of conflict tends to provide ample opportunity for prosperity and growth. Lord Delvin, now entering his 9th decade, is well known to be fading from this plane. This means the current, or soon to be Taoiseach, will likely assume his position in the not too distant future.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Race: Human Class: Noble/Ruler Challenge Rating: 2 (CR 2)

Special abilities


  Lordly Presence: Lord Delvin Ensslin has advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with nobles and high-ranking individuals. Inspiring Leader: As a bonus action, Lord Delvin can grant temporary hit points equal to his Charisma modifier (4) plus the number of creatures within 30 feet that can see or hear him. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour.

Specialized Equipment

Studded Leather Armor Noble's Outfit Signet Ring of Clan Ensslin Ornate Longsword Decorative Dagger Potion of Healing (2) Coin Pouch containing gold pieces

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Regal Bearing: Lord Delvin carries himself with grace and dignity, always mindful of his noble status and responsibilities.   Thoughtful and Calculated: He takes his time to consider all angles before making decisions, ensuring the best possible outcome for the kingdom.


Talya Ensslin


Towards Delvin of Clan Ennslin


Delvin of Clan Ennslin


Towards Talya Ensslin


Talya Ensslin (Wife)
Ruled Locations


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