Kinloche (Kin-lock)

The city of Kinloche is the second largest city (after Faldintharrun) and the seat of government for the province of Fidach. Kinloche boasts a strategic position, nestled between the warm waters of the inner Hen Ogledd Firth and the verdant tree lined mountains that comprise the "Left Hand" of the An Teallach's.   The current Ceannard is Lord Delvin of Clan Ennslin, one of the Five Great Noble Clans of Fidach. The province has experienced little in the way of conflict over the last century, and Kinloche by extension has prospered.


Dwarves: 27%


Humans: 25%

Feyling Elves: 20%

Drow: 10%

Dunmer: 5%

Halflings: 5%

Other: 8%

  • Genasi
  • Tiefling
  • Kenku



Serves for life. On their death or resignation they are replaced by the current Taoiseach.  


Elected by eldest members of the 5 great clans.

Industry & Trade

The city houses the largest warm water port on the inner Firth, and the economy is primarily driven by the ship-building industry located there. Despite Kinloche's strategic position, lush conifer forests, and bustling port the city can boast no agricultural wealth of its own. Instead it depends heavily on trade with the nearby Wood Elf town of Barewood for a steady supply of foodstuffs.


Felak dum Kelhedanak/The Dwarven Quarter

Although some Dwarves now live on the surface as well, the Dwarven Quarter is the traditional home of the Kelhedanakhazâd . The historic entrance is located within the most South Western corner of Kinloche. Despite the close relationship between the Dwarves and the rest of town, entrance to the quarter is still restricted to Dwarves and those who've been granted permission. Clan Craghold's Hall is located within the Dwarven Quarter.    


Home to the bustling portside Faery Market, so named because of the dancing mists blown up from the port and the greenish hue it takes on from the nearby fauna and the light of the setting sun. Faedun is at the heart of Kinloche. Travelers and locals alike can find nearly anything they could need within the winding streets dotted with store fronts, trading caravans, and stalls selling weapons, arms, traveling supplies, alchemical ingredients, and more. Work is always available to those who look in the Faery district, be it savory or under the table.  

Library District

Home to the Gelvani Library and The Southern Port. The Prancing Whale Tavern and Inn is also located the Western side of the Gelvani Library. Legend has it that the Tavern also owes its name to a feat of Magister Gelvani's. A feat he completed in response to a poorly thought through challenge by then Taoiseach Lady Karstin of Clan Dahooge.  


The Northern most part of Kinsloche is known for its handsome manors as well as the House of the Matrona, the goddess most venerated in Kinloche. The estates of Clan Ennslin can also be found on the Northside.


One of the busiest ports on the inner coastal

Guilds and Factions

Clan Craghold


Clan Dehooge


Clan Ensslin

Points of interest

The Gelvani Library

  lThe library located in Kinloche is a bit of a novelty. Although in all appearances it resembles the rest of the town's architecture, built primarily of timber, lymestone, and painted clay, the library is said to be built entirely of living materials. This should come as little surprise to those familiar with its namesake, the famed Tel Vashi sorcerer Tarrist Gelvani who first planted and cultivated the sapling that grew into the current library over 5 centuries ago. A Tel Vashi illusion spell gives the library its unassuming appearance, a spell rumored to protect the villagers of the town from invoking the library's wrath if they were to pluck a mushroom or a flower from its branches without permission. The Gelvani library is home to the largest collection of Tel Vashi books of magic and alchemy outside of the famed Circinian capital of Tel Mithvan.  

Dachigh Dea Matrona

Otherwise known as the "Home of the Matrona", is the largest temple dedicated to Dea Matrona. According to legend Dea Matrona gave birth to the whole of Cairngorm. The Teallach's are said to represent Dea Matrona's chosen place for rest given it's unique shape. The river that comes forth at the legs of the Teallach's is also a symbol of her life giving, and its waters are considered sacred by all of the peoples of Fidach, including those who do not worship Dea Matrona.  

The Portcullis

The last remaining remnants of the former faery denizens of what we now know as Kinloche. It is said that before mer arrived on Cairngorm, there was no veil separating the material plane from the feywild. In fact according to some they feywild and material planes were considered a singular plane. If true the reason the feywild and material plans split appears lost to history, although there are many scholars who continue to search for clues among these ancient ruins.


  • Kinloche
Founding Date
-Cy 415
Alternative Name(s)
30,000 (including nearly 11,000 who reside in Felak dum Kelhedanak)
Inhabitant Demonym
Kinlochian (Common) / Kelhedanan (Dwarvish)
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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