
Fib: The Realm of the Urnaigh

  Fib, a diverse and enigmatic land nestled within the continent of Cairngorm, is home to the Urnaigh, a praying mantis-like humanoid race. The Urnaigh, with their unique biology and rich cultural tapestry, have shaped the very essence of this realm.  

Speyside: The Cosmopolitan Hub

  Speyside, the jewel of Fib, stands as a beacon of enlightenment and diplomacy. It is the largest and most cosmopolitan of Urnaigh cities, serving as the political, economic, and academic capital of the Urnaigh civilization. Known for its erudition and open-mindedness, Speyside has attracted scholars, politicians, and diplomats from across Cairngorm. Its vertical towers, reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural elegance, rise like iridescent insect wings, symbolizing the Urnaigh's pride in their unique creations.  

Gladsten: Bohemian Haven of the Arts

  Gladsten, a vibrant city dedicated to the arts, exudes bohemian freedom and creativity. Here, artists of all kinds flock to join the Glads, the Urnaigh who founded this haven. In Gladsten, "anything goes" is the prevailing mindset, and laws are minimal to allow the free expression so cherished by its residents. Irregular structures echo the city's free spirit, a stark contrast to Speyside's order.  

Cardswal: Stronghold of the Forgesworn and Enforcers

  Cardswal, while retaining Urnaigh origins, has become a stronghold of the Cards, a community known for their martial prowess, spiritual beliefs, and disciplined way of life. Here, the Forgesworn philosophy takes root—a complex web of beliefs that challenges traditional notions of morality, emphasizing personal strength, self-reliance, and transcending rigid ideologies. Cardswal is home to the Ashai Academy, an enigmatic institution shrouded in secrecy and rumored to train the most elite assassins in all of Cairngorm. The Eignich, the enforcers, serve as the unoficial mercenary arm of Cardswal and the Forgesworn, offering their ruthless and cunning expertise to those in need, provided they submit to their authority while under contract.
  In Fib, the Urnaigh have carved a unique identity, each region reflecting a different facet of their culture and philosophy. Whether in the diplomatic corridors of Speyside, the artistic enclaves of Gladsten, or the disciplined halls of Cardswal, the Urnaigh's influence on Cairngorm remains profound, shaping the continent's destiny with their diversity, creativity, and strength.
Included Locations
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