
Cardswal, the island fortress of the Cards, stands as a testament to the discipline, resilience, and reverence for ancient traditions that define this unique Urnaigh community. Having played a pivotal role in the rise and fall of the Nanirite Empire, the Cards now uphold their own legacy as inheritors of ancient teachings and guardians of their island realm.


The Hive: Seat of Authority
At the heart of Cardswal's governance lies The Hive, an imposing structure located in the Valora District, directly opposite the Citadel. The Hive serves as the seat of authority and the center of decision-making, reflecting the Card's commitment to their warrior culture and disciplined lifestyle.     The Martials: Warriors of Authority
The Martials, a council of elite warriors, form the core of Cardswal's government. Each Martial represents a specific arm of the Cards' military apparatus, embodying the pinnacle of skill, leadership, and dedication within their respective field. The number of Martials can fluctuate over time based on changes in practice and the demand for skilled warriors.   Variance in Specializations
As of the present, there are five Martials, each representing a distinct specialization that contributes to the strength and versatility of Cardswal's military forces. These specializations include Paladins, Warlocks, Rangers, Artificers, and Hunters. The Martials' diversity reflects the multidimensional nature of Cardswal's martial expertise and ensures that no area of combat remains unaddressed.   Authority Through Skill and Will
To ascend to the position of Martial, an individual must demonstrate exceptional proficiency in their chosen specialization and display unwavering dedication to Cardswal's values. It's not solely a matter of skill; force of will, leadership, and a deep understanding of the Card's traditions and history are also crucial factors.   Lifetime Service and Challenge
Unlike traditional forms of governance, there are no predefined term limits for the Martials. They can theoretically serve for life or until they voluntarily choose to retire from their position. This lifetime commitment reflects the enduring dedication and sacrifice that define Cardswal's warrior ethos.   The Challenge of Succession
The process of succession among the Martials is both unique and rigorous. A Martial's authority can only be challenged by a direct challenger from within their respective specialization. This challenge is a testament to the Card's belief in strength as the ultimate arbiter of leadership. The challenger must prove their superiority through combat, strategy, or any other means deemed appropriate by the Martials' Council.   A Balanced Leadership
The Martials' Council forms a balanced leadership, where the collective expertise of each specialization contributes to the island's overall strength. While they may not always agree, the Martials are united by a common goal: to ensure Cardswal's continued sovereignty, protect its traditions, and prepare for any challenges that may arise in the ever-changing world of Cairngorm.  


Cardswal stands as an island fortress, fortified both physically and spiritually. The Cards have transformed their homeland into an impregnable bastion, ensuring their self-governance and autonomy. The island's strategic position allows them to keep a watchful eye on any potential threats that may arise in the wake of the Nanirite Empire's fall.   The Cards are renowned throughout Cairngorm for their disciplined and resolute nature, honing their mastery over both mental and physical arts and skills. Their military prowess is highly respected, and their reputation as formidable warriors precedes them.     Cardswal serves as the training ground for these skilled soldiers, where they undergo rigorous training, both individually and as cohesive units. Their combat techniques are a blend of ancient Urnaigh martial traditions and tactical innovations learned from the Nanirite Empire.


The Valora District (Citadel)
The Valora District stands as the heart of Cardswal's defense, encompassing the island's fortified citadel and military facilities. It is here that the Cardswal warriors undergo rigorous training, hone their combat skills, and learn the intricate tactics that have made them renowned throughout Cairngorm.

The Forgeholm District (Craftsmanship)
  The Forgeholm District is a hub of craftsmanship and industry, dedicated to the creation of superior weaponry, armor, and military equipment. Skilled artisans and blacksmiths work tirelessly to maintain the high standards of craftsmanship that define Cardswal's arsenal.   The Solarien District (Spiritual)
  The Solarien District is a spiritual sanctuary where the Cards gather to pay homage to The Sword of Goibnu and uphold their ancient beliefs. Rituals, ceremonies, and meditation sessions are held here to seek guidance, channel inner strength, and forge a deep connection with their deity.
  • Temple of The Sword: A grand temple dedicated to The Sword of Goibnu, adorned with intricate carvings and mantid-like motifs that reflect the divine essence of their revered deity.
  • Sanctum of Vigilance: A serene meditation chamber where Cards commune with their inner selves and seek clarity amidst the challenges of their disciplined lifestyle.
The Starhelm District (Navigation)   The Starhelm District oversees the strategic navigation of Cardswal's waters, ensuring the island's security and communication with the outside world. This district is home to skilled navigators, cartographers, and those responsible for maintaining Cardswal's fleet.
  • The Nexus: A gathering place for navigators and sailors, equipped with celestial charts, astrolabes, and instruments used to navigate Cairngorm's treacherous seas.
  • The Fan: A bustling harbor where Cardswal's fleet of ships, each bearing the winged emblem of The Sword of Goibnu, stand ready for deployment.
The Whisperspire District (Intelligence)   The Whisperspire District is a hub of intelligence and espionage, where Cards skilled in subterfuge and information gathering ensure Cardswal's security. This secretive district plays a crucial role in anticipating and countering potential threats.
  • Shadowsight Vault: An imposing structure and the heart of intelligence operations in Cardswal. Here intelligence reports, encoded messages, and strategic analyses are stored, forming a network of knowledge vital to Cardswal's survival.
  • Ashai Academy: located on a solitary island off the coast of Cardswal's Whisperspire District, it is where the secretive Acolytes of Ashai live and train.


Legacy of the Nanirite Empire In ages past, the Cards embraced the might and sophistication of the Nanirite Empire, becoming its loyal allies and skilled warriors. Their admiration for the Nanirites was deeply rooted in their advanced technologies, magical prowess, and ambition to conquer the entire continent of Cairngorm.     The Sword of Goibnu: A Divine Legacy   Following the collapse of the Nanirite Empire, the Cards consolidated their people on their home island of Cardswal. It was during this time that they began to venerate Goibnu, the Soul Forger, alongside their own ancient traditions. The deity known as "The Sword of Goibnu," whose true name is known only to the Urnaigh, is represented by a longsword with two mantid-like wings along the hilt.   According to the Card's belief, The Sword of Goibnu came into being when the old goddess offered her body to Goibnu, the Soul Forger. He, in turn, forged her into a divine sword, infusing it with the essence of both the goddess and Goibnu himself. The Cards view themselves as the inheritors of this divine legacy, bearing the responsibility to safeguard their traditions and protect their island fortress.
  Lament for the Nanirite Empire Unlike many other people in Cairngorm who celebrated the fall of the Nanirite Empire, the Cards lamented the sudden disappearance of the Nanirite Dwarves. For them, the Nanirite Empire represented a beacon of authority, ambition, and skill, traits they deeply admired.   As guardians of their ancient traditions, the Cards strive to preserve the essence of the Nanirite legacy and integrate it with their own beliefs. They remain devoted to The Sword of Goibnu, forging a unique identity that reverberates with echoes of an era long past.
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