
The religious beliefs of the Cards, known as the Forgesworn, are deeply intertwined with their warrior culture and reverence for their unique deity, The Sword of Goibnu. The Forgesworn view themselves as inheritors of the Nanirite legacy and the guardian of their ancient traditions. The central tenets of their beliefs can be summarized as follows:
  The Sword of Goibnu: Divine Legacy
The Forgesworn revere The Sword of Goibnu as a sacred and divine entity. This deity, born from the merging of the goddess's essence and the Soul Forger Goibnu, embodies the legacy of the Nanirite Empire and their own ancient traditions. The Sword symbolizes strength, unity, and the Card's commitment to protect their people and ideals.   Inheritors of the Nanirite Legacy
The Forgesworn believe that they are the rightful heirs of the Nanirite Empire's might and ideals. They admire the Nanirites' authority, ambition, and skill, considering their rapid rise and fall as a tragic loss. As such, the Forgesworn strive to uphold the essence of the Nanirite legacy in their own ways, fostering discipline, martial expertise, and unwavering dedication.   Preservation of Tradition
The Forgesworn hold their traditions in the highest regard. They honor the ancient teachings of the Nanirites, merging them with their own beliefs and practices. Through rituals, ceremonies, and meditations, they seek to channel the wisdom and strength of their ancestors, finding guidance and fortitude in times of challenge.   The Way of the Blade
The Forgesworn's faith is intertwined with the Way of the Blade, a philosophy that promotes mastery of both the physical and mental arts. This dual focus emphasizes the importance of honing one's combat skills while cultivating inner strength, resilience, and self-discipline. The Way of the Blade serves as a path to personal growth and connection with The Sword of Goibnu.   Guardians of Cardswal
As guardians of Cardswal, the Forgesworn understand their role as protectors of their people, traditions, and sovereignty. They believe that by following the teachings of The Sword of Goibnu, they empower themselves to defend their island fortress and Cairngorm itself from any threats that may arise.   Eternal Vigilance
The Forgesworn practice a state of eternal vigilance, consistently striving to improve themselves and their martial skills. They view each day as an opportunity to grow stronger, both in body and spirit, and to prepare for any challenges that may confront them.   The Forgesworn Brotherhood
The Forgesworn form a tight-knit brotherhood, bound by their shared beliefs, values, and the pursuit of excellence. This unity fosters camaraderie, mutual support, and the collaborative spirit necessary for their warrior lifestyle.   In summary, the religious beliefs of the Cards, embodied by the Forgesworn, revolve around their reverence for The Sword of Goibnu, the inheritance of the Nanirite legacy, the preservation of tradition, and their dedication to the Way of the Blade. These beliefs guide them as they stand as eternal guardians of Cardswal, upholding their warrior culture and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.


The history of the Forgesworn is a tale of admiration, transformation, and unwavering dedication to the ideals of strength, discipline, and martial prowess. Rooted in the rise and fall of the Nanirite Empire, their story weaves together the threads of ancient traditions, divine reverence, and the forging of a unique identity.
  Admiration for the Nanirite Empire
The foundation of the Forgesworn's beliefs can be traced back to the Nanirite Empire, a technologically and magically advanced dwarven civilization that swiftly conquered much of Cairngorm. The Cards, deeply impressed by the Nanirite Empire's might, ambition, and sophistication, became loyal allies and admirers of the dwarves' accomplishments.   Submission and Special Treatment
Unlike many other cultures and peoples in Cairngorm, the Cards chose to embrace Nanirite rule. In return for their allegiance, the Nanirites afforded the Cards special privileges and authority over their self-governance. The Cards quickly rose to prominence within the Nanirite hierarchy due to their exceptional martial skills and dedication to the empire's cause.   The Legacy of the Nanirites
The admiration for the Nanirite Empire's ideals and legacy did not wane with its sudden and unexplained disappearance. As the empire crumbled overnight, leaving behind a power vacuum, the Cards sought to consolidate their people and preserve the essence of what they held dear.   Formation of the Forgesworn
Returning to their home island of Cardswal, the Cards established the Forgesworn—a brotherhood of warriors bound by their shared admiration for the Nanirites and their commitment to uphold their traditions. The Forgesworn emerged as guardians of the island, pledging to protect Cardswal and Cairngorm while carrying the torch of the Nanirite legacy.   Reverence for The Sword of Goibnu
Central to the Forgesworn's beliefs was their veneration of The Sword of Goibnu, a divine deity born from the merging of a goddess's essence and the Soul Forger Goibnu. This deity symbolized the union of the Nanirite legacy with the Card's own traditions. The Sword of Goibnu became a beacon of strength, unity, and the embodiment of their warrior culture.   The Way of the Blade and Discipline
The Forgesworn embraced the Way of the Blade, a philosophy that emphasized the mastery of both physical combat and inner resilience. This dual focus echoed the Card's dedication to martial excellence and personal growth, aligning with the Nanirite ideals of discipline and strength.   Guardians of Cardswal
Over the centuries, the Forgesworn's commitment to Cardswal's defense and Cairngorm's protection remained steadfast. Their rigorous training, dedication to tradition, and unwavering unity bolstered their reputation as formidable warriors and defenders of their homeland.   Continued Legacy
As time passed, the Forgesworn evolved into a cohesive community, guided by the teachings of The Sword of Goibnu. Their beliefs, rituals, and martial prowess became synonymous with the Cardswal identity, and they continued to adapt their practices while maintaining their reverence for the Nanirite legacy.   Modern Day
In the present, the Forgesworn stand as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Nanirite Empire. Their history intertwines with their identity, reinforcing their commitment to strength, discipline, and the preservation of their traditions. The Forgesworn remain guardians of Cardswal, warriors of Cairngorm, and carriers of the Nanirite ideals, bound by their shared history and unwavering dedication.

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