The Nanirite Empire

The Nanirite Empire was a vast and influential realm governed primarily by the Ahbaís on the continent of Cairngorm on the planet of Toril. Known for its technological advancement, magical prowess, and engineering superiority, the empire had ambitions of encompassing the entire planet and even extending its reach beyond the material plane.
  Their civilization, centered in the grand capital city of Nanirith, was a beacon of ingenuity and power. Nanirith, with its sprawling underground metropolis and towering surface structures, was the heart of the Nanirite Empire, a reflection of the Ahbaís' mastery over stone, magic, and technology. Here, they practiced their advanced artificery, conducted arcane experiments, and refined their unique form of runic magic, a power they believed to be a gift from the divine.


Emerging from subterranean kingdoms, the Ahbaís upended much of the ancient history in Cairngorm. Their technological and magical superiority allowed them to rapidly establish the empire, encountering minimal resistance from awe-stricken peoples, tribes, clans, and civilizations.
With the belief in their divinely ordained destiny, the empire quickly expanded across the continent. The Nanirite's ambition did not stop at Cairngorm; plans were laid to reach uncharted lands beyond the frozen seas and even other planes.
  Their dominance over the continent of Cairngorm was swift and undeniable. The Ahbaís, with their superior technology and magic, were a force unstoppable. Yet, despite their might and the air of superiority they carried, they were not ruthless conquerors. They understood the value of order and cooperation, even if they regarded themselves as superior, the rightful heirs to divine power and authority.
  The Nanirite Empire extended its reach across most of Cairngorm, absorbing the less advanced tribes and clans with ease. Resistance was minimal, as the sheer might of the Ahbaís often left their foes in awe or outright terror. The Ahbaís, for their part, saw little reason to inflict unnecessary harm, instead offering protection and enlightenment to those they conquered.
  But not all of Cairngorm fell under the Nanirite influence. Four significant powers maintained their independence: the Elven kingdom of Dal Riada, the orc City-State of Voortham, the Ummanian Diasporate, and the Tel Voshi Commonwealth. These entities, though not matching the might of the Ahbaís, held their own due to organization, shared purpose, and advantageous geography.
  Dal Riada, nestled within the ancient woods and protected by elven magic, was an elusive kingdom, its connection with nature and the Fey realms making it a formidable adversary. The orcish city-state of Voortham, situated amidst treacherous mountainous terrains, was a formidable fortress, bolstered by the orcs' respectable skills in biomantics and magitech. The Ummanian Diasporate and the Tel Voshi Commonwealth, in contrast, thrived on cunning diplomacy, strategic alliances, and a healthy dose of luck, managing to maintain their sovereignty amidst the towering might of the Nanirite Empire.
  In the grand plan of the Ahbaís, these territories were mere inconveniences, and had the course of history not been abruptly altered by the unexplained disappearance of the Ahbaís, it is likely that the Nanirite Empire would have expanded its reach further, until all of Cairngorm, and possibly even the world, fell under its influence. But fate had other plans, and the sudden absence of the Ahbaís left Cairngorm in a state of flux, leading to the dark period known as The Gloaming

Society and Culture

Social Structure
The society was centered around a meritocratic system that encouraged citizens to prove their worth through actions and deeds. Full citizenship was reserved for the Ahbaís, while others were classified as constituents with limited rights.
The Castings
The core laws of the empire were known as The Castings, consisting of six sections that defined citizenship, duty, property rights, governance, rectification of errors, and the empire's manifest destiny. While espousing high ideals, these laws inherently favored the Ahbaís.
Worship of Goibnu, The Soul Forger, was central to the empire's belief system. The divine creation myth played a vital role in shaping the empire's identity and goals.


The Nazarite Imperial
The highest governing body was the Nazarite Imperial, a council of five members that governed and oversaw the empire.
Appointed by the Nazarite Imperial, Governors had broad local authority and represented territories before the Imperial.
The empire's economy thrived on trade, engineering, and magical innovation. The Ahbaís' technological prowess led to prosperous markets and robust trade routes.
The Nanirite Empire left a lasting impact on Cairngorm and the broader world. Its ruins still hint at the once-great civilization, and its philosophy and innovations continue to shape contemporary thought and technology.  

The Fall of An Empire

The Fall and The Gloaming
  Over the centuries under the rule of the Ahbais, Cairngorm became a land of stunning technological and magical advancements. Ahbais architecture sculpted the landscape, merging natural beauty with their superbly crafted stone edifices. Yet, the Ahbais' rulership was a double-edged sword; their advanced society came with a hefty price - oppression, inequality and a growing resentment among the other races.
  And then, almost as abruptly as they had come, the Ahbaís disappeared. Their mighty stone cities fell silent, their grand halls empty, their machinery stilled. The heartbeat of Cairngorm, which had thrummed with the rhythm of Ahbaís forges, went silent. Some suggested they had returned to the core of the planet, from whence they came. Others spoke of a great magical catastrophe, a result of their audacious experiments. Still, others whispered of divine retribution, punishment for their overreaching ambition and arrogance. Whatever the reason, they vanished without a trace, leaving behind their colossal cities, now devoid of life, and technologies that the surface-dwellers could barely comprehend.  
Location: Continent of Cairngorm, Planet of Toril
Government Type: Meritocratic Imperial Council
Head of State: The Nazarite Imperial
Languages: Ahbais, Common
Religions: Primarily Goibnu (The Soul Forger)


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