The Continent


The Cursed Beacon

Amberlight is a village on the western side of the River Dymia, Though they mostly kept to themselves many stories of the village would circulate among the settlements of Avellonis.  

The Lighthouse

In the days before it was decommissioned the Dymia Lighthouse was a safeguarded and well maintained landmark that was entrusted by the Crown to the village of Amberlight as a beacon for ferries that were coming in from the outskirts into River Dymia. Now long abandoned after the death of the last lighthouse keeper and her companions and the many cryptic tales that were spread across the land afterwards.  


The population of Amberlight would come to decline during those tough years as people would leave and others would even decline taking the road from Dymchurch to Peaksmouth instead prefering to take the northern path past Deepglen. Stories would after a few hundred years turn into superstition and the town would come back to a slow but positive decline in population - Still not as prosperous as the other villages but seeming to resist complete desolation as a handful of hopeful souls clinged on to their homes.   While the rest of Avellonis flourished the town of Amberlight seemed to remain stagnant in constant twilight - A memory of what was once the first beacon of Rainegate now only whispers of stories of the lighthouse and it's legacy that weaved a tapestry of enigma around this unfortunate settlement.
Location under
Owning Organization


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