The Continent


Neigbouring the busy village of Oak's End; Silentwood offers a much more peaceful way of life, Putting aside the needs of travellers and instead opting to focus on their agricultural growth - Situated within an opening of the Grimswood it's allowed to operate windmills without any disruption from dense canopies and as such produces many of the processed goods that make it's way to Oak's End.  


Silentwood receives the same mixture of races that traverse through Oak's End though they tend to stay only for a short time, It's permanent population has grown to mixed reception since the Age of Three. Like many of the settlements of Avellonis humans vastly outweight the amount of other civilised races. Being the agricultural dependency of it's neighbouring settlement, Farmers and herbologists have become a popular profession instilling their youth with the knowledge to care for the land as to continue their humble legacy. Though valued deeply in the economic system of Avellonis, The amount of farms situated in the Avellonis settlements creates a low demand for their goods and as such has left most of the population as part of the lower class - Only able to afford essential goods for everyday life.  


Although situated within the region of Grimswood it used to bed a settlement that was constructed as the sister town of Oak's End and as such the mayor of Oak's End also manages the dealings of this humble town who oversees all going-ons and workings within their walls, He reports to the Lord of the land - This one being the lord of Splinterwood who currently resides in his Deepglen manor house. Being such a low class town with barely anything of value between the residents, Thieving and petty crimes aren't too widespread and as such guards were only stationed in sparse numbers.   Somewhat isolated from their mayor who lives in Oak's End, The residents have learnt to manage with problems on their own, Forming a town council that assess and decides on what to do with each individual situation, The humble council is voted upon my everyone in the village of a mature age and leads to mostly well-respected indiviudals.
Large town
Location under


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