The Continent

Boecklin Isle (BEHK-lin)

Where the Crowns slumber

The isle that sits on the northern lake of Kingsbury houses the graves of fallen kings, Namely a site of pilgrimage for those who are deemed worthy to visit such hallowed grounds. Guarding the tombs is always a unit of hand-picked Kingsguard and a couple of Justice Acolytes who have shown their devotion to such practice. Only once are individuals allowed to set foot on the isle in their entire life, Including the guards who are rotated once a year with most of them retiring after a long vigilance.  


When King Merrick III perished during the War of The Stags his remains were too far from the mainland and the cold northern air was simply the only thing keeping it from decomposing - The right hand and lord protector at the time Verigan Crowley ordained it so that his body should be buried out of reach from beasts and man alike, haphazardly constructing a tomb on an islet within the northern lake of Kingsbury. This would eventually be expanded as the the Tomb of Crowns as the ability to traverse the sea became faster and more efficient.  


The island had a large hill on top accomodating a plethora of pine trees growing taller than the others on the isle as they subsist on the remains of former Kings, The center of the hill houses a large stone brick structure gnawed at by time - Maintenance is difficult due to the laws forbiding anyone from seeing the site more than once and as such has led to an exhaust in qualified workers. There are no windows or other doors other than the large entrance at the front, The only source of light emanating from torches and cracks within the walls. The outside is littered with dark stone pillars that are a sentiment reminder of former kings who's bodies were never recovered, Keeping only a memory of who they were engraved in rock or in some rare cases as in Myr II who's body was entombed on it's own in the city of Hallowmyr.  

Flora And Fauna

The wildlife tend to stay away from the islet thanks to the wide lake that surrounds it, Only rare are birds seen to be nesting within it's high peaked trees. Any territorial mammals such as bears or large cats that are seen to be roaming around especially during colder months when ice provides an easy access from the coastal lake to the island from Stag's Dawn to Stone's Fall, and are quickly dispatched by the guards as to deter them from making a permanent home inside the tombs. Long have the guards maintained this practice and as such wildlife nowadays may have developed an apathy towards the isle.  


Due to a edict of The Crown stating so, Only once a lifetime can someone visit this hallowed place - Mainly pilgrims and zealous folk who have a remaining interest in the Crown and their descendants. A strict log is kept by the Order of Velorum stating who has made these pilgrimages and aspirants of interest are given a thorough background check to ensure their loyalty before the long, cold journey. Visitors are kept it groups with only 5 at a time being able to lay foot on the island, Closely guarded by an escort of two Justice Acolytes as they venture into the tombs.
Alternative Name(s)
Crownholt, Tomb of Crowns
Location under
Owning Organization


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