The Continent

Grand Assembly

The Grand Assembly were made by the ancient Crown to govern and help the business of the Rainegate.   It was decided that representatives from each tribe would be chosen and have a seat in the Grand Assembly. Though they have power to change and control anything to do with the Kingdom, The Crown still has utmost power and can directly oppose their decisions.  


The Grand Assembly is situated on an island inside the bay of Rainegate where you'd have to pass two highly guarded bridges over the ocean and past The Citadel leading you to the great amphitheatre that houses the conversational area where the Grand Assembly make all their decisions.   The theatre of government was furnished with  


One of the Grand Assembly's greatest and most significant edicts were to create an order of knights in green robes clad in heavy armour that they named "Justice Acolytes" from a Human tribe that arrived via ships into the coast of Rainegate around the Age of Three. Although their kind, unlike the humans that inhabited Triptych seemed to be blind they possessed great martial prowess and were stunningly perceptive. The knights were therefore founded as the "Order of Velorum" dedicated to their god of knowledge likewise named "Velorum" who too was blind. Though nowadays the Justice Acolytes would come to train others outside of it's mother tribe they would continue the tradition by blinding those who looked to join the Order.
Grand Assembly representatives from Masaue, Kingsbury, and Avellonis respectively wearing noble garbs that indicate which nation they represent.
Founding Date
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Alternative Names
The Court of Kings
Ruling Organization
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