The Continent

Triptych (TRIP-tik)

The Human Homeland


Triptych is a group of three countries seperated by three distinct landmasses residing about 700 miles south-west of The Nameless Continent in the region known as the Sea of Borders.   It is neighbour to Malborea a larger landmass approximately 160 miles east of Triptych's coasts. Mostly unknown to the common populace, Operations were conducted to eventually colonise the island before the Age of Three and before the knew of the other realms that already inhabited it.   Three realms inhabit the Triptych Continent:  
  • Kingsbury in the north
  • Thornton in the south
  • And Avellonis in between.
These nations have had varied and extensive histories with each other over their many years of existence but have since temporarily put down their arms in order to brave the world beyond together.  


Triptych (TRIP-tik) was a form of scribing stories of lore onto three panels using only paintings, They were hinged together at the edges so that if you shut both the left and right panels then none of the painting was visible, This was of course until it was normalised that painting would also be scribed onto the outer panels showing a completely different landscape to that of the inner three where the first example of this was attributed to Hieronymus of Veridium.  

Age of Unification

The Voyages

The first recorded ruler of man: King Avellonis sought to gather and unite the tribes of men into a single nation to defend them against a common threat, Though not all would join in his conquest those that did would go on to be part of the greatest civilization in "The Realm". Triptych eventually became home to the very first Human city of Rainegate where in the coasts of what was just called "The Realm", it would lay the sturdy foundations of humanity and the continent would be named after the former king after his passing.  
About 500 years have past since the construction of Rainegate that nomads, pilgrims and explorers lead by right hand of the King, Verigan Crowley and Court Battlemaster, Kara de Leon who venture out on ships in seperate expedition parties searching for new lands to colonise.  


Kara De Leon was the first to find an island south of "The Realm" after only a couple days at sea. The region void mostly of fauna spare the giant cats and birds, Kara decided that a settlement should be built as soon as possible so that they would have a source of food without resorting to hunting what appeared to be mostly predatory fauna. The settlement of Caer Leon was therefore founded in celebration of their leader, Kara then refused to name the region after herself and instead proposed that her mentor Jules Thornton should instead receive the honour. Though low in wildlife the mines of Thornton would be known across the realms for it's high density in ore and gems, Raising the economic prowess of this nation.  


Lord Verigan Crowley discovered the region they dubbed "The Northlands" after almost a week at sea. The coasts were filled will large leather skinned creatures with protruding teeth and boulder-like feet. Having almost no food for the journey back, Verigan decided that the only course of action was to clear a path for the settlers and set up a camp right where they landed. He and his small warband would put up a fight that left the shores red with blood and viscera, Those both of the creatures and his own men. A small encampment upon the initial landing point was named Crowsport and settlers would come and go bringing supplies, food, and whatever was needed to help the expedition.
A couple years afterwards, events transpire including the expansion of Crowsport where King Merrick III would attempt to aid the expansion and ultimately perish in The Battle of Stags. The Northlands would then be renamed to Kingsbury to symbolise the grief at the nation's loss.  

The Age of Divide

During relatively sucessful campaigns of expansion across the Kingdom, Thornton expanding south and Kingsbury expanding the northern coasts, Many concerns started to arise as the nation's expansion took to a standstill including:
  • Economic imbalances and disparities emerged between the capital and it's sister islands seeming to break the fifth article of the treaties, being so isolated from the rest of the kingdom, They felt that their contributions to The Kingdom wasn't recognised by The King.
  • Colonies starting to nurture unique cultural identities that clashed with that of the mainland, Thornton and Kingsbury wished to preserve their heritage and become independent realms.
  • Disagreements over the management of natural resources came to massive debate with Kingsbury holding a massive amount of fauna products, Thornton receiveing many more metals and ore from their vast mines and most of these would be subject to the needs of Avellonis.
  • Colonies arguing that their interest were not adequately represented in the central government breaking the third article in The Treaty of Unification. Decisions made in Avellonis seemed disconnected from the realities of colony lives as they eyearn for a more localized governance structure that could address their specific needs.
This led to uprisings and riots where people of power would lay a claim to leadership over their homerealms declaring their goal to uphold and maintain stability for their nations alone seperate from the mainland, Thus beginning the Age of Division when the Kingdom would split into three different realms with their own governments.


The realms of Triptych consist of three large islands that sit at the bottom edge of The Continent, Highly contested lands and territories fought over by humans and their allies. Many islands litter the edges of this archipelago as if it was ripped straight off the mainland.


Crowley boasts a temperate climate filled with many forests and shallow rivers, On the eastern side where Avalon resides are giant apple trees that were once plentiful before the construction of the great city. Thornton has a warmer climate than the other two as well as colossal mountains including the one that houses the capital city of Masaue. Kingsbury is the colder of the three nations making it difficult to grow crops and expand territory, Therefore the colonies have stayed on the southern coasts making plenty of port villages.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realms
Included Locations

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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