The Continent


Nestled along the border and eastern coastline of the Stormsbay region, The city of Swiftwater sits as the fishing capital of Avellonis - While it's regional neighbour Meriport may have a bigger port that can accomodate many merchant ships, Swiftwater on the other hand boasts docks that can handle the busy in and out work culture that fishing entailed with cranes and warehouses that allow fishermen to quickly get their wares stored and quickly depart making space for others to come in.  


A hub of middle-class life with it's residents primarily engaged in the modest yet noble profession of fishing, Families have lived here for generations spanning from those that lived within the Falsehook tribe and ended up migrating to citizens from Rainegate seeking a livable wage. While the city lacks the opulence of the larger settlements, It's people take pride in their work ethic and sense of community - Especially with the nearby dwarven settlement of Magmalum which has frequent dealings with the city exchanging spices and geological materials for fish.  


At the helm of Swiftwater's governance is the elected mayor chosen from among the city's most respected individuals, They oversee the day-to-day affairs of the city ensuring that it's streets are safe, it's markets bustling, and it's fleets well equipped for their daily catch. The mayor reports the the lord of Stormsbay who resides in the city of Meriport where they hold control over the other mayors of the respective city as well as the village of Storm's End.  


Simple yet sturdy it's narrow streets that wind their way through the city reflect the practical nature of it's inhabitants, Lined with modest homes and quaint shops selling the day's freshest catch, Markets of stalls filled with not only that of maritime goods but also wares brought from the nearby dwarven settlement of Magmalum such as spices and fine rock fruits. The harbour always bustling with activity with fishermen unloading their hauls, Cranes constantly moving back and forth to deliver cargo, And carriages making their way in and out, While the piers and docks provide a safe haven for their boats.  


The greatest asset of Swiftwater lies in it's bountiful waters, Which have sustained it's people for generations - The city's fishing fleets ply the nearby sea in search of cod, haddock, plaice, and even exotic goods such as Muk-Shelks and elusive Kahunas, That of which are then sold in the nearby markets both within Stormsbay and abroad. In addition to it's fishing industry, They benefits from it's strategic location along the coast providing ample opportunities for trade with it's neighbouring settlements as well as those in the land of Thornton.   The economy of Swiftwater is always thriving due to this constant trade which also provides employment for the majority of it's residents. Fisherman brave the open seas each day in search of their livelihoods - Their catch sustaining not only themselves but also the wider community, knowing at the end of the day their work always pays off with Stormsbay being one of the richest regions in Avellonis thanks to the easy trade and hard work of it's inhabitants.
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