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The Richtor Family Crypt

The first family member to start and be interred into this crypt was Sir Elton Richtor the Truth Seeker. He married Lady Sarina Vannile. They rest in the center most room. They gave birth to the next heir, Sir Elton Richtor II the Witch Hunter. He married Lady Evelin Bruer and they birthed three children: Sir Elton Richtor III the Iron Wall, Rosita Turnik, Corlia Richtor. They and their two daughters rest in the south room. Sir Elton Richtor III married Lady Marie Ulinan and gave birth to three children as well, two sons and a daughter. The eldest became the next heir Sir Elton Richtor IV the Juggernaut. The next eldest was his sister Eluise who married into the Marrinten family. The baby of the family was Trask. Elton Richtor IV married Lady Tabatha Haverdash and gave birth to only a single daughter Whitney Guntry.   Several journal articles and notes found throughout the ages tell a tragic story of young Trask who was slain by followers of Hushira or some terrible fiend. Many seemed to think that the loss of his baby brother weakened the resolve of Elton Richtor IV. The Juggernaut had a beautiful daughter, but his wife Tabatha had yet to give birth to a son when Trask was killed. Elton gave up on having children in an effort to hunt down his brothers murderers. Sadly it would seem the line of heirs to the Richtor name would come to an end, bet the Richtor blood line would be carried on through the women of the family.

Purpose / Function


Four generations of Richtor family leaders are interred in the crypt, as are many of their closest servants. The crypt is not only their final resting place, but served as a ceremonial structure for the funerals of its occupants. Throughout the generations, those who had loved ones there would come and pay their respects with the aid of several keepers.  


The crypt has proven sturdier than the homes and other structures nearby, but it has still fallen to disuse. There are supposedly new tenants, but they have no interest in maintaining the structure or upholding the family's original mission.


Amidst the ruins of the Richtor homes is a small stone structure with an intricately carved door with a beautiful face. Inside the structure is a marble floor stair case that leads down into the crypt. The floors of the crypt are beautifully carved marble, and the walls are painstakingly smooth stone. Simple wooden doors dot the layout and control the flow of those that visit the crypt.



The crypt was started some time prior to the Divine Separation.  


During the four main generations of the family this crypt bustled with those paying respect to the individuals interred there.  


The last son to head the household was Elton Richtor IV. The fifth heir to bare the name would not have a son, and with his death the family seemed to fade into history. The decades after his death would see fewer people interred and fewer people visiting the grounds. Some 200-300 years before the Divine Separation the last caretaker sealed the entrance in a manner appeasing to Rashim.
Approximately -200 CC
Parent Location


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