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Braith lunaFell

(a.k.a. The butcher)

Feral beginnings

Braith started life as a pet to a Ostoyan Empire council member. Coming from a group of goblins that had been captured and sold into slavery. These goblins had been bred down into near feral beasts that the councilor used as her attack dogs that her guards walked to protect her home. Threw the use of magic and alchemy suppressing the intelligence of them. They where trained in navigation, tracking, small weapons, and obstacle courses. At a dinner party the councilor drunkenly bestowed the curse of vampirism onto braith. At that point they began to torture her as the entertainment of the party. At the end of the night they drove a stake threw her chest but only grazing her heart and tossing her off a balcony. Braith was found crumpled and broken by one of the Councilors slaves who removed the steak and allowed her to drink him dry. In his final moments telling her to flee before any of the nobles realized their mistake and attempted to cover their crimes. Braith fled out into the wilds of the Ostoyan Empire.  

Monster of the woods

Braith hunted and fed in the forest of the Empire starting with animals and the local monsters a glimmer of intelligence came back to her letting her fashion weapons and armors from scraps of bone and metal. Taking on something of a legend in the area. Lone traders or hunters would go missing their supplies picked threw and scattered. Eventually their corpses appearing exsanguinated.   Collecting anything soft or shiny building a burrow deep in the woods with a small shiny horde deep within. After a long hunting trip Braith was returning home to her burrow finding a group of cultists had moved into her home and discovered her treasure. Throwing out the worthless bits they had made a alter in the name of Lord of Excess Gorgavice where they had sacrificed multiple Elves on a alter made of her treasures. In a rage she flew into the cave and painted its walls with the blood of the cultists. Unknown to her Gorgavice was watching threw the alter already intrigued by the sacrifice in his name but the blood lust for soiling treasure and the glee in her as she got her revenge intrigued him.    

A name to be feared

Gorgavice made himself known after her blood frenzy had simmered down appearing to her in gleaming and jeweled armor. However his aura was enough to even stop her lust for shiny things. Her attention locked even more when snapping his fingers her horde was cleaned to a mirror finish and new jems and coins poured out swelling the horde enough to rival a Black dragon in sheer wealth. Dropping a large silver mirror in front of her she saw her reflection change she stood upright wore leather armor with golden colored accents beautiful master craft weapons hung from her body. Sliding behind her Gorgavice plunged his claws into her temples and soft words floated into her mind "Braith Lunafell that is who you should be. If you serve me I will help you find her in time.." The words came with a warm relaxing feeling. As he removed his claws he slithered back to his portal and out stretched one of his lower arms for her and said "Either stay here with your reward for a wonderful display. I have blessed you your body will become stronger a glimmer of your intelligence will return amd I have given you a name. Or come with me and find the person in the mirror." Shuffling up and stretching up her back popping and realigning as she stood upright for the first time and grabbed the tip of one of his claws and walked into the portal with the Lord of Excess.   Her life dramatically changing once living in the Palentine Palace her intelligence slowly returning to her. She was also trained as a assassin becoming a killer of exceptional quality. Being sent out on missions only issued from her new Lord. Being sent to kill those who opposed him.   Eventually having earned her place in his inner circle Braith and Gorgavice had grown close enough that he took her as his wife. When taking court while he sits upon his throne listening to petioners it is a common site for her to be seen sitting on his left shoulder. Whispering and laughing into his ear.


Braith lunaFell


Towards Lord of Excess Gorgavice


Lord of Excess Gorgavice


Towards Braith lunaFell


Date of Birth
1st of Midgar
Year of Birth
2116 1903 Years old
Yellow with black vertical pupils
Long auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation