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Lord of Excess Gorgavice

(a.k.a. Ophidian)

Gorgavice is one of the Nine Virtues of the Hells given dominion of a moon floating over the second layer of The Hells Durell. It is his palace, fortress, & unholy domain.  

Palentine palace

The Palentine Palace is a moon floating threw the hazy skies of Durell a gift to him for his successes by his father The Un-named One. The moon while physically floating above Durell is merely the entry way to his demiplane. A world where his wants, desires, and thoughts are made manifest. The buildings are made of polished white marble with gold veins. Large open spaces punctuated with columns of stone carved into the shape of mortals lost in extasy twisting upwards into the ceiling.   His palace is the home of every form of desire or want. Regardless of how dark or mundane it can be found in its most refined form in his halls.  

Of vice and sensation

Gorgavice is the embodiment of excess with his goal to be to liberate everyone from the things that inhibit them. He seeks to experience all the universe has to its fullest and encourages his followers to do the same. Creator of a strange concoction he collects the thoughts feelings and sensations from anyone he can and refines them into consumables. It is unknown how this process works while the secret hasn't been discovered he claims he is just looking for someone to do his creations justice.      

The wives of a Devil Lord

  1. Galatea the Fallen Sister married in the year 0032. Galatea was a nun in the service of the Chantry of the Makers. When Gorgavicediscovered her. Tempting the young nun into his service. She was the first to join his ranks becoming his truest and most loyal servant.
  2. Sparrow the Remembrancer married in the year 1250. A case where cultists where attempting to sacrifice a woman in his name. Gorgavice viewed their ritual sensing something different in the woman. He appeared and stopped the ritual forcing his cultists to their knees. Speaking with her he discovered her goal of transcribing the stories of everyone and everything. She had been blessed with a unnaturally long life for a human. Offering her a position as his personal scribe she followed him back into the hells. Eventually becoming his second wife.
  3. Aestra Khromys Married in the year 1756. In a desperate plea she reached out to whatever powers would answer her. Seeing something in her Gorgavice took her in. Giving her a new lease on life.
  4. Braith lunaFell married in the year 3622. Braith a joke of a vampire noble was cast out to die the half feral Goblin seeking her food attacked Gorgavice in the guise of a human man intrigued he took her back to his palace and fed her the blood of his servants. After feeding enough she began to discover herself. At first keeping the goblin around as a pet project. But eventually growing close as the creature grew aware. Braith developed a skill for killing and became the assassin he would send out on personal missions he couldn't trust to others.

Divine Domains

  • Excess
  • Pleasure
  • Pain
Father of
  • Succubai
  • incubai
  • Marilith
  • Lillend

Holy Books & Codes

  • Oath of lust
  • The path of excess 

Tenets of Faith

  1. Experience the universe to its fullest. 
  2. Let nothing stand in the way of your pleasure
  3. Find pleasure in all things even your own suffering

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The glutton of sensation

Gorgavice aspires to experience every sensation there is and follow it to its most extreme. He wishes for all to live in the same way and rewards handsomely those that achieve it.  

Enemy of elven kind

Gorgavice while already a terror on his own is feared by most elves. His appetite for their souls is the thing of myth and legend in elven communities his followers have been known to raid elven settlements to sacrifice the entirety of their population to feed him to gain his favor. And while there are many ways to worship him those who make the best offerings of elven souls fly up the ranks of his favor.

Physical Description

Body Features

His body is in Flux always shifting to fit the situation of its own accord. However this can stop when he wishes and he can change his form at will.  Typically his body is a humanoid upper half with a snake lower half. Large wings either with raven black feathers of the leathery wings of a dragon.

Facial Features

A narrow angular face. His eyes are empty black voids with purple stars making up his eyes. His silver hair has a slight glow to it that always seems to be drifting as if he's underwater.  Lastly he has six horns made of polished obsidian carved into angular shapes rising from his brow like a crown the two largest horns at the center and growing smaller as they expand out.

Mental characteristics


The god of excess his appetites are the things of myth and legend. In his home he word and whims are absolute. His followers and chosen joining him his palace is a haze of sweat and flesh.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Created the paladin Oath of lust 
  • Was awarded the Palentine Palace by the The Un-named One 

Morality & Philosophy

Morality is a almost alien concept. What is right or wrong is decided in the moment on what he would enjoy most.


Family Ties


Aestra Khromys

Wife (Important)

Towards Lord of Excess Gorgavice



Lord of Excess Gorgavice

Husband (Important)

Towards Aestra Khromys



Sparrow the Remembrancer

Wife (Vital)

Towards Lord of Excess Gorgavice



Lord of Excess Gorgavice

Husband (Vital)

Towards Sparrow the Remembrancer



Braith lunaFell


Towards Lord of Excess Gorgavice


Lord of Excess Gorgavice


Towards Braith lunaFell


Divine Classification
Purple stars floating in a black void
Sleek silver hair that drifts as if underwater
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white or lavender

Articles under Lord of Excess Gorgavice