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Sparrow the Remembrancer

(a.k.a. Little bird)

Married 1250  

The living history

Sparrow is a human that was either blessed or cursed with an unnaturally long life for humans at the age of 19 her body ceased aging. And wounds healed on their own unnaturally fast. Realizing this she began to explore the world with a almost child like enthusiasm and joy. She began to tattoo her stories across her body using magic tattoos. Tracing a finger over the circles allows someone to relive those memories from her point of view. Using her natural charm and looks Sparrow was able to work her way into many inner circles of the powerful. Wishing to record history as it truly happened. Born the year the Chantry of the Makers was founded she was an adult at the first coronation of the king and the bestowing of the holy artifacts upon its twin rulers. Living threw out the golden age of the world when the Primordials ruled over the land directly. In her passion for stories when they opened up the rest of Calia to be explored and lived in. she was among the first to jump on a ship to see the new world.    

Change in the Age of Expansion

A Turning point in her long life was the Finding ancient and long abandoned ruins in a world that was supposedly brand new. Attempting to share this discovery the Chantry branded her an heretic and abomination. Now living a life on the run she made her way towards the fledgling Thassis Empire sharing what she had learned mixed with their own discoveries led to the renouncement of the Chantry & the Primordials. Not cut out for war but still an important figure she attempted to discretely travel the world searching for answers on the ruins and other strange things she had discovered in her long travels. However with her new notoriety discreet travel proved to be exceptionally difficult. The Chantry had placed a bounty on her and wished to collect her. since it was unknown if she could be killed by any traditional means her memory magics posed the greatest threats. Constantly attacked she ended up alone traveling the land. Until she was ambushed by power hungry bandits with a flare for the occult. Seeing her bounty they believed that they could use her to gain more power and influence.  During her imprisonment one of the bandits had summoned a succubus who noticed the strange aura of the red haired prisoner. Returning to the Palentine Palace the gossip of a immortal human seeking to chronicle the best things of the world on her flesh reached the ears of Gorgavice piquing his curiosity. After he began to freely send his followers up to these bandits probing for information on the woman. Believing that their deeds had gone so far as to entice one of The Nine Virtues of the Hells they planned to sacrifice Sparrow in his honor. When the time came for the ritual Gorgavice opened a portal to their pitiful church and his minions swept forth butchering the entire bandit troop and using their blood and viscera to paint murals on the walls floor and ceilings. While Gorgavice himself strode to the alter and offered the chained woman on the alter an offer.   Leave with him becoming his personal scibe documenting his existence. Or be left here chained and blindfolded to a alter awaiting rescue from someone else.  Sparrow taking the offer, finally removing her blindfold after the chains had been removed saw her new patron for the first time. A smiling devil the upper half of his body a man with six arms the lower half a snake with thick armored scales coiling around the two shielding her from the horror of her rescue, but left her starring into the eyes of the god of excess. Giving her the clothes of one of his favored servants he led her back threw the portal to her new home the Palentine Palace.      

Scribe to the God of Excess

In the beginning of her commission she never left the side of Gorgavice recording all his daily deeds as they happened. But in time she began to change. Corrupted as all thing become in the The hells especially in his personal realm. In a un-characteristic move Gorgavice sequestered an entire wing of the Palentine Palace and magically sealed it from the energy of the The hells and any of the other guests in his home. Instead of following at his side he now returns to Sparrow frequently letting her probe and live his memories to transcribe them in this way. To keep her he seeks out fledgling followers on the mortal world, those only beginning their journey down the path of excess. Bringing them to work and care for Sparrow in his absences.  Time passing at the rate Lord of Excess Gorgavice wishes it too in his realm it is unkown how long they had kept this arrangment. However on the material plane in the year of 1250 during the Age of Expansion Sparrow became the second wife to one of The Nine Virtues

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoos of concentric and interlocking circles starting from the fingertips of her right hand spreading up her arm to her shoulder and neck before going down her spine and torso.

Special abilities

Memory magic and the creation of magic tattoos containing memories.

Apparel & Accessories

She is fond of sleek red dresses typically backless or that show off her arms and sides. When alone in the private quarters of Gorgavice she prefers to wear shear white and gold stola or slip.

Mental characteristics


  • Flirtatious 
  • Bisexual
  • Tease

Morality & Philosophy

No story big or small should be lost. They all have their value.


  • Destruction of books and history 
  • Changing or hiding the past

Personality Characteristics


With her extended life her goals are to document as much as life as possible from the small daily details to the large historical events.


Sparrow the Remembrancer

Wife (Vital)

Towards Lord of Excess Gorgavice



Lord of Excess Gorgavice

Husband (Vital)

Towards Sparrow the Remembrancer



Date of Birth
13th of First Serd
Year of Birth
12 4007 Years old
Bright emerald green
Waist length fire red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white