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Bodam Noir

The investigations and jobs taken on by the NSI North Shore Investigations

Opening of the agency

4018 and beyond

  • 4018

    15 morning star

    Opening of the NSI
    Construction beginning/end

    The opening of the NSI North Shore Investigations.

    Additional timelines
  • 4018

    6 Suns Dusk

    New hires

    The agency takes on two new employees at the behest of local leader named Francis I. Copia

  • 4019

    7 rains hand 06:00

    7 rains hand 10:00

    New contacts
    Civil action

    Juns Brainshred starts the day by announcing she has a new client coming in who is looking to hire investigators to look into a drug now sweeping threw the capital

  • 4019

    7 rains hand 10:00

    7 rains hand 11:00

    Tears of Mariunus
    Criminal Activity

    Thurkeel Great-hunter comes to the NSI offering a new job to investigate a drug that is killing off its users.

  • 4019

    7 rains hand 11:00

    7 rains hand 12:00

    going home

    Tokenzo Stokes heads to the the Harlots Dagger and Arrow to speak with his mother first to see what she knows about the drug theyver been hired to investigate.

  • 4019

    7 rains hand 12:00

    St.Lustix hospital

    Heading to St. Lustix hospital hospital first. for information from the doctors and to inspect the bodies of the deceased users.

  • 4019

    7 rains hand 13:00

    meeting the coroner
    Gathering / Conference

    the agency splits up and Kyrrel Dryden, Luka Costa, & Renee Amelia-Sabinus go to the hospital and meet the chief coroner Koshin Meiji. Things start on a rough note however. But still Koshin agrees to take them to investigate the most recent victim.

  • 4019

    4 Suns Height 13:00

    4 Suns Height 14:00

    Meeting the coroner pt2
    Civil action

    Tok arrives at the hospital after the meeting with his mother.  The rest of the party struggles to make much headway on investigating the bodies of Yazree Norgh & Throove