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History of Calia


... 0 AoS

A time before record's where kept. From the creation of the universe to the creation of the mortal races. Widely considered a mystical time when the primordials walked the material plane freely.

  • 0 AoS

    morning star

    Evening Star

    The war of winter and summer
    Disaster / Destruction

    A legend from the dawn of the world. The children of Makuta & Nairobi battled across Glawveria until a truce between them created the seasons.


Rule of Four founding

0 AoS 1100

The beginning of recorded history. The primordials focus on building life on the continent of glawveria. And establishing a kingdom under their rule

  • 0 RF

    morning star
    1 RF

    Evening Star

    The war of winter and summer
    Disaster / Destruction

    A legend from the dawn of the world. The children of Makuta & Nairobi battled across Glawveria until a truce between them created the seasons.

  • 1 RF

    Founding of the royal family

    The Primordials choose a family to guide the mortal races and speak with their authority.

  • 1 RF

    22 rains hand

    Ember cradle
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    One of the primordials makes a mysterious new mortal that wanders the land alone.

  • 12 RF

    36 RF

    the chantry of the makers

    Formal creation of the church venerating the primordials becoming the official religion of the world.

  • 58 RF

    Bestowing of the artifacts
    Religious event

    The primordials each create a artifact to be passed from monarch to monarch.


RoF age of expansion

1101 3000

Having established and maintained a peaceful and successful kingdom. The primordials turned their eyes to the empty world they had made spreading the races across it. Fleets of ships leave Glawverian shores expanding across the planet under the guide of their gods.

  • 1101 AE

    1236 AE

    Setting sale
    Discovery, Exploration

    Ships set sale from glawveria to discover the rest of their world.

  • 1126 AE

    3000 AE

    Rumors of ruins
    Discovery, Exploration

    The people settling across the new world spread rumors of ancient ruined structures. Although none of the rumors can be proven and none of the locations are actually found.

  • 1233 AE

    16 Last Seed
    1233 AE

    3 Evening Star

    Thassis independence

    The Thassis Empire officially denounces the Chantry of the Makers becoming the first group of mortals to reject the Primordials

  • 1323 AE

    12 Midgar
    1415 AE

    27 suns dawn

    Kingdom of Aereni founding
    Civil action

    A collection of Elves set out to a nearby island and found the isolationist kingdom of Aereni.

  • 2232 AE

    13 second seed

    Loniel the city of angles
    Religious event

    The city of Loniel is established flying above the former battlefield between angles and a great lich

  • 2236 AE

    2237 AE

    Legend of the cursed storm
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A mysterious black clouds appeared and rained black liquid down. Permanently changing the landscape it touched

  • 2309 AE

    2324 AE

    Glawveria relocates capital
    Diplomatic action

    Glawveria relocates it's capital to the lake of Bodam creating the city of Bodam.

  • 2564 AE

    12 suns dawn

    Mechanical blasphemy
    Scientific achievement

    Thassilonian artificers create the war forged. Which claim sentience. The artificers claim the machines have souls engaging the Chantry of the Makers

Age of Reformation

3001 4021

At the turn of the new millennium zealously begins to grip the chantry leading to numerous reforms and changes in the operation of the chantry

  • 3035 AR

    3075 AR

    The Ostoyan heresy
    Disaster / Destruction

    A group of radicals takes over a chunk of land protected by mountain ranges. They cast some form of magic over the land blacking out the sun over Glawveria for decades. And becoming the first vampires.

  • 3036 AR

    3052 AR

    First Ostoyan crusade
    Military action

    The chantry masters it's paladin orders to launch its first crusade to bring the sun back to the land and put down the new vampire menace.

  • 3045 AR

    Re-education through labor
    Military action

    In the hunt for heretics and the quest for purity the chantry begins to use re-education centers and labor camps. In a attempt to bring the people back onto a pure and richeous path

  • 3802 AR

    21 Midgar

    First case of the seven shades of the devils kiss
    Plague / Epidemic

    The first reported case of the Seven shades of the devils kiss appears in a frontier town. Shortly after Empyreus and his Crusaders of purity swept over the town to try and block its spread by any means necessary.

  • 4018 AR

    15 morning star

    Opening of the NSI
    Construction beginning/end

    The opening of the NSI North Shore Investigations.

    Additional timelines
  • 4021 AR

    15 Last Seed

    Thaasian annexation of Glawveria
    Military action

    The Thassis Empire lands a invasion force on the south east coast of Glawveria


Year of Abandonment

4022 4023

After the death of the king the primordials unleashed their wrath upon the world then abandoned it. During this time clerical powers and divine magics failed. Catastrophes came one after the other. Ending in the creation of the world storm.

  • 4022 YA

    23 suns dawn

    The assassination of the mad king
    Life, Death

    The Assassination of King Julian

  • 4022 YA

    24 suns dawn
    4022 YA

    15 first seed

    The fall
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At the birth of the world storm flames fell from the sky. These burning streaks where the many Celestials living in the heavens cast down to the material plane.

  • 4022 YA

    first seed
    4023 YA

    Evening Star

    The reshaping
    Geological / environmental event

    As the world storm consumed all of calia. Certain lands disappeared and began to reappear off the shores of Glawveria

  • 4023 YA

    The wandering mountain
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Legends begin to arise of a strange mountain that seems to migrate across glawveria disappearing as suddenly as it arrives

Age of strife

4024 4876

The celestials descend upon the mortal world promising the return of the primordials. But the nation of Glawveria is broken and conflict and suffering are near constant across its land.

  • 4026 AS

    4028 AS

    The kitsune pilgrimage
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The goddesses Inari commanded her children the kitsune out of the fey wild and to take up residence in the material plane.

  • 4032 AS

    13 Hearthfire

    The thundering lakes mining incident
    Geological / environmental event

    The thundering lakes clan set up a mining operation deep in the mountains. Shortly after the mining site came under attack from aberrations and wild animals.

  • 4220 AS

    7 first seed
    4270 AS

    20 Suns Dusk

    The Great Collapse

    The rising tensions and limited resources come to a head. All out war between the major factions cover Glawveria and many groups take their chance to break free and create their own states and kingdoms.

  • 4268 AS

    12 Hearthfire

    The Sleepers awaken
    Geological / environmental event

    In their war with the Bearers of Laws Spear the Dwarves kept diving deeper and deeper even past the adamantine that proved their salvation breaching a chamber filled with pods of sleeping humanoids. Opening the chamber broke the magic and the pods began opening.

Hyborian age

22001 40000

A second beginning of written history in the world. A barbaric wasteland where steel and fire are power and status.

  • 25 HB

    9 Last Seed

    The leper messiah and sea of black tears
    Religious event

    A group of gladiators gain their freedom after their tribe was slain. Wondering the desert wastes. They receive a quest from the goddess Clementine to rescue her enslaved sister.