Hyrsam, the Satyr Prince

Prince Hyrsam (a.k.a. The Fool / The Savage / The Revolutionary)

Hyrsam, the Satyr Prince - also known as the Prince of Fools and the Lord of Revelry - is a Noble Sidhe of Faerie, an archfey. While treated as a hero of the Court of Summer, he keeps a distant relationship with the courts of Faerie which he sees as a stain on the once pristine wilderness of the Fae Wilds. Rather, he keeps himself and those who choose to gather around him, his Coterie, in a glade amid an untamed forest away from more civilized regions of Faerie.
  Hyrsam's age is beyond knowing. It is said that he was born when the first note of music was played, and legends say he has failed to be killed so as long as there is still music. It's speculated that Hyrsam may have even preceded the Queens of Summer and Winter themselves.
  He is an eternal reveller, enjoying the company of fey and mortal alike, but he holds little interest in the afairs of the Mortal Plane. There is also a wildness about him that reveals itself when he rides with the Wild Hunt as one of its leaders alongside the Erlking and Keskivaldi, the Summer and Winter Kings. Hyrsam longs for a return to the purity of the savage wilderness of Faerie before the courts, the complete destruction of the Courts and civilization in general, and the release of the lost and caged Ahn'mätön, the Ravening Beasts, that were scattered to the borderlands of Faerie during the establishment of the order he despises.   He is said to know the songs to cause great beasts to slumber as well as the ones to cause them to rage. The rare rampage of these creatures over regions and kingdoms of Faerie have been blamed on Hyrsam's meddling, but few have been able to connect him to the events enough for the courts to react. In truth, he longs for the day when he can finally play the songs to release them for good and bring the whole of Faerie back into the primeval age of disorder.


Hyrsam often grants his champions or those who impress him special fiddles which amplify bardic abilities and act as weapons.
He also holds one of the Horns of the Hunt, a horn held by each lord of the Wild Hunt.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hyrsam is a satyr with huge, long, curling horns and a wild mane of hair that falls far down his back and is woven with wild flowers and grasses. He is athletically built - to be expected of one who can be seen dancing and running through the forests and glades of Faerie - and larger than normal satyr, standing well over six feet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hyrsam was said to be born of the first notes of music within Faerie. Some claim these notes were made by another of the Noble Sidhe even more ancient than Hyrsam, but Hyrsam refutes this, claiming that Faerie itself birthed him from its music.
In the earliest days of Faerie, Hyrsam flourished, driven by his love for the wilds and the savagery of the beasts within it. When Balar and the Fomorians invaded Faerie, he was one of the first to react, toppling Fomor strongholds and leading great stampedes of the Fae Wild's most dangerous creatures in to battle against the threat. When the war with the Fomor ended, and the Courts were created, he was hailed a champion of the Courts, particularly of Summer, though he never swore any fealty. Hyrsam secretly despised the creation of the courts and withdrew, spending time among the courts when necessary and in order to plot their downfall.
Hyrsam was known to be great friends with both Keskivaldi and Oberon.
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Fall of the Green Lord

Though it was never truly proven, Hyrsam played a pivotal role in the fall of Oberon as a Noble Sidhe. In his time as one of the strongest fey in Faerie, Oberon had successfully courted Titania, though he had never sworn fealty to Summer. However, he had convinced many of the Wyldfae within his own circle, many of which were sprites like himself, to join with Summer. This infuriated Hyrsam, who saw this as a direct affront to Faerie and himself.
  While Oberon and Titania's relationship was far from perfect or healthy, the two remained together through many hardships - most wrought by Oberon. Hyrsam put a plot together to cause a true, indefinite rift between the two. He whispered in the ears of the Summer Court of plots and treason, infidelity and plans of overthrow. Though some were not untrue, the words reached Titania and the two confronted each other, and those still loyal to Oberon within the Summer Court turned on their Queen causing a civil war among Summer. Oberon was eventually defeated and banished to darkness, out of the sight of the light of Summer and its Queen. It is unknown what became of Oberon after this, but his name draws the ire of Titania still, much to the pleasure of Hyrsam.

Morality & Philosophy

Hyrsam's morality is mercurial and unwise to test. He has a strong line when it comes to Faerie and the Fae Wilds, but less so when it comes to the fey themselves. Those who congregate around him are often safe from his more dangerous actions, but those who would trespass upon his domain, work against his plots, or attempt to civilize the pristine wilderness of Faerie are not so lucky. Hyrsam often makes sport of those he views as traitors and trespassers, be they fey or not, transforming them into fey beasts that he and his coterie hunt down within the untamed wood around his glade. Should the beast make it past the tree line, they are free. Should they not, they are prey and soon after, food.
Divine Classification
Noble Sidhe
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Satyr Prince
  • Prince of Fools
  • Lord of Revels and Rebels
  • The Savage Prince
  • Lord of the Wild Hunt
Circumstances of Birth
When the first notes of music were played.
Bright violet goat's eyes
Long, wild, wavy, and auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark brown
6'7" (varying)
Ruled Locations


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