Eldar Pantheon

The Eldar pantheon includes the gods of the elves following their stranding in the Mortal Planes, becoming mortal themselves and losing their connection to Faerie. During those days when Faerie no longer was bound to the mortal world, the elves found themselves leaderless without their queens and archfey to lead them. It is believed that at this time they discovered the gods that would be the Eldar Pantheon. They taught them magic as it existed in the mortal realm and how to thrive in their new home. Some have returned to giving fealty to the Queens of Summer and Winter, but the majority of elven civilization worship - or at least revere - these deities.


The pantheon is set up much like a family, with the sisters Aurin Valo and Viisas Luoda leading the pantheon while at times being at odds with each other. Other deities are seen as outsiders or unrelated, but have a relationship to the members of the Eldenar

Mythology & Lore

These gods were the first to appear to the newly mortal fey when they struggled to overcome the change to themselves. Some believe they gave the elves the ability to survive, making them mortal with ties now to those realms rather than the realm of Faerie.


How devout the elves are, and if they worship in a traditional sense, depends greatly on which society and what god. The amethyst elves of the Eldaran Ascendency name few truly devout citizens among their number, but those who are find the teachings of Wis Valte, deity of magic and sacrifice, to be the most important. The dawn elves of the Rucinaranye Principalities are far more fond of Aurin Valo, goddess of authority and truth. The star elves of Binordheim worship little but live by example of Viisas Luoda, goddess of wisdom, and Azahar, deity of discovery. The Dokkalfar - or shadow elves - who once lived in Binordheim shared the reverence of Viisas Luoda, but shared their amethyst brethren's worship of Wis Valte, as well as Estrae, goddess of joy and harmony. The shadow elves that splintered from the Dokkalfar civilization, known by some as the "drow", are believed to fervently worship a dark goddess related to the Eldar Pantheon that some believe is a child of Aurin Valo, like Estrae and her brother, who had been banished and was found deep in the Underworld when the drow fled persecution on the surface.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Aurin Valo and Viisas Luoda faiths have always played an important role in politics of the elves as they are the deities of judgement and justice, as well as wisdom and authority. One may overshadow the other in certain societies or be seen negatively depending on the culture of elves - such as the denouncement of Aurin Valo by both types of shadow elves where she is seen as a tyrant rather than a just authority figure.
Religious, Pantheon


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