Emilio Vacca

Captain Emilio Vacca (a.k.a. The Fly)

Captain Emilio Vacca, also known as "The Fly" was an infamous pirate captain operating in the Maelstrom Sea. Emilio the Fly was best known for his way of picking off ships who had been recently in a battle or stranded at sea, like a fly to carrion. He was a cunning and shrewd manipulator of information and often sent ships after trade ships only to pick off the winner later and take all of their spoils.
Emilio Vacca was Murkish, born and raised in Gaklin. After a fall from grace within their social and political hierarchy, he was contacted by a servant of the Lord of Flies, Baalzebul, and formed a pact he would regret in time. As the years wore on, Emilio the Fly became an infamous pirate captain feared by many for his methods and treatment of enemies and captives. He was a man who continued a hobby of collecting artifacts of the Age of Magic in a more hostile manner. He eventually grew obsessed with gaining these artifacts, believing they would grant him more power or free him from the pact he now regretted.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Emilio Vacca had a lean build from constant personal training. He was missing his right eye and left hand, but through his pact his left hand was reformed and his vision was compensated in his right eye to counteract his loss of vision.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Emilio Vacca was born to a destitute family in Gaklin's flooded slums. Every year there was a fight among the maskless masses who held no power but what they could fight for on the street. His father was killed on a job for a merchant guild member, leaving him to take care of his ailing mother. Despite his humble origins, Emilio was good with numbers and probabilities. He got a chance a year after his father's passing to work for one of the guilds as a laborer. From there he proved himself useful until they granted him the rank of guildsman and masked him. The next years he worked tirelessly, first taking down the merchant who had negligently caused his father's death, working up the ranks to one of the youngest and most successful merchants of the guild. But in Gaklin, it's difficult for a maskless to earn a place among the masked, worse still if the one who does proves to outshine those around him. His fellow merchants worked against him to cause his investments to fail, losing almost everything. A few gold in the right pockets did the rest. In the night his house was burned, and in a scuffle with one of the marauders he lost both his eye and hand and was left for dead. His mother didn't survive the blaze.

Pact With Baalzebul

In his desperation and anger Emilio called out and was answered, though not by the Imperial gods of mercy or justice, nor by the spirits of song and shadow that are sung about in the city of Gaklin. The archdevil Baalzebul offered him the power to strike back at those who had deposed him. For the next few years, Emilio acted as a crewman and quickly a mate on a privateer ship that harassed the tradeways from Gaklin, as he had extensive knowledge of which ships were valuable and who they belonged to. No doubt, Emilio made the lives of every member of the merchant's guild in Gaklin a living hell, until they finally sought to treat with the captain of his vessel.
Half way through the meeting, the captain and merchants watched paralyzed as Emilio entered the captain's chambers, having drank a poison he had placed within the drinks the captain were serving. He killed them all that day and exited the captain's quarters as the captain himself, having fulfilled the words of his contract.

Pursuit of a Cure

The next year was profitable for the Fly, having fully taken to his new name within that time. However, as the days grew on, the arm he was granted as part of his pact began to pain him heavily. His dealing with Baalzebul was for the power to get revenge upon his betrayers, and he had done so, now the pact was taking its toll. Day by day, unless sated by magic or other payment, Baalzebul's insects, planted in the new arm, would slowly devour Emilio until he was dead and his soul was in Hell.
Emilio searched for a loophole to the deal, a way to rid himself of the insects without breaking the contract, but only found one option. Spells of resurrection and reincarnation were outlined in his contract, but if he could change his nature to allow such a process naturally he could break his pact without losing anything from it.
Emilio the Fly spent the next decade obsessed with finding answers, trading in every contact he had and a significant amount on the expertise of an alchemist who sold him the recipe and procedure for creating a panacea of rebirth. It was during this time that he attacked and captured the soon-to-be adventurer Cassidy Whistlemane, whom he kept among other slaves for nine years as he tore through ruins attempting to find his prize. And finally he did.

Defeat and Fate

Within the ruins of Eldaria, the Fly found an ancient, secret prison where the Eld'ri were imprisoned to avoid their abyssal blood bolstering the Abyss. Among those imprisoned, he freed the Matriarch of the Eld'ri, Saryana Dragleth, as well as her husband and daughter, while he used the blood of the last Surya, imprisoned in the midst of corruption by the Abyssal Plague, to complete his panacea.
Before he was able to finish his panacea, Cassidy Whistlemane and the Anemones, who had just come from dismantling his seat of power in Orakore and capturing his ship, halted his plans and forced him to attempt the panacea before it was finished. However, he never got to find out whether it worked. He was knocked unconscious and locked away in one of the prison's cells, suspended in a sleep-like stasis for eternity.

A deadly pirate captain known for his tactics of ambushing and salvaging from ships he tricks into attacking one another. Warlock of Baalzebul, the Prince of Flies, and keeper of blackmail on those he believes he can manipulate. Former citizen of Gaklin where he was a part of a guild. Enslaved Kassidy Whistlemane for nine years before he escaped through draconic intervention.

Current Location
Isle of the Lakes
View Character Profile
Current Status
Suspended in a sleep-like stasis in the Geode Vault
Date of Birth
16th of Scattering
Short, Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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