
Gaklin, the Citte of Masks, is a large city built into and around an enormous grotto. The winds from the ocean flow through the city, in and out of the various natural openings about the cavern creating a constant stream of dynamic, droning music that spills out through the rest of the city. From deep within the cavern voices can be heard in conjunction to the natural music, joining it's melody.

The Shadowed City is lit within its massive cavern by dim, phosphorescent flowering vines and natural, multicolored crystals that grow from the stone, and sometimes from the buildings themselves. Some have even gone so far as to find ways of nurturing these crystals into growing to incorporate them into the floors and walls of their homes.

The people of the city are multitudinous and diverse, far more than the cities of the Empire to the north. Here beings of all manner of ancestry walk the streets be they tieflings, half-orcs, djinnborn or even ratmen. All can find a place within the shadow of this city whether it be one of the masked guilds, a masquerading noble, an artist of magic or craft, or a member of the criminal underground.
But not all in this city is as beautiful as it's first appearance might suggest. The city is ran by guilds that constantly vie for power and influence, each taking a place within the structure of the city while knowing that at any moment the war for who controls the city - and the region - could be sparked anew. Their members marked by both colors and the ornate masks worn by them are seen by normal citizens with either respect or resentment. These guilds make plays for noble affections, unclaimed or unattended sections of the city, and mysterious magics that seem to permeate the region to influence and strength for the future.


Humans here are just as populous as half-elves. Tieflings and other otherplanar ancestries are commonplace, and otherplanar entities commonly visit, especially the fey, who seem drawn to this place. As such Changlings and half-fey are not uncommon occurances. Dwarves are one of the least common peoples here. In short anyone who sees themselves as an artist (be that painter, drawer, or singer) eventually makes their way to Gaklin. Even the members of the Trandrafian Courts  find the shade of the city to their liking and visit often, if not keep a permanent residence there.


Government is headed by a group of guilds that vie for power and influence of the city. The current leader of the leading guild, the Forte, a shadowy figure who is never seen but known by many names such as: the Principe, Ombra, Senz Vol Re. He is the uncontested leader and has the final say on all dealings within the city, though he rarely flexes such power.

Industry & Trade

The industry of Gaklin relies heavily on its seaside activities as well as the great amount of artisans and artists that call Gaklin home. Wine and fruit grow in the southern fields and tropical foods and animals are raised along the western shores of the Murk while artisans within the city craft fine instruments, clothing, and artistic pieces to be sold and shipped to other regions such as Zarrath, Narel, and Trandrafia.   Recently, the members of the Brass Tower from Everdeep have found their way to Gaklin, setting up a new headquarters from which they may do their tinkering in peace away from the Bright Ministry.

Guilds and Factions



Gaklin existed several centuries prior to the expansion of the Holy Empire of Aestara, but under a different name and different rulership. After the Norgaarde Dynasty and the following revolt in the regions of Tol'Galen held by the Empire, Gaklin became an independent city-state.


The architecture of the city is made primarily of stone and wood, some carved from the very pillars of the cavern itself. Many wealthy citizens hire artisans from different walks of life to design their homes, some incorporating the naturally occurring crystal structures and vines into their designs. As such there are buildings that stand out due to style, but most of the buildings follow similar structure with some or all of the following: Low-pitched or flat roofs, projecting eaves supported by corbels, imposing cornice structures, pedimented windows and doors, windows with pronounced architraves and archivolts, tall first floor windows, belvedere towers, cupolas, quoins, loggias, and balustrades concealing the roof-scape (basically, Renaissance Italian architecture).

Natural Resources

Pearls, fish, crabs, coral, and whale oil from the ocean. Wood from the forests to the south. Fruit from the plantations to the south.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Voices, Citte of Masks, Shadowed City, Citte of Song and Shadow
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters from Gaklin:
  • Therin Rames
  • Luvon Urian
  • Wink the Filthy (Gulf of Neah)


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