Bright Ministry

The Bright Ministry of Aestara is the bureaucratic body of the Empire in charge of advising, regulating, taxing and upholding the Emperor's justice among other duties. A Ministry office is set up in every major town and city within the Empire.


The Bright Ministry is split into four Orders: Doctrine, Crusade, Commerce, and Reserve. The Emperor is the head of the Ministry, but most of the decisions are made by the Order of Doctrine which is the leading branch of the imperial bureaucracy.
The common rankings within the bureaucracy from lowest to highest (outside of the Order of Crusade) are: Regulus, Pretre, Grand Pretre, Bright Inquisitor, and Tsar Pretre. The Order of Crusade differs from normal titles as they are the military division of the Ministry, therefore following more traditional military rankings such as: Aspirant, Lieutenant, Capitaine, Commandant, Colonel, Brigadier, General, etc.


Reguli are the most common members of various ranks within the Bright Ministry. They perform day-to-day bureaucratic operations for the Empire, collect taxes, authorize various legal agreements (marriage, trade, land, etc.), act as witnesses for various noble agreements, and act as the voice of the Emperor. All reguli are trained to detect mental manipulation.


  • Regulus: General bureaucrats. They act as tax collectors, licensers, cultural ministers, administers, etc.
  • Pretre: Reguli in charge of towns or settlements or who lead offices within the ministry. They act as judges in addition to lower ranking duties and often have a number of lower ranking reguli under their charge.
  • Grand Pretre: Reguli in charge of regions or large cities, they at as advisers and ministers in addition to their other duties.
  • Bright Inquisitor: A rank within the ministry exclusive to the Order of Crusade, ranked above all reguli with the exception of the Tsar Pretre, but only take orders from the Grand Inquisitor and the Emperor alone.
  • Tsar Pretre: Leader of the Ministry. Answers only to the Emperor. Technically higher rank than the Inquisitors but their command over them is limited.

The Orders

The Bright Ministry is broken up into four orders, or divisions of power. The Order of Doctrine is currently the leading order, supervising the others and only answerable to the Emperor. The Order of Crusade is second in rank and equal in importance to the Order of Commerce.

Order of Doctrine

The Order of Doctrine is the main branch of the Ministry. They are bureaucrats and administrators of law. They act as the voice of the Emperor. They are licensers, law keepers, ambassadors, advisors, and cultural protectors. They attend events to act as witnesses whether in marriage, court, or between agreements between nobles or groups. They also act as religious leaders of the Pure Faith of Humanity and are the most religious of the orders outside of the Inquisitors.
Cities ruled by the Empire within Aestara are monitored by the Order of Doctrine and use a specialized number of reguli, some of who possess or are given the secrets to possess the power over another’s mind. They use this to read falsehood, root out traitors, and “keep the cultural heritage” of Aestara safe. Some specialized (psionic) members are used to pacify large sections of cities with populus that are prone to questioning or acting against the mandate of the Ministry. These pacificars or “suppressors” emit psychic energy that restrains emotion and rebellious thought. They are housed in secret and regularly moved “supressor booths” around the city.
This is not the only task given to the Pacificar Reguli. They are also seen as a kind of secret police, kidnapping, brainwashing, and eliminating threats to the state before such drastic measures as the Blades or Inquisitors were needed, "secret" not because they are kept from the public but because no one can tell who of the ministry is actually a part of the Pensad Executorium leading them to be considered a rumor more than an actual organization.
These are not the only psychicly-capable members of the Ministry. There are those with the ability to sense arcane magic, read thought, and even manipulate the physical world. These are rare and often kept secret. As far as anyone is aware, in general, only the Inquisitors have such capabilities.

Order of Crusade

The Order of Crusade is in charge of the martial forces of Aestara. They lead/direct the armies and are in charge of law enforcement over the regions of the Empire. They also deal in specialized threats with the Inquisitors and the Blades.
Sanctorium of Eurban
The fortress headquarters of the Order of Crusade. It is not where the Order of the Sanctified Blades are trained, but it is where Inquisitors are created. The heads of the Order and the Inquisitors meet here on occasion but for the most part it is an honor for any other than the Inquisitors to ever be allowed here. It is seen as utmost sacred and secret.
Bright Inquisitors
Commonly called the “mage-hunters” or “Inquisitors”, they are a religious order specially equipped with knowledge and skills that make them a threat against arcane practitioners. When information from Aestaran agents reaches their ears of magic gone awry, demonic involvement, and other problems, they are dispatched in the most serious cases to investigate the rumors with the intention to root out and bring judgement to any involved in such an act. They are feared by common folk and nobles alike as little is known of them outside of rumors of inhuman strength, power and divinely granted immortality. Their faces are constantly masked with the visage of an angry human man.
They are few, but extremely dangerous. They travel only one and extremely rarely two at a time. They have put down entire rebellions in the past single-handedly.
Sanctified Blades
Commonly referred to as “the Blades”, “The Blades of the Emperor”, or "Purge Knights", the Holy Order of the Sanctified Blade is an elite order of Aestaran knights that are trained in holy combat to oppose arcane forces. They are paladins of Dimdall, Aestaran god of Humanity.

Order of Commerce

This order deals in trade and transportation. It is one of the most important Orders in the Ministry as the center of the Empire is landlocked and it deals in the transportation of extremely valuable trade goods (such as platinum) to be traded in Narel and otherwise. They deal in transportation of goods and tariffs and other fees to do with trade. It is the Order of Commerce that is in charge of building and maintaining the roadways built by the Empire that run between major cities for trade.

Order of Reserve

The Order of Reserve deals with the stored wealth and supplies. They have strategic safehouses for food and water in case of emergency. They also ensure the safe storage of money and other supplies. They are in charge of the Royal Bank of Aestara.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Ministry is to enforce the will of the Emperor.


Depending on the department, the Ministry holds the wealth, food, agreements and military of the Emperor, at their behest of course.


The bureaucratic agency of the Empire has not always existed. In fact, when it was first created it was not a religious organization in any way, acting only as a simple bureaucratic system to keep the regions in check after the first great civil war the Empire faced under the rule of Emperor Adelard II in 428 AoM.   In year 504 AoM, under the guidance of Tsar Prêtre Eurban II, the Ministry moved into a more religious and cultural protection role as the so-claimed priests of their divine emperor. Eurban II was also the Tsar Pretre during the first official crusade known as the War of False Prophets.
  It was also during the Reign of Emperor Alexius in 661 AoM following the Kinslayer War that the Ministry formed the Order of Crusade bringing the majority of the military out of the hands of the great houses of Aestara and under the direct control of the Ministry and therefore the Emperor.
  During the conclusion of the reign of Emperor Magnar I, as the majority of the rule of the Empire was being handled by his grandson Sigmund, the Ministry grew in it's fanaticism toward their divine ruler and it's cultural enforcement.
Bright Ministry Symbol.png
Founding Date
428 AoM
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Legislative Body
Imperial law is dictated and approved by the Emperor solely. Aestaran law is also decreed by the Emperor.Regions outside of Aestara within the Empire are allowed to govern themselves, creating and maintaining their own laws and justice system as long as those laws are not in conflict with Aestaran law. The Order of Doctrine of the imperial bureaucracy ensures that they laws passed by vassal states are in accordance with the restrictions and guidelines of imperial law and report irregularities back to the capital.
Judicial Body
Much like law, Aestaran justice and Imperial justice are interpreted by the Doctrine branch of the Bright Ministry. Regions outside of Aestara are allowed their own judges and lawkeepers, but, in most cases, if a regulus or similar individual attached to the Order of Doctrine is not the sitting judge of an official trial, there is required to be one present to oversee the proceedings.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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