Holy Empire of Aestara

The Holy Aestaran Empire is the government ruling over the majority of the northern continent of Harental. It is a theocratic empire with a divine figurehead formed in 221 AoM (622 years before the events of campaign 1) following a long and successful expansion by Ranier Norgaarde , the king of one of the kingdoms that existed in the central region of Harental, later known by the title "God-King".


The Holy Empire of Aestara is ruled by an emperor who is it's divine head and supreme authority, ruling from his palace Lux Turris in the capital city of Aestara. The emperor is advised by a small council of religious dignitaries, nobles and select noble merchants, but his word is final. The day-to-day governmental duties are carried out by a large, complex, bureaucratic organization known as the Bright Ministry which answers to the Emperor.
  The Emperor is not only the divine head of the Empire, but also seen as divine, chosen by the gods due to their bloodline being connected to the first “God-King” who founded the Empire (although some silently debate whether the blood of Norgaarde even runs through the veins of the emperor anymore). They, at the beginning of their rule, dictate a deity of the Aestaran pantheon which will be the divine guide for their rule. Many choose a god of justice or law or civilization, some choose a god of war or peace in trying times. The current emperor, just seated after his grandfather’s demise, has chosen a new god, recently uncovered in the last century, Dimdall, god of humanity, strength, supremacy, and purity.

Public Agenda

Aestara is the birthplace of humanity, chosen by the World and their god to take the world as their own. One day Aestara will rule the whole of the world as they have been ordained to do so.


Aestara owns a significant amount of platinum, gems and useful minerals from mines within its lands that it trades to the world or uses for it's personal goals.
  Although they may not have the most advanced military in Harental they are able to field the most troops with sufficient supplies and call upon their vassal regions to supply them with more. They have also been known to hire mercenaries.
  Over the recent years they have improved a kind of super-soldier process, creating what they call Inquisitors, an elite, immortal group of devout warriors who are only ever dispatched singularly or in small groups because that is all that is ever needed.
  Aestara excels in religious magic (clerics, priests) and has close relations with circles of druids.
  Recently, they have negotiated a contract with the dwarves of Khaghammer after a series of unfortunate events that caused the near destruction of their city, providing them with financial aid and trade contracts to get them back on their feet for the acquisition of a great portion of the metal from their mines. Primarily, adamantium.


Rainer Norgaarde founded the Aestaran Empire after a long fought campaign of expansion that lasted decades and stretched across the Northlands and far into Tol’Galen before he made peace with the Eldar and Taur-Anyarani, retreating to the north beyond the Gaklin Windway.
  Since that time, the Aestaran Empire has ruled most of Harental for over 600 years, outside of a few pockets that it ignores, puts up with, or resists their rule. Approximately two hundred years following the founding of the Empire, the last Norgaarde emperor died without an heir. This led to several years of civil strife, rebellion and blood feuds before another Emperor was declared. This has happened several times in the history of the empire, any time there is an unclear line of succession. This on top of the intermittent rebellion from some of its vassal states has caused Aestara to grow a large and complex bureaucracy and army to combat dissidence.
  In recent times, the Empire has participated in some questionable, and to most immoral, acts. Nearly fifty years ago, following an alleged attempted coup by the White Council of Wizards, leaving the then emperor without his wife or three of his children, the Empire initiated a crusade to bring those who committed such an act to justice and death. This campaign lasted several years and grew from a hunt for those who committed the deed and those who would hide them to an all out civil war with religious and imperial militant groups hunting down all arcane practitioners as well as those born with magic or of an origin that they deemed unclean. During this time tieflings, half-orcs, and some elves were demonized, vilified, and hunted for their heritage. The Purge, as it came to be called, ended with the death of the Emperor and the succession of his son, Magnar, who ordered its end and used the rest of his rule to attempt peace and stability to rectify his father’s poor rule. Magnar died recently and his grandson, Sigmund, took the throne, bringing a rule that harkens back to his great-grandfather at the time of the Purge.
  Currently, the Empire has grown increasingly strict with it’s vassals and seems to be heading toward a state of merging all vassal states into one body, ruled only by the emperor and his bureaucracy under a single god promoting the superiority of humankind.


The Empire of Aestara spans across the majority of the northern continent of Harental save for two dwarven kingdoms within it's borders and a northern territory that was given independence by Emperor Magnar following the Purge, Dracia. It's vassal states have changed over the course of its several centuries in power. Aestara has absorbed it's neighbors on several occasions and territories have split due to conflict in the past. Currently the territories of the Empire are as follows: Aestara, Calenard, Fairshore, Jotun Highlands, Oeystrand, and Vanheim.

The Empire has also taken portions of land on other continents and islands, but although those are still governed by the Ministry, they are mostly viewed as colonies rather than being a part of the main imperial state.


The military of the empire is split between it's vassal states with Aestara holding the largest number of soldiers. By right, the Emperor can call upon all nobles and rulers of other territories to hand over control of their military for their needs. This has been used several times to quell rebellion and civil war. Often, in times of dispute over succession of the next Emperor this becomes a key to who wins, with those abstaining taking the chance of either punishment or forgiveness for their lack of action.


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The Empire is made up of several nations and cultures, even if all share the same continent, and thus have had several changes to the deities that are worshiped. As Aestara blended it's culture with the cultures of it's vassals, so too did the deities worshiped in the Northlands change. Following [event] in [year], [emperor] decreed a list of gods legal to be worshiped among the people of the empire, making all others illegal to worship publicly and ones illegal to worship in general. This list has changed as emperors used their power to strengthen or weaken different religions or find them no longer suited for worship within the lands of the Empire. This list includes gods not just of the Northlands pantheon but religions of other lands and nations of the world.
  Though some still worship illegal gods, the Aestaran legal pantheon is as follows:
  • Bahamut, divine of truth, justice, protection, and wisdom (now illegal)
  • Casdia, divine of life, fertility, family, community, and agriculture
  • Dimdal, divine of humanity, perfection, strength, purity, and conquest (recent addition)
  • Envau, divine of war, strategy, courage, and honor
  • Kelemvor, divine of judgement, balance, the dead, and the afterlife
  • Lautan, divine of strength, rage, sorrow, and loss
  • Lethene, divine of civilization, law, invention, and trade
  • Merav, divine of beauty, and art
  • Ord, divine of creation, invention, and industry
  • Segren, divine of peace, pain, healing, compassion and martyrdom
  • Silrae, divine of nature, animals, agriculture, and wild places (now illegal)
  • Umos, divine of travel, freedom, discovery, and mystery
  • Valkyr, divine of death, fate and the transition of souls
Some gods and divine powers have been added recently to the imperial pantheon and the current administration is making steps to deny faiths that would oppose them.

Since the ascension of their sovereign, the Aestaran Empire's state religion has been forcefully pivoted away from the traditional polytheistic religion that it once held and has established the Church of Humanity as the only legal religion allowed within the lands of the empire. This belief asserts that the only true god is the god of humanity and that god now walks the world with the original father of humanity Dimdall bequeathing their divinity to the current emperor, Sigmund the Exalted, now referred to as God-Emperor.
It is believed that the God-Emperor sees and hears all within his realm from his followers, and as his realm expands so too will his influence and power until he is the supreme god of the world.

By His body we were made, By His blood we are sustained.

Founding Date
221 AoM
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
Aestaran Emperor (imperial)
Bright Ministry (imperial)
Regional leadership (local)
Judicial Body
Aestaran Emperor (imperial)
Bright Ministry (imperial and local)
Regional leadership (local)
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Manufactured Items
Lux Turris, the Spire of Divine Will

Articles under Holy Empire of Aestara


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