
Winter King Keskivaldi (a.k.a. Father Winter)

The Winter King of Faerie is know as Keskivaldi, or "Father Winter." He is the counterpart of Mahb, the Winter Queen, and her opposite. His nature is almost a foil to Mahb's cold calculating nature, being jovial and welcoming, the very embodiment of warm fires and gatherings away from the cold winds of winter storms. But his kindly nature should not be underestimated, for there is a fury beneath it a deadly as any winter storm when called upon. Keskivaldi lacks the authority of the Winter Queen, nor does his title equate to a marital relationship with the Queen, but is still afforded the respect expected of a king regardless of his oft-absence from Faerie, something that Mahb is rather fond of. While he is the king of the Winter Court, he is often welcomed to Summer Court festivities as much as the Summer King is invited to Winter.
  Keskivaldi is also one of the three leaders of the Wild Hunt, a group of fae and other joining creatures who ride along the land and sky of the planes hunting, alongside the Erlking and Hyrsam, the Satyr Prince.

Divine Domains

War, Twilight, Tempest


Spear of Winter's Thunder.
Set piece alongside his counterpart lords' pieces: Horn of the Wild Frenzy, and the Belt of the Savage Pursuer.


Last Hunt. During the final month of the Glan'Amaran year when the red moon Ferenir rises full, is one of the most guaranteed times of the year for the Wild Hunt to be active.
Winter Solstice. A significant time for Winter in which they find the height of their power, so too does Keskivaldi find this day significant.
Jol / Yule. One of the strangest times for those who know of the Winter Court is the holiday of Yule, celebrated by many as a day or many days of celebration and gift-giving. With this day falling within the realm of Winter, the Winter Court participates to the fullest extent, extending gifts without second-meaning or trickery to those among their court, allies, and extended relations, and Keskivaldi is the most generous during this time, extending gifts not just to those among the court and its allies, but much of the mortal world as well before he rides with the Wild Hut along its skies.


Contacts & Relations

Mahb, the Winter Queen. Though he does not have a marital relationship with his queen - as neither King of summer or winter do - he shows her a great deal of respect and acts as council and consort when requested, which is sparingly at best. His jovial nature does little to impress Mahb, but he is afforded the respect of his station to the letter of the law of Faerie.
The Erlking and Hyrsam. Counterpart of the Erlking of the Summer Court and a fellow lord of the Wild Hunt, Keskivaldi can often be seen in the company of either of his fellow huntsmen.
Divine Classification
Noble Sidhe
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Winter King
  • Jolnir
  • Father Winter
Bright Blue and gold, one covered
Silver-white, Long; Long beard pulled into a number of beads.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin with scars
Ruled Locations


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