
The jotun god of mischief, disorder, destruction, deceit, illusion, and murder is quite possibly the least popular among the gods. Acknowledged as Odin's step or blood-brother, Loki is counted among the Aesir gods regardless of being a Jotun due to the respect the All-father has for his cunning, and as such he often spends his time among the gods in Asgard, much to their dismay. He is a talented shapeshifter and illusionist, and famously the parent of several creatures such as Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Sleipnir as well as the goddess of the dead Hel. Among mortals, open worship of the trickster god next to unheard of - as he is often viewed as a coward - but does occur, and many give prayer to him out of spite or desire to avoid his chaotic deeds.   Loki has acted as a bane to the Aesir for as long as he has been allowed to, playing part of the fool and the murderer. He is most famously known for causing the death and preventing the return of Baldr, an act for which he was imprisoned, in the deep darkness, to be tortured until Ragnarok.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A serpent, a flame, and a bowl filled with venom are all symbols associated with Loki.

Tenets of Faith

Few tenets are laid out for any who actually worship the trickster god. Strict guidelines, or any guidelines for that matter, don't condone to his beliefs. Instead, the followers of loki tend to revere the different aspects of his character, most focusing on the trickster, playing practical jokes and pranks that turn out to be received as more cruel than they see them.   A very few have been known to focus on his other aspects: destruction, chaos, and the harbinger of the end.  

Temples and Shrines

Those few shrines dedicated to Loki are hidden away, sometimes with illusion. Even the location of his shrine along the Godsroad of Binordheim is not known publicly.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Loki desires revenge on the gods that imprisoned him. He waits for Ragnarok when he can have his revenge.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Contacts & Relations

Loki is affiliated with both all and none, whoever is most convenient.

Family Ties

  • Fenrir - Son
  • Jormungandr - Son
  • Hel - Daughter
  • Sleipnir - Son
  • Odin - Blood-brother

Social Aptitude

Loki is quite possibly the most charismatic god of all the Nordic pantheon, even including Baldr. No matter the deception or trickery Loki has always found his way out of punishment. Until Baldr's death that is...
Divine Classification
Jotun God
Changes at will
Aligned Organization
Title(s): The Trickster, Sly One   Symbol: Two snakes circling each other forming an S symbol, and biting the tail of the other   Realm: Unknown   Alignment: Chaotic   Areas of Concern: Chaos, mischief, disorder, deceit, illusion, secrets, monsters, destruction, murder   Worshipers: Tricksters, rogues, outcasts, assassins, giants   Domains: Trickery   Favored Weapon: Dagger   Sacred Animal: Serpent  
  • Yara (Imperial)
  • Malrak (Dwarven Paragon)
  • Jani (Atua)


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