
The most beloved of the gods, Balder is the god of hope, joy, purity, pride, beauty, valor, war and rebirth. Baldr is loved by all the gods of Asgard and all the creatures and objects of the universe, and is said to be so handsome and pure that he shines like the sun itself. The son of Freyja and Odin, Baldr was protected from all things by his mother in order to prevent his death, a fate he dreamt and she feared. So confident were the gods in his invulnerability they would often make games of throwing weapons and other random objects at him just to watch them bounce harmlessly away, leaving him unharmed.
  This confidence in his own immortality caused Baldr to eagerly seek out battle, taking joy in the bloodshed and the fact that no weapon would dare harm him. He left every battlefield as pristine as he arrived.
  Loki, the trickster, eventually convinced the prideful god to speak of his immortality, learning of his one weakness, Mistletoe. Fashioning the plant into an arrowhead, Loki facilitated the death of the to-be king of Asgard.
  Following his death, the gods attempted to convince the keeper of the dead, Hel, to allow his return to life, but she would not unless all things in the universe wept for him. And all things did but one, Loki. Balder now resides in his own realm within Helheim, in good standing with the goddess Hel, where he spends his time as merry as he can until Ragnarok comes and he rises up again to lead the remaining gods in it's aftermath.
  His death is prophesied to be the first sign of Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods, as with him dies the joy and hope of the gods.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sunrise, mistletoe, light, pyres, white flowers, and the colors gold and white are all things associated with Baldr. He is also often associated with weapons of war (but not armor) due to his history of war and battle.

Tenets of Faith

  • Create things of beauty. Draw closer to divinity and Baldr himself through artistic expression.
  • Revel in battle. Rejoice in the power of your swing in battle, and sound of your weapon smiting a worthy foe, and the challenge of the fray. Trust in your own skill and the protection of Baldr regardless of their apparent strength and numbers.
  • Shine. Strive to show the world your greatness and give them hope, inspiration, and prosperity through your actions.

Temples and Shrines

Shrines to Baldr are often in places of beauty and made to be beautiful themselves out of white stone and marble often encrusted with gems or gold. They are also the least common for if one piece of a shrine or temple to him is out of place in its construction the constructor is more likely to tear the whole thing apart and start from the beginning than allow even a single flaw.


The Solstices are holy days of Baldr representing his death (Winter) and eventual rebirth (Summer).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Baldr is by all accounts the most beautiful, handsome, and charming god in Creation. He is so perfect that he shines like the sun and has not scars nor imperfection upon his form.


Contacts & Relations

Baldr is enemy to only one god, Loki, who caused his death.

Family Ties

  • Óðinn - Father
  • Freyja - Mother
  • Thor - Half-brother
  • Vidar - Half-brother
  • Tyr - Half-brother
Divine Classification
Aesir God
Aligned Organization
Title(s): The Bright Prince, Lord of the White Flame, the Brave, the Shining One   Symbol: A Sun   Realm: Breidablik, Asgard (formerly)              Now resides in Helheim   Alignment: Good   Areas of Concern: Beauty, bravery, joy, hope, nobility, purity, pride, valor, the sun, rebirth   Worshipers: Poets, bards, artists, athletes, warriors, the beautiful   Domains: Light, Life, Beauty   Favored Weapon: Spear   Sacred Animal: Golden Eagle   Sacred Monster: Phoenix  
  • Lathander (Imperial)
  • Merav (Imperial)
  • Dimdall (Imperial)
  • Haela Brightaxe (Dwarven Paragon)
  • Houahi (Atua)


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