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Pillars of Pedagogy

The Pillars of Pedagogy is one of the main buildings of interest in Candlekeep's Court of Air.   Visitors of Candlekeep, also known as seekers, engage in quiet study and research within this austere cluster of closely huddled, flat-topped towers of varying heights. Each tower contains private rooms, available by reservation only, that feature permanent silence spells, allowing their occupants to read without disturbance. Most research conducted by seekers happens in these towers. Seekers at the Pillars must rely on their Avowed guides to retrieve or return specific works from the Great Library to assist with their research, as they are not allowed into the main part of Candlekeep.

Visiting the Inner Ward

The majority of seekers are satisfied exploring Candlekeep's collections in the Pillars. However, some visitors may desire to pass the Emerald Door into the Inner Ward. Not all books in the collection can be accessed in the Pillars - the rarest and most dangerous tomes can be accessed only in the Inner Ward and some visitors may desire special permission to see them. All seekers require special dispensation to access the Inner Ward, which must come from the Keeper of Tomes, the First Reader, or one of the nine Great Readers. When permission to enter the Inner Ward is granted by such an individual, it’s customary for the beneficiary of this consent to receive a signed and sealed letter of admittance. The wax seal must be intact and unbroken when the letter is presented to the Keeper of the Emerald Door. The Keeper determines the letter’s authenticity by opening and reading it. If the letter passes muster, the Keeper returns it, opens the Emerald Door, and allows the letter’s owner to enter the Inner Ward. Unless a shorter or longer duration is specified in the letter, permission to occupy the Inner Ward lasts for a tenday, during which time the letter’s recipient can come and go as they please. These visitors may peruse the contents within, with an Avowed adjutant serving as their guide. Visitors are required to stay with their guide, since those unfamiliar with the library might become lost in its labyrinthine halls and extradimensional spaces.   Some people try to attempt to trick the Keeper with a fake letter of consent. Anyone caught presenting a forged letter is denied access to the Inner Ward indefinitely.
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