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Audiences - Lion's Crest

General Summary

The session picked up with the group returning to the Whitemane community center with Crypt and Dartina unconscious and restrained.  

Unanswered Questions

Returning to the Whitemane community center we attempted to revive Crypt to question him further about the note found previously (see The Voiceless Scream - Lion's Crest ) tracking Raijun for the past several weeks. Upon trying to revive him we found his body not taking to life as we expected. Upon further investigation his body seemed cold, clammy, and for all intents and purposes dead. Adama, thinking it was a trick tried to persuade Crypt to react by literally holding his feet to the fire. Upon removing his shoes he found that his feet were gaunt and bruised but Crypt remained unresponsive. Tintreach, casting detect thoughts to gain more information, found not a normal consciousness but a singular drive of an unabating hunger. It sat inside Crypt like it was anticipating something, waiting to be fed.   In order to get a baseline Myra suggested that Tintreach refocus on Dartina to see if the problem was Crypt or the whole group. Switching focus, Tintreach could feel a more normal connection to Dartina with some static similar to what Gwen experienced while attempting to connect to her mind. Due to the static Dartina's thoughts were more intermittent, a sense of fear and failure, confusions, anger at Gwen and her ability to make her mind betray her.   Confirming that the issue was Crypt himself, the group returned to inspecting his body. Gwen investigated if there was a more common medical reason for his incapacitation, but found no breath and no normal pulse. During her inspection Gwen noticed that pulse that she did find seemed unnatural, almost as though there was something burrowing under the skin. Calling James over we asked if he had any way to further inspect Crypt. James, using divine sense, pulled away from Crypt's body exclaiming that he was very, very undead. Raijun, deciding to test that, pulled out his sword and stabbed Crypt causing a clear ichor to come out instead of blood. The group torn between wanting to know more and wanting the undead finished permanently discussed many options. Adama was vocally for a more thorough investigation of the being especially if we could extract whatever was inside causing him to become undead. Hagren on the other hand felt we should burn the corpse, ensuring that it would be fully put to rest rather than risk allowing something to survive. Everyone else fell somewhere in between with Myra and Raijun remarking that it seemed uncharacteristic for Adama to be the one pushing for further information. Following Adama's lead, Myra offered to further investigate the corpse by doing a more thorough dissection looking for the parasite. No one stopping her, she hauled the body of Crypt onto a nearby table and began dissecting the body.   Unfortunately the dissection proved fruitless aside from Myra discovering that the thing prolonging Crypts life was most likely an effect rather than a parasitic entity. Elbows deep in ichor Lady Adalphia returned to the group and exclaimed about the state of her table and the time of night. Chastising the group that we were up much past our bedtime and inquiring if Myra would clean the table from it's current state she asked if everyone was alright before retiring to the back room saying that when she came back out we had best be headed to bed.   Myra having promised to clean up the mess, cleaned the table and herself of ichor, while Hagren took the body outside to dispose of it in a way that would ensure that Crypt remained dead. Sprinkling the body with oil and lighting it ablaze Hagren supervised the death until nothing remained but the bones.   Inside, Myra inquired if James could help ensure that Dartina made it to the keep appropriately. James said he could and asked if she had any special skills as he had not seen her in the fight earlier. Myra explained that she seemed to be both a rouge and a skilled wizard as she had been able to use invisibility. Jimmy asked Topp if he could get a collar for her and Topp happily obliged happy for his inventions to be useful. Myra inquired what kind of collar they were discussing to which Topp replied that he had created a kind of anti-magic collar remarking that it had also been used against him when he was in prison.   Taken by surprise the group inquired why Topp had been imprisoned. He said that at one point he was working on something an blew up a build, well let blew up and more dislocated the building to somewhere it wasn't supposed to be. While he was able to put the building back he was put in prison for it. (Note: This is clearly the other side of the story that Yamil has told the group.) When we asked how he escaped he said he was broken out by another adventuring party and described the members as:
  • A brutish emo elvish man - he thought more about how to kill things than actually killing them
  • A monster hunter who didn't wear a shirt and was very sexy
  • A pale woman who talked to others in their minds
  • A princess Eladrin who he said was 'always listening'
Before bed there was a brief discussion about the Necromancy scroll. Raijun said he could hold onto it, which while Adama did not like he did not have a better proposition. Myra suggested that all of the scrolls were most likely safe now that Mama was back which Mama agreed with saying 'anyone who would wish ill would have to deal with me'. The party agreeing to discuss the scrolls further the next day decided to retire for the night.   Before going to bed/convening in the morning (all of the following was done privately):
  • Adama took 3 hours to study Blur
  • Raijun took 3 hours to study the Necromancy scroll - Raijun found that to him the scroll talked more about balance and cycles than a specific focus on death or soul stealing as it had shown others before
  • Myra worked on a project for 3 hours
  • Myra identified the potions from the previous game as a greater potion of healing and a potion of gaseous form

Her Majesty the Queen

The next morning with the group reconvening they asked Mama if there was any way to be granted an audience with the queen today. Mama indicated that she was on her way to see her Majesty now to bring some leftovers and we could escort her. Happily agreeing Mama shoved the pot she was carrying at Myra and asked for one of the men's arms for an escort.   Arriving at Liberty Hold we found the queen in her audience chamber talking with the man introduced to us previously as Admiral Atilius Manerver. Her majesty again seemed to be in a more formal capacity than upon our first introduction in Whitemane. Approaching the throne Mama indicated that she had brought the food for the queen, which the queen graciously accepts indicating for the guard to take the pot. As the guard approaches, Mama whispers to him that there was extra in there for him. He excitedly takes the pot from Mama and retreats.   As we entered the throne room Adama switched his perception to Hedwig, his owl familiar, trying to get a better look at the desk in the side of the throne room. At a brief glance he sees papers on trade & merchant routes and the naval support the crown was providing. He also saw arcane writing from The Ay Collective. Wanting to see more he asks for further permission to approach, which is granted. Getting closer he notices that under the papers there is a crest of a scripted eye within a circle.   As we approached the Admiral spoke, introducing himself formally and saying that the queen has spoken highly of our deeds and any friend of Lady Adalphia is in high regard. The queen indicated that we were the group she had previously discussed with the admiral about the shipping attacks. He inquired why we wanted to know and what we were hoping to gain.  

Turbulent Seas

Myra, thanking the admiral and the queen for their time, indicated that we found ourselves headed out to sea and were hoping the admiral might provide any information that would help us stay alive a bit longer. The admiral responded that there were upwards of 30 ships that had been lost, either found adrift or with their crew barely alive teetering on the edge of insanity. The admiral expressed his confidence that his forces were more than capable of dealing with the threat saying, 'there is no battle we have faced that we have not withstood'.   Adama, playing to the admiral's pride, suggested that perhaps we could locate the threat and contact the admiral providing his forces with a way to strike. The admiral liked this idea praising Adama's tactical mind and agreeing that the plan would allow for a quicker resolution than his ships continuing their normal patrols.   To better prepare we asked about the ships that had been found. The admiral indicated that there were two main kinds of ships. The first was empty ships, ships where everything aboard was intact but the crew disappeared without a trace. Sometimes there were signs of a struggle, claw marks, or the ship was completely devastated and torn apart while others looks as though the crew had just left. The second kind were boats with crew remaining but insane. Various crews had different reports, some had metal artifacts that were recovered almost crystal in its structure. Some reported voices inside their heads with no source while others mentioned rainbow lights appearing in the sky.   Adama questioned if there were manifests from the ships recovered documenting what might have been taken versus what might have been left alone. The admiral handed over a ledger saying that to them it had all seemed random. Investigating the ledger, Tintreach found four ships that stood out to him,
  1. The Bright Wyvern - Coming from The Carrefour - Carrying trade from the Pinch of Magic store
  2. The Tangent Wave - An arcane research vessel from The Ay Collective
  3. The Happy Return - Carrying animals from Tramarick towards Stranglevine Cove
  4. The Park City - Carrying supplies to the north for The Ay Collective as part of a delegation working on the teleportation circles
Tintreach proposed that perhaps the pattern was in the magical materials the ships were carrying, but the admiral rebuffed him showing other vessels that were carrying more mundane magical items like ever burning torches and low level enchantments that were unaffected. Myra posited that perhaps the difference was the level of magic they were carrying and that perhaps whatever was attacking the boats was looking for more magical components.   Adama asked where the attacks were located suggesting perhaps they could track the attacks back to the source. The admiral indicated that they had tried that initially but that the attacks seemed to move rapidly. They had scouts saying that they had spotted attacks as close to shore as being seen from the Beater's Point light house to getting reports of ships being attacked more deep into the Beholden Crossing.   When we inquired as the best way to get in touch with the Admiral, he indicated that the queen had told him that we were able to send messages if needed. He said if that failed if we could get to a messenger ship they would be able to deliver news quickly. Adama asked if he had a more direct magical way of communication in case we were unable to send the message, but the admiral indicated that he didn't' trust magic very far and instead relied on the power of men. Myra asked if there was a way we could ensure the message went to him post haste if the ships needed to be used and he provided her with a golden pen with the initials ADMAM engraved on the side. He told us that any of his men would know that it came form him and get the message across.   After providing us with the pen he bid us farewell and success in our upcoming journey. Raijun indicated that he was sure we would be fine as he had prepared three sea shanties for the travel ensuring our success. The admiral shared that he had been in a men's choir at one point and so would like to hear Raijun's shanties. Seeing the queens growing dismay, and not having discussed other employment options, Myra turned the discussion to their past conversation and asked if the queen was available to discuss other opportunities.

Additional Business

The queen indicates that we can continue our discussion from the other night here but is quickly interrupted by the admiral who questions why non-military personnel are being given sensitive information. The queen shuts down the admiral saying we are freelance individuals who can operate without suspicion. She then turns the conversation to what she says are 'a different kind of smugglers'.   Over the past few days there have been a series of break ins related to the arcane reliquary. Initially the crown thought that it was the red scarf gang, but recently they found several of their members murdered ritualistically in a warehouse. In that same warehouse they found a gold coin. The coin is octagonal with a profile of a woman on one side with the inscriptions 'Everything has a price', on the other side is a scripted seven.   The queen wants the wardens to figure out who is murdering citizens on the docks as the 'brutalism' has her concerned. She said she would consider this as a 'trail run' after the events for the previous night asking for more information. Adama informs her majesty of the attack and clearly says that the group was after the Nether Scrolls. Myra tried to discern if the admiral was privy to knowledge of the scrolls but failed to ascertain if he had previous information. The queen asked for confirmation that the scrolls were secure which we indicated that they were. Myra promised that we also had plans to go talk to Head Archivist Klara about better security before leaving the city.   Before leaving we asked her majesty for the locations of the warehouses and permission to investigate them further. she granted us permissions saying that the pen grated to us by the admiral would provide sufficient clearance if anyone gave us trouble. She gave us the locations, we thanked her for her time and left the castle.   Lady Adalphia took her leave of us saying she was headed back to Whitemane while we indicated we had other investigations and errands to run.

Everything Has a Price

Before exiting Unity Crown to head towards the Sea Gate we made three quick errands. First we stopped at Goblindales to pick up our fancier clothes, then newly clothe Hagren led the group to Meridian Bank.   Entering inside, Hagren found a halfling woman standing at a desk. He asked her about opening an account and she was happy to oblige. She indicated that it was a 1,000 gp deposit with a .05% interest rate meaning Hagren would accrue 1gp for every 10 days his 1,000gp sat with the bank. Hagren indicated he would like to open an account and deposit 1,500 gp. The halfling woman asked if he knew of their other locations and Hagren indicated that he did not so she listed that the bank was also in Maelmere, Aegermouth Keep, The Carrefour, Kolis-Tane, Bismuth Abbey , Greenport, and Lunaacre.   After getting Hagren all set up she handed him a card that could be used to access his account and told him not to lose it. Hagren asked if there was a more secure way of ensuring access to his account and she said that they did have a second tier of accounts, a premium membership, for adventurers if he wanted. The account would be blood bound and he would have to submit a small amount of blood now. Then were he to lose the card he would be able to access 10% of the account while they verified his identify and get full access back one it was verified. Hagren felt slightly uncomfortable giving over his blood so opted for the regular account but inquired about loans. The halfling woman said that if he wanted he could fill out an application and they were currently offering a 5% interest rate on a 30 year loan. Hagren indicated that he was all set for now but took a pamphlet so that he could think about the offer further.   After stopping at the bank the group stopped by The Invincible Unicorn and picked up 2 greater healing potions and 3 lesser healing potions. Adama purchased a scroll of invisibility and see invisibility and Gwen purchased 5 healers kits. The potions were distributed as follows (note we had another greater from before):
  • Hagren - 1 Greater and 1 Lesser
  • Tintreach - 1 Greater
  • Adama - 1 Lesser
  • Gwen - 1 Greater
  • Raijun - 1 Lesser

The Steam Room

Wanting to start their investigation, the group headed towards the Sea Gate and decided to investigate what people at the local tavern might know before investigating the warehouse. Myra, hoping to draw a reaction, used alter self to turn into Lyra before entering the area. Looking around the group found a tavern called The Steam Room to further investigate. Raijun taking a minute to scope out the bar found three groups that he thought were seedy: a set of hunters, two men arm wrestling with swords strapped to their sides, and two goliaths talking at a table.   Deciding it was best to grab a drink before attempting to ingratiate ourselves, most of the group headed to the bar to grab a drink. Gwen asked for a non-alcoholic cider, catching some flack from the dwarven bartender who eventually acquiesced. Speaking to the bartender he asked where we were from Myra said Greenport and in town for the festival, while Raijun mentioned that some of us were an acrobatics group. Raijun asked if the bartender knew anything about the recent murder happening around the area to which the barkeep replied he did not know much about what happened outside of his four walls.   Myra, not wanting to be closely associated with the group, went around to another side of the bar and took a seat watching the others while she sipped whiskey and twirled the coin. Each other member of the party split up to investigate a group. Gwen went to the hunters, Raijun the arm wrestling men, Adama the goliaths, Hagren sat at the bar to talk to the waitress, and Tintreach took up a seat on the edge of the tavern setting up detect thoughts to listen in on other conversations.  

Golden Eyes

    As Gwen approached the group of hunters she motioned to sit down but was stopped by a female wood elf and a pair of golden cat like eyes from under the table. 'Excuse me but this table is taken,' the elf reacted as Gwen attempted to sit. Gwen said she often traveled alone and was hoping to enjoy some company. The human man across from the elf chimed in asking if Gwen would be buying the next round and said that seemed like a fair exchange for the seat. Gwen agreed, motioning to the tiefling waitress for another round of food and meat for the friends under the table.   The human introduced himself as Rifus and asked Gwen for her name, she replied that it was Glinda. Rifus asked if there was something they could help her with and as Tintreach listened into his thoughts he heard a definite suspicion about who Gwen was and what she wanted. Gwen said that she was traveling and just in town for the festival and asked if they had heard anything about the recent commotions. The third companion, a female halfling, piped up and said that they had heard a commotion on the north part of the city. Gwen asked if they had heard anything about the docks specifically. Rifus chimed in that he had heard there were problems and that the entire city seemed like it was 'one day from burning itself down' mentioning that this is why he preferred the outdoors. The city has 'too many people with too many complications'.   Gwen made note of the comment about the city burning and said she best be off then as she was not particularly adept at traveling and didn't do it frequently, this got a look from Rifus as it contradicted her earlier statement but Gwen quickly asked why they were in the city if they didn't like it. Rufus giving Gwen a knowing look said 'You seem like a sweet girl, don't travel alone travel in a pack'. Gwen inquired if that's what their small group was a pack. Rifus said that it was a section of a pack and diverging to her previous question mentioned that they were in town expecting a delivery from a boat but it never showed. Rifus said that's why he prefers to stick to the land, more familiarity with the terrain and creatures. As Gwen returned her line of questioning to the docks the wood elf chimed in, 'Why do you ask about trouble? You seem like a sweet girl.' Gwen remarks that she just wishes to know how to stay out of trouble and the elf retorts 'Well sweetie it would be best not to frequent an establishment such as this'. Her comment draw an aggravated sigh from the barkeeper saying that it was uncalled for as the elf continues eyeing the other patrons. 'There are many different types of snakes that lie in wait,' she grinned. Gwen, feeling threatened, decided to return to the bar to close out her tab but as she left the table Rifus grabbed her arm. 'Now darling, be careful now,' was all he remarked as she walked away.  

Cement and Steel

    Raijun approached the men arm wrestling as they were concluding a match, 'It seems I'm still the arm wresting champ,' one gloats with the other agreeing to buy the next round. As Raijun approaches one of them turn to him and ask if he was interested in challenging him for the title. Raijun says he is but also that he is looking for information about the recent murders on the docks. The men look at him funny as the arm wrestling begins but tell him that the recent killings seemed like they were just 'small fries' and really meant to send a larger message.   As Raijun bests one of the men he introduces himself as Cement and his friend as Kade . Cement buys Raijun a drink and askes what interest he has in finding the people behind the murders. Raijun responds that he wishes to know about them as 'a man of culture' saying he's interested in their techniques. Cement's eyes flash and turn another color when Raijun continues to talk about the murders. Raijun asks where the rough and tumble end up in the Sea Gate and Cement replies 'here'.   Before leaving the men Cement gives Raijun a warning saying 'I don't like to get into politics but the actions are reminiscent of a group out west called the Asiar. If you get in their way there is nothing they wont do to get past you.  

Sunk Ships

  Hagren, sitting at the bar, flags over the barmaid to ask about ale and information. Hagren says that he just got into town and he's supposed to head out in a few days but he's heard rumors of a sea monster and wants to know if they are true. The barmaid says that the sailors that come in certainly seem scared of monsters. She said that the accounts varied sailor to sailor some talked about 'beasts of energy', while others talked about lights from the sky and 'sky rainbows'. It seemed that many mentioned that the monsters came from the skies. Hagren thanked her and tipped her well.  

Marital Disputes

  As Adama approached the two goliaths he overheard the female goliath taking to her husband saying that the tournament is soon but he is already the chief. As Adama got closer the female goliath quieted and the male goliath looked at Adama with thanks for giving her another topic of conversation. The female introduced herself as Thergrim and her husband as Draum and asked what they could do for Adama. Adama asked if they were from the area to which Thergrim replied that they were not and were from Nitrebury on Slekul. Thergrim mentioned that Draum was the chief of Nitrebury for close to ten years, though his success in tournaments, and Draum asked if Adama had ever been. Adama said he hadn't had the pleasure and quickly changed the topic.   Adama used minor illusion to make a replica of the gold coin and asked if the couple had ever seen it. They said they hadn't but Myra, sitting in the corner, noticed two men who had been chatting silently take notice. Adama, speaking loudly, said that he was hoping to meet up with the Asiar as they are supposed to be the strongest group around. Draum retorted that he was clearly the strongest around, crushing a fork in his hand. Adama indicates that there are many kinds of strength and asks if all of Draum's men would measure up to him. Draum indicates that if they did not they would be banished. Adama, still talking loudly announced that the gang he was talking about would be enough to take over any city and that they are going to take over Lion's Crest . Thergrim responds that they wouldn't know as they aren't from around here and asks Adama to leave as he's clearly upsetting Draum.  

Silent as Shadows

Noticing the previous reaction to Adama, Myra refocused her attention to the men in the corner sending Tintreach a note indicating that he should do the same. As they both focused, Tintreach with his detect thoughts and Myra reading lips, they gleaned that they were having a conversation about a shipment that was late. "The merchants couldn't have have gotten too far but the shipment was lost." Tintreach picked up that when they mention the merchants they were concerned. They mentioned that the item, a case with the 8 objects, is still out there or at least they hoped it was.   Adama, noticing Myra and Tinreach's attention on the group walked over and asked if they had seen the coin, as he held up a new illusion. As he approached he noticed gold chains around their necks and scars across their hands their clothing under their cloaks seemed nicer and more put together. They told Adama that they wanted him to leave but he persevered asking if they new anything about the As'ler . They more forcefully asked him to leave but when he did not they got up and made to leave themselves. As they neared the door Myra approached, still disguised as Lyra, and said she wanted a parlay handing over the gold coin and a red scarf. One of them took the offering and asked her if she new what treasures she was giving up. Replying off the cuff she said clearly not. The man warned to stay away and go back where she came from and then walked outside.   As they left Myra noticed golden grains of sand in her hand where the man had made contact. Adama, attempting to pursue the men as they left, sent Hedwig outside to attempt to trail them. The owl was unsuccessful in tracking them as their trail seems to disappear.
Report Date
06 Feb 2021
Lion's Crest
In Game Start Date
One Day After the Summer Harvest Festival
In Game End Date
One Day After the Summer Harvest Festival
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