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Feasts and Foes - Lion's Crest

General Summary

As the lights brighten and the merriment of the Harvest Festival begins anew, now with fireworks dancing in the background, the group finds themselves regrouping near the Sea Gate. They decide to check in with Thompson's associate Miss Carter before partaking in further merriment.  

The Right Price

As the group found their way to the Sea Gate they ran headlong into a flustered woman walking down the dock. In a rare show of dexterity Myra was able to catch many of the papers before they tumbled and helped the woman up. The woman asked if we were looking for her and introduced herself as Miss Elby Carter. The Warden's mentioned they were pointed in the direction of a Miss Carter and introduced themselves. Miss Carter mentioned she was concerned by the tardiness of the boat's departure, saying it was supposed to depart two days ago, and handed the group many waivers to sign around liability of injury. Myra pointed out that the ships tardiness could not all be on account of them as two days ago they were still on the road back from Nightwell. Miss Carter expressed that this, of course, was why Lord Thompson should not be in charge of his own logistics, sighed, and asked the group if they would rather travel to Port Chrichton or the Everchange Exchange. Myra expressed confusion saying that we were only contracted as far as Port Chichton with an offer to extend from there. Miss Carter mentioned that Lord Thompson was offering quite a steep sum of money to continue the job from any port all the way to The Carrefour  The group turned to Hagren asking for his advice as to which port we should head to but he said he wasn't familiar with either and so could not make a recommendation. Myra turned back to Miss Carter remarking that she was told that they were also supposed to check in with Captain Allister Johnsten  and thought maybe she would have an opinion on the course. Miss Carter mentioned that from her experience it was best not to call Captain Johnsten 'Allister' instead referring to her as Captain or Captain Johnsten. As they talked Miss Carter led them down the dock toward an older festival themed old Spanish war ship.   As the group walks down the dock they spot a festival themed old Spanish warship with the name 'The Right Price' emblazoned on the side. Atop the ship stands a tall broad shouldered woman of darker skin, she has an air of command an presence and seems to be holding her ear and talking into it. "Well if you doing fix that sail we will be SOL." There's a pause, "I hear that," another pause, "I understand that but I want it fixed." As the group approaches Adama notes that her weapon of choice seems to be a military issued rapier affixed to her side.   One of the members of the Wardens steps on board the ship without first asking for permission to board leading the captain to draw her weapon and ask what we think we are doing. The Wardens back up a bit Hagren apologizing for the group saying that most of them are newer to the sea. Hagren asks for permission to board and the captain grants it everyone moving up to the deck. The captain asks who the hell we were supposed to be and Carter says that we are the "additional crewmates" as Raijun does the Wardens dance and explains that we are the Wardens of the Weave (with many acrobatics and poses).   Captain Johnsten gives Raijun a look and notes to Carter that at least we seemed, "energetic". The captain stresses that we are being paid to work not just enjoy her ship. She also clarifies that while we are on her ship, "There is one captain. You follow my rules or you go overboard. If you endanger the crew you are dead. If I don't like your joke," looking at Raijun, "you are dead." She sighs and looks at carter asking where it was they were going again and Carter says that they actually still need to make that decision.   After a brief discussion it is decided that it would be faster to transport the goods via land from the Everchange Exchange and while the group doesn't sign on for the full journey, keeping their options open, they decide that makes more sense for a port. Carter explains that will work nicely for where the boat will have to continue to after and hopes that maybe this will return some of the time she has lost. Carter also talks with the group discussing when we would actually be able to leave, the captain saying they needed a little bit more time to repair. Myra suggests that they should be ready before the week is out causing Carter to sigh and say that she will make the time tables work. Myra inquires if they need to pack their own previsions or if that would be taken care of.   "You are employees of Thompson," looking to Carter who nods, "not my crew. You will be expected to provide your own previsions so make sure to gather them."   As the captain is explaining the situation she is interrupted by an elegant eruption of color, as a human afroed individual with bright blue garments, long black boots, and elegant jewelry steps onto the top deck. He quickly introduces himself as Inxosa, the first mate. The captain instructs him to show the Wardens where they will be staying as she goes off to continue preparing the ship. Before she steps away Adama asks what they've heard of for the attacks that we should be defending from. The captain says that she's heard everything from ships running aground to just random attacks but hasn't heard anything specific about the problem.   Inxosa leads the Wardens below deck with those more familiar with ships noting that Captain Johnsten runs a tight ship with military like efficiency. Hagren asks how many crew there will be and Inxosa says that there will be twenty of them, plus the captain and himself, us included. Myra asks if there is anything we could provide that would help the crew to help smooth over the incident before and Inxosa suggests that they could do with some booze. Ever the pragmatist, Myra hands over her alchemists flask and tells Inxosa to ask for whatever he would like. Inxosa looks at the flask suspiciously before saying wine, trying it and being surprised at the quality. He says that he feels like they will become fast friends and excuses himself to empty the flask with Myra's permission.   Hagren inspects the cannons finding that they have both light and medium shot prepared, while Myra turns to Carter and asks what exactly it is that they will be guarding. Carter leads them down further into the hold where they find a number of stacked crates with Thompson's seal. The boxes seemed to have heavy abjuration magic coming off of them while other items were freestanding, such as a black and green insectoid carapace style armor. Several wands and staves are separated and in cases and a statue of a robed figure with a scruffy beard standing in a heroic pose, staff in one hand and book in the other. Myra scans the items with detect magic getting a number of heavily magical items but nothing so strong that it seems to be giving off the level of a scroll. Myra thanks Carter for the tour and says that they will get their provisions and return within the week ready to set sail.  

A Bountiful Harvest

Leaving the docks the group wanders further into the city to enjoy the Harvest Festival. Each of the sections of the city are displaying different kinds of dishes and Raijun declares that he wants turkey leg first so they head in looking for that. They end up in Nightgate, where Tintreach and Myra had noted that there were similar smells when she went for her tattoo previously. As they approach they find a large public bonfire with a giant bird leg rotating on a spit. A halfling in overalls is rotating the spit introducing himself as Remy and asks if they want some of the meat with Remy's secret sauce. The group agrees though Myra quickly gives her stick of meat to Raijun who is happy to help. Remy also offers them some of his moonshine called the "turtles back nouveau" and says that he found the ingredients as he got lost in the woods on the throughway on the way from the marsh he calls home.   Gwen asks to go next looking for corn on the cob. Without leaving Nightgate they find a shirtless dragonborn with a beer belly and straw hat who introduces himself as Old Man Ember saying that he's in town from Nitrebury. He uses his breath weapons to make the corn causing Tintreach to get jealous and ask to try as well. Because Tintreach's breath is lightning based the corn popped instead of cooking much to the delight of everyone around.   As the group eats their corn they see a crowd gathered nearby, an orange and gold furred tabaxi man stands in a colorful suit a whip in his hand. He's calling for challengers to step up to face the "fiercest creatures known to the realm." Behind the man stands a large bear that is more than six feet tall that the man claims comes from near Daggermill. The man is offering a 40 gold pot for anyone who can wrestle the bear. Hagren and Raijun give each other a knowing look and sign up managing to quickly pin the bear, winning the pot.   Tintreach is next requesting to find chicken-on-a-stick. As they walk through the festival they hear a loud Bang and a spray of feathers as they find a circle of gnomes. As they watch they see the gnomes adjusting levers as one walks up and asks if they want "super-fried chicken". Most of the group again agrees readily with Myra slipping her portion to Tintreach who eats it hungrily.   Myra asks Adama what kind of food he would like and he wonders if it would be possible to find a candy that he hasn't had since he was a boy in Slekul called an everlasting gumdrop. The group crosses into Unity Crown theorizing that if they would find it anywhere it would be in the area that could afford to import it. As they cross into the district they notice a heavier guard presence until they stumble upon a staged event with a long table present in the middle of the street. At it sits a towering figure elegantly dressed in middle-eastern Egyptian garb, delicate gold chains drape from their horns and a sash of satin sits across their chest. The minitour turns and introduces themselves as Prime Radiant. The figure next to them, a white snowy owl person in a red hat, introduces themselves as Radical Exponent. Also at the table is Queen Angelena, Admiral Atilius Manerver, and Lady Adalphia "Mama".   Mama waves to the Wardens greeting them warmly while the Queen remains cooler than the more familiar introduction they had with her the night before (see Unlikely Meetings - Festivities and Fan-Fair). The group introduces themselves with Raijun executing a Wardens dance. They learn that Prime Radiant and Radical Exponent are in Lion's Crest as part of the delegation from The Ay Collective to set up a teleportation network at which point the Admiral cuts in and says that that is business for the royal court not to be had on the street. The queen notes that our group was just in Nightwell Hold which was also on their list to inspect.   Radical says that they weren't able to get to the hold for negotiations and asks if the problem there has been resolved. Raijun introduces himself as "Lord Urza", trying to not use his name after the interaction yesterday at the Temple of Eilistraee (see Unlikely Meetings - Lion's Crest), and explains that we in fact resolved it and as the 'premiere' researcher he had great knowledge of what what happening in the forest. Radical Exponent says he'd love to talk more to Raijun as the expert and hands him a card, an arcane watermark makes the card shimmer slightly.   Adama asks Mama if she by chance has some of the Slekul candy and she looks through her pocket book but says that she's sorry but she doesn't though she does note that there's more stew back at the community center if any of us are still hungry. Adama thanks her for checking and turns to Prime Radient asking if the teleportation network is available for others to use. Prime says that it's not usually open to the public but that's part of what their trade negotiations is to address. Prime suggests that if Adama wanted more information he could come study at Aegermouth Keep and see the 'fallen citadel'. As the group leaves Gwen and Raijun think they see the ghost of a smile from the queen as they make their way out of the district.   Raijun asks Myra what she would like and she comments that she could use a drink suggesting they go to Rein Hall for mead. As the enter the area they feel that they step into a true celebration in comparison to the feeling of Unity Crown. Doors have been taken off hinges and turned into table and people of every background, including those often considered more 'monstrous' like goblins and kobolds, are celebrating. As they walk down the street a large pig barrels into Adama knocking him over as a large group of people follow it trying to grab at it. A dwarf woman is the first to get her hands on the pig raising it over her head.   Adama asks her what's going on and she explains that it's a game where they chase Hubert, the pig, who has been greased up. Adama asks what they are playing for and the woman, Matilda, explains that they are just playing for bragging rights. Adama asks if the winner can eat the pig and Matilda says no as Hubert is her pet. Both Adama and Tintreach enter the game with Tintreach being crowned the victor after a wild chase. Tintreach is presented with a golden stein and has a number of drinks given to him on the house.  

Community Problems

Feeling content and full the group rolls back to Whitemane to stay at the community center before gathering the supplies for their journey. On arriving back Myra sees a little girl walk up to "Trenchcoat" and say he's cute before walking into the community center making him blush. Hagren approaches Trenchcoat and asks what he thinks about traveling with the group and going abroad. Trenchcoat asks if, "abroad is far," and Hagren laughs saying very. Trenchcoat is very excited about being included in the group and eagerly signs up to come. Hagren asks what kind of weapons he might have Trenchcoat pulls out a shiv and a sling and Hagren notes that he'll have to train him up.   Noticing that the bear of a man from the previous night has returned Hagren goes over to talk to him. Hagren offers the man a beer but the man says that he's, "working thanks". Hagren asks what he does and when he gets no answer mentions that he wrested a bear today. This catches the man's attention asking Hagren why he did it. Hagren mentions that he was eager for the challenge before their next adventure and the guy nods going back to his stew. The man asks where Hagren might be headed next and Hagren explains that we are to go out to sea to transport some goods over towards The Carrefour. Hagren asks if the man has heard any of the stories of the monsters and he replies no but, "there are lots of things that need killing."   Meanwhile, Myra noticed the little girl who complimented Trenchcoat sitting alone at one of the tables and goes over and asks if she could sit with her. The girl is shy at first eventually telling her that her name was Irena and that she was supposed to wait for her friends. Myra asks if she could join Irena until her friends came and the little girl nods with Myra taking a seat. Myra asks if Irena lives and the city and she says she does mentioning that she likes all the magic of the festival and asks if Myra can do any. Myra makes a small frog out of paper and then animates it and asks Irena to name it. Irena picks up the tiny frog and names it rutabaga smiling at Myra.   Raijun has cornered James Jasper Whitehall III and has asked if there is any way that we could look at the Necromancy Scroll, having talked with Myra about taking a look while Adama was busy to see if they could find information in common on the two scrolls to better understand them. James looks around and nods motioning towards the room where they had dinner with the queen the night before. Raijun catches Myra's eye and Myra excuses herself from Irena saying that she would be right back. They slip into the room mere seconds before mayhem breaks out in the main hall. Note: later we could piece together that them entering the room is actually the catalyst for the next series of events as it prevented Dartina from taking the statue out of the room without being noticed.   Outside at the same time the bear like man turns into a were-bear pinning Trenchcoat into the bar. Simultaneously a skeletal tiefling figure will appear grabbing Irena and dragging her near the door of the community center. "Excuse me I'd like everyone's attention." Adama jumps up raging against the skeletal figure. The figure shushes him, "My friend if only you understand the position you are in." He points to the man standing next to him, my companion here has laid several traps around if anyone tries anything the girl dies, as he holds up a knife to her neck, and the traps go off.   The shouting outside the room has brought James, Raijun, and Myra back out and they stand horrified in the middle of the exchange between where the skeletal figure stands and where the majority of the patrons of the community center are.   "But we need not make it violent. Two of the items we seek are in these fair walls." The figure turns to Raijun and Raijun recognizes him as Crypt from a group called The Voiceless. "Thank you for making it so easy to track." Crypt address the bear man calling out that they just needed the Kobolds hand, as he was distracted Adama tries to move forward to grab the girl as he does Myra yells as a loud explosion of heat happens to the right side where a large section of the community center, and the number of patrons inside, have been incinerated by a fireball.
Report Date
16 Feb 2021

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