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Unlikely Meetings - Lion's Crest

General Summary

Lion's Crest returningcoupleCapital

The Road to Lion's Crest

All watches went by fairly uneventfully leading to ample conversation time as broken up below.

Watch - Hagren & Adama

Adama and Hagren discussed returning to Lion's Crest and what errands they wanted to accomplish while in the city. Hagren mentioned that he wanted to pick up "Trenchcoat" and convince him to work under his employ more closely and visit a bank as he was feeling uneasy about carrying around so much money at one time. Adama inquired what Hagren intended to do with Trenchcoat, leading Hagren to further discuss his asperations of being a captain.   Further delving into Hagren's shipping dream, Hagren explained that he dreams of having a shipping vessel that would hold around a crew of ten with room for dining and drinking. He dreams of travelling port to port as a mobile bar partially as he is concerned that the general import export business is already monopolized by people like Thirsten Thompson VII. Adama made illusory replicas of the boat Hagren dreams of using minor illusion, changing the layouts and organization several times over the course of the watch.   The watch concluded with the pair wondering about how much the desired ship would cost and talking more generally about freedom and power.


"Transforming was cool and Myra murdered a bunch of people" - Adama "Don't we all want to be gods?" - Adama

Watch - Myra & Tintreach

The watch started with Myra inquiring about Tintreach's mental state after having seen him drink more than usual over the last few days. Tintreach divulged that alcohol lets him blur out more painful memories of his childhood and he has been drinking as a coping mechanism. Tintreach confided that as a child he was abandoned by his parents, thinking it would toughen him up, leading him to lead a fairly solitary life. Myra suggested that not many friends are like their group anyway and can be overrated.   They commiserated that their group means more to them then they let on and were enjoying travelling together, not being alone. When discussing travel Tintreach mentioned he's along for the ride with no clear goals for the moment and inquired what Myra's end goals were and if she would return to her family. Myra hedged saying that she had some things left outstanding but that she wasn't particularly keen to return home, though that is what her parents would most likely wish.   Pivoting to other members of her family Tintreach asked to get down to the 'most interesting' topic of Kymil Stagwood and Gwen's burgeoning relationship. Myra deflected, making a comment about how Kymil was devoted to his work, but insisting not to know much about what was going on there. She assured Tintreach she wanted both Gwen and Kymil to be happy before completing the watch.

Watch - Raijun & Gwen

Gwen and Raijun's watch starts with Raijun thanking Gwen for sticking up for him regarding the Magic Beans (See previous notes - to be linked later). Gwen insisted it was not a problem and explained that she puts a lot of faith in people and warned not to betray that trust. Raijun said he wouldn't dream of it and pivoted the conversation back toward Nightwell Hold . Gwen's response painted a more positive view of their time at the hold with Gwen mentioning all of the friends we made. As she thought on the time in Nightwell she began to express concern about Myra which Raijun diverted into discussing Kymil. Embarrassed that the entire group seemed to notice, Gwen deflected the discussion instead turning the questions back to Raijun.   Raijun's view of the past days in Nightwell were colored differently than Gwen's punctuating the power of the scrolls and how they made him nervous. He also disclosed his dismay at the beans not turning into trees or beanstalks and being thankful that they have played out as they have. Through their discussion Raijun sheepishly discloses that he cannot read well and offers to train Gwen in meditation in exchange for reading lessons. Gwen indicates she's very interested in learning more meditation skills but, in the course of the discussion, brings up the Warden's dance Raijun has created and indicates that she would like to learn the steps.   Deciding that learning the dance would be a quicker exercise than a more thorough training in meditation, Raijun offers to teach her the first moves of the dance during the watch. The watch concluded with Gwen practicing the dance while Raijun gave encouragement and points for improvement.


"I'll always trust you" - Gwen to Raijun

On the Road Again

In the morning, while preparing to leave the campsite Yamil left to meditate for several minutes. While he was gone Myra pulled Gwen aside and asked her to recast nondetectionon the Transmutation Scroll as they had been doing since realizing there may be others interested in it in Nightwell. Upon returning about ten minutes later Yamil had an orange and white cat draped around his neck who he introduced as Temple. When we inquired where Yamil had retrieved Temple from he explained that Temple is not from the world but the Plane of Sand . Temple wandered in and out of the carriage for most of the remainder of the trip.   Proceeding through the forest the group came across a small figure wrapped on the side of the road. We stopped to investigate and found that figure was goblinoid in shape with a cloth wrapped around their eyes. The figure asked if we might spare a coin to which we all provided varying levels of aid. The figure thanked us and wished us well on our travels. Adama asked the figure how far it was to capital, they responded that they had walked but with the sound of the carriage it probably wouldn't take us more than another hour or two. We wished the figure an easy road ahead and continued our travel to the capital.   As we reached the edge of the Everpine some of us noticed a large stage standing along the edge. The stag looked similar to the one we saw upon entering the forest about a week ago but the body and head were now encrusted with bark. The stag nodded at the carriage and Myra nodded in return as she had upon entering the forest.  

Arrival in Lion's Crest

Yamil alerted us a short time after leaving the forest that we had arrived in Lion's Crest and inquired where we would like to be dropped off. James Jasper Whitehall III indicated that he was going back to the hall in Whitemane and that we were more than welcome to spend our time in the city there with then. Myra quickly interjected that we had errands to run and so could be let out in the Moonyard but that we would love to meet up with him later for dinner. Jimmy said that we should just have "Trenchcoat" or one of his boy come get Jimmy when we arrived as there is always a crowd at Mama's for dinner, before heading off in the direction of Whitemane.   Before parting with Yamil we thanked him again for accompanying us and asked if we needed to send word to Thirsten Thompson VII or if he had it covered. Yamil indicated it was already done and said that all we needed to do was check in with the captain and Miss Carter at the docks. Raijun decided that he would like a little more time with Yamil and would meet up with us later after doing some charity work. Before splitting, Adama pulled Yamil aside and asked him for his opinion of Manten’Liche King. Yamil confessed to not knowing too much about the king, having never met him, but indicated a distaste from having watched his people suffer remarking that it was not how a king should rule.   We parted with Yamil with promises to meet again and left him to return to his errands for Thompson.

Baths, Banks, and Bowlers

While exploring the city it seemed bustling in preparation for the summer harvest festival occurring tomorrow. When asked about what errands they wanted to run Adama inquired why Myra had pushed for errands before returning to Whitemane. Myra confided that she was nervous about people tracking some of their more sensitive objects and wanted to use the time of non-detection to move about the city just in case anyone was monitoring their movements. Myra indicated that she too wanted to make sure to have the objects to their final resting place before the spell wore off planning 'to get to dinner' early.   When listing off places they wanted to go they discussed going into Unity Crown and Myra suggested that maybe they should use this opportunity to bathe and refresh some garments if they were going to meet the Queen as suggested by Jimmy. Myra also suggested that Hagren may be taken a bit more seriously by a bank after cleaning themselves and their attire.   After a thorough cleaning Myra offered one of her dresses to Gwen who thought it might fit better after seeing a tailor. The first tailor they found was The Kerchief and the Bowler where a half-elven gentleman said that they don't do tailoring for items not purchased in their shop and tried to charge Gwen 45 gold. Gwen, offended by this amount left the store finding an older couple who she charmed into telling us about another tailor nearby called Goblindales. There we met the proprietor of the store Theadona, a well groomed dwarven woman, who was more than happy to help Gwen with the alterations. Given the quality of the clothing available and the more reasonable prices the rest of the party also put in requests with Theadona with Myra putting in a request for Raijun. Theadona said the clothes would be ready in 2-3 days for everything.   Clothing Purchased:
  • Gwen - Alteration to one of Myra's dresses - (Description from Gwen needed)
  • Tintreach - an electric blue silk suit
  • Adama - a black suit with red accents with three red pips in a line on the jacket
  • Hagren - A long deep red leather coat and white shirt with a maritime design
  • Raijun - Myra said they would have to wait to see what she requested for when she gave it to Raijun
After purchasing the clothes Adama inquired with Theadona if there were any local magic shops outside of The Sphere which they had previously had little luck with. She mentioned that there was one nearby called The Invincible Unicorn and pointed the group in the right direction.

Charity and Misfortune

While the others were cleaning up and procuring new clothing Raijun and Yamil travelled into Nightgate to fulfill Raijun's goal of helping those less fortunate. Upon leaving Thompson's Magnificent Carriage Yamil pushed the door handle on the side in and Raijun saw statues on the side shift to watch the carriage. Yamil then declares the carriage safe to leave and leads Raijun to a small hovel.   Pushing inside the hovel Raijun finds a half way house for refugees with a number of people helping each other. They are greeted by a group of silver haired drow in dark purple robes with an oil spill like quality to them. Raijun tries to sign to the group in thieves' cant but they indicate that they have no idea what he is trying to say. They reveal that this is a Temple of Eilistraee the dancing mistress. Raijun tells them that he wants to help and the priests indicate that they could use money to further help those in need. Raijun pulls out 1,000 gold and hands it to the head priest who is startled by his generosity. Raijun says that he wants people to have the things that he could not and proudly declares that he is Raijun of the Wardens of the Weave. Yamil, helps the priest get the money settled as she is overwhelmed by Raijun's generosity.   While left alone an older man walked up to Raijun and inquired for his name again. Raijun again proudly announced that he was Raijun of the Wardens at which the older man remarked that he looked familiar and that he knew of a Raijun in another life. Looking closer at the man, Raijun realizes that he wearing a disguise and recognizes someone with a similar training to himself. Raijun mentions that he thought he recognized the man's limp and the man breaks character remarking, "You have no idea how easy you've made this. You've fallen a long way from what Iroh has taught you." Raijun retorts that there was a reason that he was made a captain while the other man was not. The man parts saying that 'they' would be seeing Raijun shortly and fades into a group of people.   When Yamil returns from helping the priest Raijun is shaken and barely says goodbye before running out the door. Yamil, after Raijun has left, makes a parting comment about hoping to see him again.   Raijun moves from alley to alley, a fervor in his step "How did they find me already? God he's good when he wants to be. Guess they have unfinished business with me or they would have jumped me right away." He casts pass without a trace on himself, puts his hood up and starts moving through the crowds. He searches for the wardens, making his way to the shopping district.


Meanwhile, the rest of the group continued to The Invincible Unicorn where they found the shop deserted. Myra noticed a top hat with a message pinned to the side reading "Place on head if removed". Following as instructed Myra placed the top hat on the head of the mannequin it was beside at which point the mannequin came to life and introduced itself as Fluke the proprietor of the shop. Fluke walked us through several magical items (all detailed on The Invincible Unicorn ) before some members made purchases. In detailing his wares Fluke mentioned that he couldn't see and Myra offered to help construct him eyes but he declined.   Purchases:
  • Gwen - Mithril chain shirt
  • Hagren - +1 Dagger
  • Adama - Scroll of teleportation circle
Adama also inquired about a scroll Fluke didn't have, Anti-Magic Field , but which he suggested could be created or enchanted into an item potentially be be usable more than once. Fluke mentioned that it was a high level magic that Adama was looking for and that such a spell or item would not be cheap. Interested in lowering the price Adama inquired if there were any errands that Fluke needed run. Fluke mentioned that he was looking for Ooze Wood , which is found in the forest just north of The Carrefour or on the island of Tramarick, and that if Adama could bring him some it might help reduce the cost. (Note: no price was negotiated)   During Adama's conversation Raijun burst into the shop looking harrowed and talking about people out to get him. Fluke kindly asked us to leave if we had people after us but before we left Hagren asked if Fluke knew anyone in the city who did tattoos of the magical variety. Fluke told Hagren of a friend 'like him', Etch, who runs a store in Nightgate, and to tell Etch that Fluke sent us.   While walking through the city Raijun explained that his former clan (The Immortals) was looking for him and that someone had found him while he was out. He mentioned wanting to try to move away from the group so that we would be safer but was rebuffed by several members saying that him going off alone was how he landed in trouble and that that would make the Immortals' job very easy. In the discussion Raijun mentioned someone names Sicarius as the person who was after him. Raijun also mentioned that he used both his name and the Warden's in the discussion where he was made.   Entering Nightgate the party noticed that this part of the city looked less well kept. Myra and Hagren noticed a guy playing dice with three drunk dwarves where the dice were rigged. Following Fluke's directions they quickly found a building with a sign that said Etch R Sketch. Inside they found Etch who was willing to help as as a friends of Fluke's (For details on prices and components needed see Etch R Sketch).   After leaving Etch's we accomplished we returned to Whitemane. On the return, as we were rounding a corner we heard a small girl shout "No Scruffy don't" and a small dog took down Raijun. Myra pulled the small dog off and returned it to the girl who apologized and ran off.

Other Errands Accomplished

Due to time we decided not to RP the following errands but agreed that they were completed:
  • Hagren setting up a bank account
  • Adama returning his Library book
  • Myra buying gems needed for her tattoo (2,200 gp of Sapphire) & 500 gp worth of diamonds
Note: After those we decided it was getting toward the time that we wanted to arrive at Whitemane and so chose not to go shopping for potions but to go the next day.

Dinner guests

Upon returning to Whitemane we found the hall with a line out the door and "Trenchcoat" shining shoes. Trenchcoat excitedly shined Hagren's shoes calling him "Boss" and asked how it was going. Myra requested that Trenchcoat send one of his men to get Jimmy which Trenchcoat blanched at the request before remembering that Myra, in their previous encounter, was very intimidating and breathed fire at him. Jimmy led us in side to some stares and murmurs from the people in line and in the meal service. Mama and a woman Jimmy mentioned was named "Angie" were distributing food which we took and retreated to a more private room.   Myra pulls Mama aside and asks Mama if she could have something vegetarian causing Mama to demand to know what was wrong with her food, as Myra ate meat the last time they came through. Myra assures her nothing is wrong but that she recently had a bad association with meat and couldn't think about one without the other. Mama sighs but gets her a second bowl with vegetarian food and sends her off to the room with the rest.   In the private room Hagren asked Gwen to check for poison as he was not convinced that the little girl with the dog was an accident. Gwen cast Detect Poison and Disease but found nothing.   For discussion that was had on discord (in fireside) before the following events see Sour Stomachs - Campfire.  

Dinner with the Queen

After a couple of minutes Mama and the woman identified as "Angie" walk into the room with one of the guards that was posted in the hall. Lady Adalphia "Mama" comes around and hugs everyone to make sure we are all ok and asks how we are enjoying the meal. After complimenting her cooking Myra asks what has caused there to be such an extra guard presence as the last time the visited it wasn't this heavy. Mama mentioned the festival but then as an aside also mentions that Queen Angelena comes with a little extra protection.   Her majesty comments that she doesn't usually like to tell people who she is when she is about and remarks that Mama must trust us. Having fully disabused us of who we are talking to her majesty asks us for a report of what happened to CommanderLaw and Nightwell Hold as James has said there is much we have to talk about. We present the information on Law and what he was planning as well as the evidence Hagren collected while looting Powder Keg Keep. The queen was distressed to learn of the plot and what happened to Nightwell, when asked about what happened to Law, Myra replied that "He was dragged back to hell by an avatar of war," upon which the queen smiled and commended us. The queen was also concerned by Thirsten Thompson VII taking control of Nightwell sending one of her personal guards to tell a battalion to go retake Nightwell under the name of the king (Note: We have not yet mentioned that Thompson was accompanied by the Manten'lich army).   In the discussion about the events in Nightwell Raijun mentioned the scroll, which the queen acknowledged and asked about. Raijun confessed to us having the scroll which the queen seemed relieved by. On the topic her majesty said that that now accounted for three scrolls counting the necromancy scroll and the scroll captured in Kolis-Tane. Her majesty mentioned that the culprit was a Kenku who worked at a "not so secret establishment" (referring to The Lux) but not until after he had caused some destruction in Kolis-Tane.   Upon hearing that there was destruction in Kolis-Tane Myra whirled on Jimmy who winced, apologized, and said "I didn't want you to worry." Myra returned her attention to the conversation with the queen but was more silent as the queen went on to discuss break-ins at the arcane reliquary with the theft of magical items. Adama, seeing an opportunity to get additional support asked that if we continue to help search for and deal with such issues that the queen compensate us for our troubles or at least grant us some aid, such as potions. The session concluded with the queen proposing a counter offer of working for her.
Report Date
21 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Lion's Crest
In Game Start Date
Two Days Before the Summer Harvest Festival
In Game End Date
One Day Before the Summer Harvest Festival
Related Campfires
Sour Stomachs - Campfire

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