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Fractures - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

As the fireworks announcing Myra's impending engagement conclude the wardens find themselves scattered around the party, Myra at it's center.   Note: Anything italicized is something that is happening in Myra's mind   As the fireworks close, Hagren turns to Fortis slightly taken aback by the announcement. "You must be very happy for your friend," Mr. Fortis comments.   "It was... unexpected," replies Hagren.   Fortis smiles apologetically, "Yes, well the Stagwoods like to make an entrance."   "Do you know anything about Myra's fiancée," Hagren asks leaning to get a better look at the people crowding Myra.   "No I haven't been to Lunacre and they haven't been involved in the new company., so I haven't been involved in that part of the Stagwood life." Hagren inquires about the new company and Fortis runs a hand through his hair, "Well, if all goes according to plan Fortis industries will be acquired by the Stagwoods after I'm on the Council. I should be thanking you really, all of the news around the investigation has drummed up interest."   Hagren inquires if he might be able to get a tour around more of the Spires, Fortis considers before indicating that he could definitely get Hagren entrance to more of the labs and make some introductions. He does warn Hagren that everyone is going to want to chat about his flying ship. Hagren moans saying he'll put up with it if he has to. Fortis inquires what Hagren might be interested in and Hagren comments that as one of the few non-magically inclined members of the group he's feeling the need to look into other options for some of his equipment. Fortis says he would be happy to help make introductions and cheers to the future.  

Mental Chatter

The scene shifts to Adama still listening to the side of the conversation between Count Bildres Camrell, Thirsten Thompson VII and a number of other councilors. "So you're getting engaged?" He asks over the mind link. There's no response from Myra.   "Can the rest of you hear me," he questions.   Raijun and Sarya pop in to say they can hear him fine. "So why no Myra?" Adama asks.   "Shock?" Raijun offers.   "Hmm, Sarya go over and talk to her."   "No, I'll be over here."   "Ummm... Okay." Adama pauses, "Do you think she knew? I mean I'm just confused. Raijun if you told me you were getting married tomorrow I'd buy you a shot but I would be confused."   "Thanks, I mean I don't know if I'm marriage material," inserts Raijun.   "She called me beautiful," Sarya says almost to herself.   "Should we kidnap Myra?" Adama offers.   "I'm in." Raijun says quickly, before adding, "If she wants it." Sarya agrees saying her too.   "Did she know? I mean what kind parents would surprise someone like that? And if she knew why didn't she say something?" Adama thinks aloud to the group. Opening a private mental chat with Myra, "I don't know if you can here me but if you need help you need a codeword or something." There's no answer but the sound of static like rushing water. "Right, well Raijun we'll have to coordinate on a gift."   Sarya has been taking in the scene of the party but her eye is drawn back to Myra. She turns red noticing that Axilya has a hand placed on the small of Myra's back and accidentally projects the image through the link.   "Now that's strange," Adama adds, "I think I've known her for six months and never even hugged her. I wonder if she knew them before?" Turning back to the table he was listening into.  


Raijun also returns his attention to his date, Gameta dancing beside him. Gameta looks up at his returned attention, "Do you want to say congratulations?" gesturing over to Myra.   "No."   "Oh, okay," Gameta looks confused, "Um drinks then?"   Gameta and Raijun wander farther away from the center to talk about Beacon and early intervention techniques. As they step away Raijun feels tense, but looking around doesn't find anything that causes him immediate alarm. He turns back to Gameta, asking about her bloodline and the slight glow she has. Gameta blushes and apologizes starting to excuses herself, Raijun tells her that she is absolutely not embarrassing him as he can do that himself, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. Raijun asks if she knows what kind of dragon she's related to and she relays that it's a crystalline bloodline so you know that comes with thirst for knowledge and lots of other fun things.   Raijun mentions that he's fought some dragons but never heard of that kind. Gameta pushes her hair behind her ear explaining that she doesn't really know but she supposes they are rare. She laments that whatever happened to her mother while she was pregnant seems to have cursed her with the elements Raijun sees, gesturing to her more taloned hand and draconic features.   Raijun thinks for a second before commenting, "Yeah determined, focused, beautiful you really got the bad end of that deal." Gameta blushes radiating the soft purple light again.   Raijun asks her what it's like using her kind of magic asking if it's more wild or controlled. Gameta thinks for a second, "Magic is like a muscle," before commenting that she doesn't really know much though. "All I learned, I learned on my own."   Raijun offers to help her do research saying he can definitely get her into the Stagwoods' library. Gameta's eyes light up as she asks if Raijun has permission for that. Raijun laughs and comments he could break her in and Gameta shrinks back saying she doesn't want to get in trouble. Gameta turns to look at the Stagwoods, still holding court in the center with Myra smiling greeting those who wish to congratulate her. "Are you sure you don't want to say congratulations?"   Raijun leans in, "I think there might be more going on here I don't know about. Unless you want to go up?"   Gameta looks at the imposing figures in the center and turns around grabbing another round off of champagne off a caterer, "Maybe after another drink."  

Find the words

With Raijun and Gameta having danced off, Sarya is left alone at the southern end of the party. She lets the crowd move around her as she seems firmly rooted to the spot. Max spots her, noting her discomfort as she watches the party pass. "Can I get you anything?" He asks.   Sarya looks sadly at the group in the middle before looking back to Max, "Words?"   "Are you unwell? You look a little pale."   "Did you know? Did you know about - about the ...."   "About the engagement?" He offers. Sarya nods. "The Stagwood family has their own business... And it is my job to ensure that the business they don't want to leave the grounds doesn't," he says almost apologetically.   Sarya nods, swallowing, "So you knew. I didn't expect you to tell me."   "Thank you for that."   "I wonder if she'll be happy. Living in a gilded cage."   "I haven't been with the Stagwoods as long as some, but, she seemed pretty happy to me when she came home with you."   "I just hope her time with us isn't over," Sarya says glancing over at where Myra stands in the center of the field. Her eyes about to return to Max when she notices that Axilya's hand has started to move in small circles on Myra's lower back. "Ah, excuse me," and begins to make her way over.  


The person piloting Myra's body smiles warmly, greets, and thanks the party goers that come to congratulate her. She makes plans with Caldir and Axilya for dates the following day. Running and griffin riding in the morning with Axilya, followed by museums and stargazing in the evening with Caldir. They smile at her and say all the things that should be said.   She learns Axilya is a champion duelist, a ribbon fencer, known for her work with the children of the Roots. Caldir is a Vice Counsellor of his circle, the Constellations of the watchful night. He explains that he supervises and guides those within his ring when to plant crops such that they can feed themselves and others. Myra suggests maybe his circle has worked with Sarya's, confusing the circles of Lunacre for those of Sarya's druidic nature. She comments that she thinks they would enjoy meeting others of the group and that Axilya and Raijun could hit it off for their work with children.   They comment they'd be happy to meet her friends. Myra apologizes for not really having anything to speak of for herself but Axilya bats it away saying she's sure Myra has done many impressive things. Myra apologizes several times, either of them getting stuck with her, or in the city but each time they rebuff it saying what and honor and adventure it would be.   Myra's sinking through the ice cold water. The darkness is cool and welcome, she can hear herself talking to others though it's muffled by the ice. It's as though she's watching from beneath everyone, slowly drifting down into the inky blackness. From below she can see the important figures appear on the ice above, her parents smiling at her, the wards flirting, and the Wardens each turning away to a new conversation. "See?" Her own voice echoes through the water, "they will all be happier this way. You always knew no one would come."   "Do you need anything?" Caldir asks.   "Oh, I suppose another drink would be nice, if you don't mind." Caldir take her empty glass and excuses himself.   Axilya turns to Myra, her hand not leaving Myra's back, "So what are we doing tomorrow?"   "Oh, I thought we could do a griffon ride at dawn over the sound and then go running? There are some great trails in the woods."   Axilya grins, "That's where one of your favorite places is right?"   Myra smiles but looks confused, "Yes. Ah the glade is in the woods. But how did you...?"   "Oh it was in the dossier about you."   "The what?"   Axilya's hand strokes Myra's back as Caldir returns, "Just a little bit of information," she smiles. "What you like," She winks and Myra blushes, "and don't. It was the least they could give us."   Myra thanks Caldir and takes the glass of champagne sipping, "Yes... The least they could do."  

Not a Prize

As Myra goes to ask more about the mysterious dossier and what other information it might have, Sarya approaches. Myra beams at her, the first of the Wardens to approach, and introduces her to Axilya and Caldir. Caldir asks what Circle Sarya's family might be in as Myra mentioned that she was from the area. Sarya looks flustered and suggests that Caldir certainly wouldn't know of a small family such as hers before turning to Myra.   "I'm here to congratulate you? One of you?" She asks, Myra's smile fading at her confusion.   "Yes," Axilya smiles, "one of us will certainly win quite the prize," her hand dipping lower on Myra's back as Myra blushes.   Sarya reddens, "Lady Stagwood is not a prize to be won." She softens as her gaze turns to Myra, though she's still addressing the Wards, "I've never seen anyone work as hard as her. She'll work until she forgets to eat or sleep..."   Something stirs beneath the ice at Sarya's words and what begins ascending toward the surface is full of talons and teeth.   Caldir and Axilya look at each other, then Sarya, with an eyebrow raised. Caldir goes to change the subject, "I'm a vice member of the Tapestry of Constellations, perhaps I'd know your family. And anyway someone who knows Myra would be valuable to know," he says smiling as he places a hand on Myra's shoulder smiling.   "I've put that life aside for now. I'm pursuing other interests."   "Ah well as you wish. Everyone must follow their path," he notes as he rubs Myra's shoulder.   Sarya excuses herself, looking sadly at Myra over her shoulder as she walks to thank Lylah for her help. As she leaves she messages the rest of the Wardens mentally, "You know I think she would like it if you came over."   The thing beneath the ice crashes into the surface causing a low 'thud' to echo in the air above as Sarya sadly walks away.  


Adama acknowledges Sarya's note, but finds his current conversation more pressing, hoping to learn the current state of things in Slekul. He tries to antagonize Count Bildres Camrell asking if he's ever drank blood or if he really believes in the god king. Count Camrell seems to revel in Adama's frustration as he jokes that he'd drink anything the color of wine, and notes that he doesn't really involve himself in politics.   Adama sneers and says that he's only here because he's rich and the count laughs and agrees. As Adama mocks the count he can feel someone approaching as Venyetra Hespin appears from behind. Adama taunts both Hespin and the count calling Hespin the count's dog. Thompson finally intervenes saying perhaps it would be good if Adama excused himself from the conversation. Adama looks like he's going to rip into Thompson but notices Hespin still watching him closely and instead pulls him aside out of the group.   As Adama speaks to Hespin, Hespin kneels calling Adama commander. Adama curls his lip and tells Hespin to never call him that again threatening to cut out his tongue. Hespin apologies, "I know you are on a mission of great import bound to protect the king." Adama starts to correct him before deciding to lean into the situation to gain additional knowledge.   Adama asks a number of questions and learns the following:
  • "The Oracle" has returned and a great celebration is being held
  • Claudia Adolphus has been promoted to the commander of the Vigil
  • The structure of the Vigil has changed since Adama was a part of it. The command structure has narrowed so that there are fewer higher ranking and 'trusted' members.
  • Hespin mentions the crusade for 'the Scales' in Timeston and the 'artifact' promised to the Undying
  • Adama learns that the story being told about him is that he is on a secret mission for the crown and that he is not to be interfered with
  As Adama listens to Hespin talk he mind links with Raijun commenting that they need to get the last chest open now that they have the heart as he's concerned that one of the artifacts Slekul may be interested in will be inside. Raijun comments back that maybe it will be something badass like a dragon as the last one resulted in a flesh golem.  


As Hagren is talking with Fortis, he notices Raijun chatting with Gameta out of the corner of his eye. But he also notices that just behind Raijun, much closer than Raijun would normally allow, stands a red and black skinned tiefling. The tiefling seems to feel Hagren's gaze and turns waving with a clawed hand before disappearing behind someone. Hagren immediately links with Raijun to check his six. Raijun executes a twirl of Gameta looking behind him but seeing nothing.   He asks Hagren if it was a joke but notes that the weird feeling he had before seemed gone.   Hagren says it was no joke and comments that he's worried a devil is coming after Raijun.  

Charity Case

Raijun shrugs returning his attention to Gameta who seems to be looking at the center group. "Alright," she declares downing her drink, "I'm going to do it." Raijun looks at Gameta then the group in the middle offering an arm which Gameta takes beaming.   They approach Myra and the Wards, now sitting, Caldir with his arm around her shoulders, Axilya with her hand on Myra's back. Myra beams as Raijun approaches. Gameta get's out a congratulations first, before Raijun agrees an smiles commenting that he only wish she told him so he could plan a present. Myra apologizes saying that she only learned of the news... recently, before remembering her manners and introducing Raijun to her companions.   Axilya pauses trying to place Raijun, "Are you the little brother?"   "That's right," Raijun smiles, "so where's my present?"   Myra laughs, but corrects that Raijun is one of the Wardens noting sadly that Ky isn't here. Raijun notes that if she is in fact getting married, she better have room saved for him as there was no way he wasn't visiting his best friend all of the time.   The beast hits the ice again, the thuds resonating through her mind.   Myra pinches her nose in an expression Raijun is familiar with. Similar to when she has a headache from him doing something wrong, but he knows that this time he hasn't done anything. She rebounds quickly saying that she thinks Raijun and Axilya might hit it off. She comments that Axilya has done a lot of work with the children of the Roots, a district in Lunacre.   Raijun smiles easily, and starts asking about her work and talking about his own work with the den of the free moon. However, at the mention of the Temple of Eilistraee, both the faces of the wards crinkle in distaste. Axilya comments on her work with the children but notes that she, "doesn't associate with those below the surface."   Raijun looks at Myra confused, "Is this some generational elf beef no one told me about?"   Myra looks confused as well so Axilya responds, "the savages that live below the city have a long history of violence against those above all in the name of 'freedom'." She turns to Myra her brows drawn, "I'm concerned with your association have you been aiding in the attacks?"   Myra stammers as Raijun cuts in, "And which part of the den of the free moon bothers you? Is it helping the children of war or the fact that they are poor?"   "Raijun -" Myra starts, but is cut off by Axilya.   "It's the fact that they are the reason I don't have a brother anymore."   "And the reason I no longer have parents," Caldir adds.   Myra looks horrified and stumbles to find the right words as Raijun rebuffs, "So you're just going to write off a whole culture of people based on the actions of a few? You're all the same," He says looking at the wards, "just people talking through their wine glass."   "Well it is very good champagne," Axilya snubs, possessively moving her hand along Myra's back.   "Raijun -" Myra starts.   "Congratulations," Raijun dismisses, before walking away.   The beast inside pauses, watching the exchange. "You're all the same," the claws retreat leaving frozen hands scraping at the underside of the ice. "I'm not..." She calls to Raijun through the ice. But as she looks at the girl on the ice sitting with the two elves wrapped around her, saying nothing, she doesn't believe herself. "You were always one of them," her own voice echoes, "why try to be something you're not?"   As Raijun and Gameta retreat, Raijun is still fuming. Gameta comments, "They seem different than I was expecting."   "I don't understand people are always like this!" Raijun explodes. "I hope I'm not like that when I'm at the top," he says somberly.   Gameta rubs his arm and assures him that he will be different. He smiles at her determined, "Well come on if I've learned anything it's that if they say no someone else around here must be willing to give the orphans a chance!"  


As Myra watches Raijun walk away Axilya sighs excusing herself, saying she needs to talk to the quartet. A moment later the High Lord asks if he can steal Caldir for a moment. Myra nods sitting as her parents step up, taking the place of the wards.   "Well what do you think?" Her mother asks, gesturing to the wards.   "They seem... very accomplished," Myra notes.   "Yes their solicitations certainly looked well on paper." Her mother turns her eye to where Axilya is talking to the quartet, "And you seem to already have shown more of an interest in one of them?"   Myra blushes, "If that's alright."   Her mother nods approvingly, "I wanted to ensure you had a choice. I know it's a lot," looking at where the shattered glass was, "but I wanted someone who could look out for you going forward. Now that you'll be staying here."   Myra winces at the mention of the glass, "I'm sorry I was surprised. You know I don't do well with surprises."   "Yes, well it's good to know a mother can still surprise her daughter occasionally." She looks over Myra, her gaze lingering on the tattoo on her back, "did you really have to do that to yourself."   Myra's gaze drops to the ground as her father chimes in jokingly, "do you know how hard your mother has worked to give you your skin?"   Myra's mother waves him off putting a hand on Myra's arm, "We're sure you'll make a good decision."   "Do I need to decide now?" Myra asks.   "Oh no, we thought we would give you a day or so to really get to know them before you pick. Ky will be home to perform the ceremony."   "Ky's coming back?" Myra asks eagerly.   "Yes we pulled some favors in from the Ay," nodding to Asymptote's table, "He should be here in a few hours."   "And when is the ceremony?"   "We were thinking by the end of next week. Most things have already been arranged," Myra's mother notes, straightening a piece of Myra's gown.   Myra nods as her mother continues, "Your friends are of course welcome to come visit."   Myra looks off the Raijun smiling with Gameta, "Yes, if they're free. They are quite busy..."   Her father steps up elbowing her with a smile, "Now we can put all your hard work into practice. All those designs and ideas we had when you were going up."   Myra returns the smile, "I'll have lots of things to fill the notebook with," and her father beams at her.   He bumps her in the side, smiling, "You'll come through this okay."   "I always do."   Her father kisses her head as her parents depart to talk to other members of the party leaving Myra alone.   The numbness creeps into all of her limbs, "Why fight this? It's clearly what they want," her voice echoes as she watches the figures move all around the party leaving her other self alone. "It's what would make them proud, what would make them happy. Are you really going to stand in the way of that?" She drifts deeper.  

The Fractured Perfection

Her family and new suitors having left for other errands Myra finds herself alone in the center of the party Ayen standing a short distance away. A smile fixed in place, she looks slightly lost like she's waiting for someone to tell her what she should do next.   Across the lawn Sarya, Raijun, and Gameta discuss the predicament. Sarya expresses concern which Raijun echoes as they lament that they wish they could get Myra alone to talk to her. Gameta jumps in to say that it looks like Myra is alone now offering to run interference on anyone who might try to come back first. Raijun flashes her a smile, thanking her, as he and Sarya call the other Wardens to converge on Myra.   Raijun and Sarya arrive first, Myra smiling at them asking if they are having a nice time. She apologizes to Raijun about before explaining that she wasn't aware but Raijun brushes it off, "Words are like arrows Myra."   Myra looks confused, "They hurt you and can do real harm?"   "No! I catch them and throw them back. Come on that was one time."   "Is this what you want?" Sarya asks quietly, noting Ayen on the side.   "Is this what you want?" It echoes drifting down to Myra. She stirs, why does it matter what she wants?   "Yeah cause we can like break you out of here," Raijun adds conspiratorially.   "I ah -" Myra starts but is interrupted by Hagren and Adama joining.   "Did you know?" Adama demands.   Myra wrings her hands, "I mean I had some idea. I just wasn't sure quite how... soon it would be. Did you know my parent's marriage was arranged?"   "And their just going to marry you off to some strangers?" Adama asks.   "They're not strangers," Myra pushes back.   "Oh yeah did you know them before today."   Myra wrings her hands, "Well no -"   "So they're strangers."   "We just want you to be happy," Sarya comments.   "We just want you..." They came. And they wanted her. The scales return as she ascends once again this time fully giving over to the change.   Myra looks confused, "Thank you? I mean I am?"   "Just tells us this is what you want?!" Adama challenges.   "It is!" Myra exclaims and the whole group looks at her stunned for a moment. "Have I not given enough for you all? I've known you months but I've given you years of my life. I've almost died more than anyone else."   "Is that true?" Adama asks. As he does so Myra grasps her head holding it with both her hands doubled over. "What's wrong?"   Ayen also rushes over, "What's happening?"   "It's just a headache," Myra reassures, "I must have had to much to drink."   The monster knows her lies. "They don't want her," it roars, slamming itself repeatedly against the ice pounding against it, "they want me."   Raijun and Sarya hear the thuds growing louder in their heads too as Myra furiously beats against the ice.   Adama looks at Myra confused, "Bullshit. You could drink all of us under the table and not have a headache."   Ayen waves him off with a look and takes Myra by the shoulders leading her a few steps away to the other side of the tent. Where she steps bits of frost are left behind. "Are you okay?" He asks and Myra nods, eyes closed trying to keep the pounding silent. "Just take a minute and then you can go back okay? Just breathe."   Ayen returns to the group, and is immediately pulled aside by Adama. "I know I haven't known Myra as long as you but that person is wrong," Adama warns.   Ayen looks back at the Myra across the tent, breathing trying to get herself under control and nods to Adama. "Let's just give her a minute to breathe."   The group waits in silence as there is a furious discussion over the mental chat. Sarya and Raijun both comment that they have noticed things that seem off but seem unsure what to do next. Meanwhile, Hagren brings up that he thinks they may have bigger problems as Raijun has a devil stalking him. Sarya and Adama look confused and Hagren catches them up on what he saw earlier. When Hagren projects an image of the tiefling to the others minds Sarya's eyes go wide as she comments that she knows him.   Raijun turns to Sarya stunned, "Wait do you ALSO have a secret guild of ninja assassins following you?"   "They're not ninjas?" Sarya responds helpfully.   "How have we never talked about this?" Raijun practically shouts over the mental link.   Adama cuts in, "How is this the first time this is coming up?"   Sarya winces slightly looking off at Myra recovering, "I mean it's not. I just might have forgotten to tell everyone."   Hagren mentions that that's not all, that there was also someone aboard Reach. Adama asks when Hagren found out and Hagren mentions his conversation with Rand the night before. Adama and Raijun share a look before saying that maybe it's unrelated.   Ayen goes to check on Myra and comes back with her looking slightly pale a smile fixed to her face.   Raijun's been looking at Myra the entire chat with the others, thinking about what he knows of his best friend. He's sure that the person who answered believes that they want to go through with everything, but he can't kick the suspicion that that's not the case. He sighs to himself before approaching Myra,"Hey I'm sorry about before. I want you to know whatever path you choose I support you." He hugs her, and in her ear whispers, "I love you Myra."   "I love you." It rings in Myra's mind cutting clearly through the ice, the first thing she's heard clearly since descending. The monster attacks the ice with a renewed force, emboldened knowing that not everyone would be happy for it to disappear.   CRACK, the ice starts to buckle, as Myra clutches her head in agony as the barrier between her two selves starts to break. She doubles over whimpering, "Ayen," as he scoops her up and dashes off with her toward the house, trails of frost following.   Sarya and Raijun take off after Ayen immediately, Adama and Hagren following shortly after ensuring the strange tiefling is nowhere to be seen.   Ayen kicks open the door to Myra's room putting her on the bed as he asks her what is going on. She curls up saying it hurts clutching her head as the others race into the room with a number of guards on Ayen's heels. by the time the Wardens are in the room there's already frost on the bed and Raijun is the first to notice the temperature in the room as it steadily drops. "Uh guys, it's cold in here...."   Ayen looks at Trenchcoat and asks him to go find Lylah and bring her here immediately. Trenchcoat dashes back out the door to the party.   "I don't think that will do much for her," Adama comments. The Wardens all look at Myra on the bed, Ayen next to her, and then at each other. "Ayen you might want to back away from the bed bud."   Myra whimpers on the bed, "the pounding." As the temperature in the room continues to drop, the sweat that was on her now crystalizing.   "What pounding?" Ayen asks.   "You're not crazy I hear it too," Sarya tells Myra softy.   Ayen whirls on the group demanding to know what's happening. The group confers mentally before Adama responds that Myra might have a bit of a dragon problem. Ayen pales slightly and looks at the other guards in the room sending them out to keep the guests safe and also to buy some more privacy for the group.   "Where's the safest room in the house," Adama demands. "The one that could contain the most magic?"   Ayen gestures to the room they are in, "Here. Hers' and Ky's rooms were always the most heavily guarded."   "I'm gonna need permission Ayen," Adama adds. Ayen looks back at Myra, the bed now covered in a thin sheet of ice, as he chucks a bracelet at Adama.   Ayen looks to the group for more information but they are busy conferring on the best course of action. He turns back to Myra, "I'm sorry about this," he says as he slaps, her telling her to pull herself together.   Myra seems to calm slightly until Sarya comes over and lays a hand on her, "We just want you to be okay."   Slap, " okay," the beast in Myra's mind roars in pain and confusion as she tries to process the conflicting feelings from Ayen and Sarya. The ice, already weakened by the repetitive hits, cracks. All those on the mind link hear the sounds of the fissure opening as the monster beneath is released.   As the Wardens hear the CRACK they also hear Myra start to laugh, first sadly then bordering on hysterical as she pushes into a kneeling position on the bed.   "Ayen you should step away," Adama recommends. But Ayen is there as Myra reaches out for him, concern in his eyes.   "I broke," She laughs. "They broke me. And I reached out a hand and What Did You Do?" She snarls, tears welling.   "What did you do?" Adama demands from the background. To Myra, "I asked you if you could trust him!"   "I'm sorry -" Ayen starts.   "You told me to enjoy it," The tears dripping down her face crystalize before they can fall, the hands grasping onto Ayen mutating into claws.   Ayen looks at Myra, "I wanted to tell you. I wanted -"   Myra laughs again but this time it's cold, "Ayen, are you here to protect me, or my parents investment?"    She doesn't let him reply as another growl rips through her. "Did you ever care about me?" As she asks her jaw lengthens there's the sounds of seams splitting, bones breaking, and ice cracking as Myra's form rapidly grows in size. The room's protective enchantments swell allowing the gargantuan form of the Fractured Perfection to be revealed without bringing down the house.   The beast screams as it rips free of it's icy prison, the wind picks up as a raging blizzard appears. Through it she can just see Ayen looking at the other version of her on the ice, pity and concern in his eyes. The beast screams again, diving, full of hatred.   The last time the group saw Myra in her dragon form she was smaller her scales shimmering and white. But the dragon that looms over them all, grasping Ayen in its talons is a far cry from that. The scales look like they are carved from ice, almost translucent refracting the light in the room. She towers several stories as the enchantments on the room crackle trying to keep the magic contained.   "Should we just let her eat him?" Adama offers. "It might make her feel better."   'I don't think it would make her feel better," Sarya corrects.   "Are you sure? It seemed to make her feel better in Nightwell."   "I'm pretty sure she still feels horrible over all of that."   "Well it might make me feel better."   Sarya gives Adama a look as he sighs and circles around with the other Wardens.   Ayen struggles in the massive beasts claws, "Please Myra. I'm sorry. There's more at stake here. Think of your friends."   The beast glares at Ayen unblinkingly, inhaling, as it has no trouble pinning him in place.   From behind, "Please Myra, I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to fight my best friend," as Raijun stands down, not even drawing his sword.   Sarya steps closer, hands raised, "Please come back. I think - I think I might love you."   "We all love you," Adama adds, taking a step forward.   "And if you don't want to be here we can go where ever. Ayen will let you go," Sarya says staring daggers into Ayen, who nods agreeing.   They appear like points of light in the blizzard. First Raijun, then Sarya, then Adama and Hagren. They stand around her, unflinching, no pity, no fear. "I think I might love you," Sarya's voice echoes. "We all love you," Adama's voice echoes followed by the others agreeing. The storm stops as suddenly as it started. The monster sighs, it's form blending with the girl on the ice until they are once again one.   The scales of ice begin to melt as the room gets noticeably warmer. The form of the Fractured Perfection shrinking until there's just a girl on the bed crying, still clutching Ayen's shirt. As the Wardens move closer to embrace Myra, Ayen detaches themselves and makes for the back door. "Ayen wait," there's still ice in her voice as Myra looks up at him, all the warmth she once had for her protector gone.   He stops at the door, turning. "Is there anything else coming for them?" Myra asks.   He shakes his head sadly as Myra allows herself to be enveloped by her friends, not giving him a second look. He makes it outside where he finds Trenchcoat and Lylah rushing down the path. He stops them and Lylah asks if everything is okay. Ayen smiles heartbroken as he looks back into the room, "Yeah. It's fine. She's our Myra," as he escorts Lylah away.   Inside the group hug splits, as Hagren looks between Myra and Sarya, "Will you just kiss her already?"   Sarya blushes but Myra just pulls her in to a kiss not caring who is watching as Raijun and Adama make their own fireworks go off above their heads. They separate but Myra holds Sarya's hand, unwilling or unable to let go.   "So where to?" Asks Adama, "We could go back to the ship or to Lion's Crest."   "Yeah who needs this fancy stuff," Hagren comments as he tears open his shirt preparing to don his armor.   "No. No more running," Myra proclaims. She looks at Hagren, "You're right though we need a clothing change," and she turns her ring activating the swap to her other armor.   "That's how that works?!?" Hagren asks, looking down at his ripped shirt.   "Don't worry I can fix that," she smiles. Myra looks at her own armor and the water that litters the floor. She takes in a breath and the water shifts moving to crystalize around her armor like small scales, "There now I'm ready."   "Wait you want to go back out there?" Adama asks incredulous.   "I told you I'm not running," Myra insists making her way out into the garden where she enlarges Spryg.   "I'll never understand rich people," Adama comments. "Fine well if we are going in might as well make an entrance. What title do you want?"   Myra mounts Spryg then offers a hand to Sarya to pull her up behind her. "The Fractured Perfection, that's her name."   Adama nods walking with Hagren and Raijun back towards the party as Sarya and Myra shoot into the air on Spryg. As they approach Adama uses the bracelet from Ayen to cast fireball in the sky to draw everyone's attention. At first there's oohs as the crowd thinks that it's another round of fireworks have begun, but as they feel the heat cries of alarm ring out. "Introducing, the Fractured Perfection, Lady Myra Stagwood," Adama's voice resonates, magically amplified, as through the last of the explosion dives Myra landing Spryg onto the center tent where the engagement was announced just hours ago.   Myra modifies her own voice making it loud enough to be heard by all, "Thank you everyone for coming this evening. I apologize for the inconvenience and the confusion for what will probably go on record as the shortest engagement."   Myra's mother steps up her eyes full of rage, "What do you think you're doing? I'm so disappoint-" She's cut off by Raijun, smiling as he catches the bracelet Adama has tossed to him, allowing him to cast silence over her and Lord Stagwood. She looks confused then furious as she continues to try to speak to no avail.   Myra looks shaken but continues, "As I was saying. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience but there will be no engagement."   From behind, "Now Myra, let's not be hasty." The High Lord drawls, "After all you owe -"   "I don't owe you shit," Myra snarls, eliciting a wave of whispers from the crowd.   "I think you'll want to reconsider when you are in a more level headed state."   Adama steps up a hand on his sword, "The lady said no." Hagren backs him up, placing a hand on his own sword.   The High Lord doesn't bat an eye at Adama but looks at Myra, nods and turns to leave calling for his wards to follow. They do without a word and exit back toward the manor.   Laura steps up, "That was fierce. Did you have more or should we get out of here?"   Myra looks back at her parents, her mother still fuming in silence, looks at several of the other patrons confused. Cosmo looks concerned and Ayen, Myra realizes, is no where to be seen. "Yeah I could use a drink. Let's go."   "Gameta you're with us," Myra calls out and Gameta blushes but joins the group as Laura claps and looks to Trist to lead the way.  


Trist leads the party out of the Stagwood estate and back to a familiar train station, a train already at the platform. The group notices the same violin music playing and Raijun comments that it's driving him crazy as Trist stops he party from getting on the train. "We need to take the next one," she clarifies as the train pulls out of the station.   The group shrugs and Raijun is about to go looking for the mystery violinist as a familiar silhouette appears on the opposing stairs. Yamil staggers down the steps, hand out blood on his arm as he collapses to the ground, "Run."

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