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Cursed Compass

General Summary

This is an aggregation of my notes on the cursed compass starting with the events surrounding how we found it through the smoky event in Hazelden. Instead of normal headers I'll be making main headers for the different sessions/arc with sub headers of of the party members who have knowledge of the events in chronological order.  

The Wreck


On the second day of sailing from Greenport toward lion's crest, as we crossed the Turquoise Currents, we passed an island. Kay called out that the sight of land, though none was charted on our maps and mentioned that they thought they made out a figure on the island. The Warden's, ever curious decided to take two of the rowboats to the island to investigate if the figure needed assistance.   As they approached they saw the a figure slouched on a whiskey barrel in front of a small table. As the group drew near the island they could also make out the bones of a ship off the side of the island. Making landfall the group introduced themselves to what they quickly discovered was a ghost of a man who introduced himself as Thomas. Upon learning there wasn't a person to save most of the group broke off to explore the wreckage while Myra and Gwen stayed behind with Thomas.   Myra and Gwen learned that the vessel had been a merchant ship and Thomas indicated that it was sunk when a tower appeared out of nowhere and smashed into the ship. Thomas thought that the ship had been sunk yesterday and was clearly unaware of his own death instead talking of a girl he was sweet on and insisting that he had to get back to her. Probing deeper Myra and Gwen learned that despite his first insistences, Thomas had actually been conscripted onto the ship which had been chartered by a powerful mage.   Meanwhile as the rest of the Warden's dove beneath the waves about 15ft down they found a large shipwrecked boat. They immediately started looking around finding a chest with a book inside, they also found a room that looked like runes had been carved over all the walls from the inside, almost to the point where it felt like someone had gone mad carving the walls. Tintreach was able to cast detect magic and found a strong abjuration based though they were unable to tell if it was keeping something in or keeping something out. There were some books in the room but they all looked destroyed by the water. Searching the bunks of the rooms below the water successfully stealthing past something that was asleep in one of the bunks they found a lockbox with a spyglass in need of repair, and a compass.   Gwen and Myra had continued chatting with Thomas and had moved on to his past and were particularly intrigued by a coin he kept fiddling with, the only non-ghostly item that the had on his person. Thomas recounted stealing the coin from the mage and being caught in the act. He called it his lucky coin and said that, despite catching him, the mage let him keep it. Myra convinced Thomas to let her hold the coin prompting a series of visions (described below). After coming out of the visions Myra cast identify on the coin and discovered it was cursed to 'hold a user to an area until the 'thing' that user is supposed to protect is transported'. Myra deduced that the user was Thomas and that the reason the mage returned the coin to him was to bind him to the coin.   By this point Myra and Gwen wanted to save Thomas to allow him to pass on. They offered him passage in their boat which he at first moved toward. But around the time that he would get to the boat he seemed to 'reset' going back to the whiskey barrel and re-introducing himself. They successfully got Thomas on the boat by grabbing the coin and taking it with them but about 10ft off of shore Thomas turned more malevolent and violent saying that this is not what the master would have wanted and began attacking Myra. Myra, not actually wanting to harm Thomas and having little room to maneuver, took the brunt of Thomas's attacks grabbing the coin before he could go after Gwen. As Myra was knocked unconscious falling into the water the coin broke in two landing in the boat. As she fell Thomas said 'The vessel is ready' before disappearing.   Upon returning to the The Alabaster Gale Gwen identified the compass the guys had found earlier as a Compass of Finding which would point toward your heart's desire.  


Myra mentioned in passing the visions she received while trying to take the coin from Thomas but probably wouldn't have gone into all of the details instead generalizing, saying she saw him do the following and not expressing that she saw and felt it from Thomas's perspective. Below are some of the details of those visions:   Vision 1 - Scrawling appearing on the deck of the ship before a horrible sound as people shout to brace yourselves. A tower jutting out of the sea where it shouldn't be runes running up its side. She feels Thomas's body lurching to the side before the vision fades.   Vision 2 - A dark room below decks and a sinister voice crowing, "The captain said you shouldn't be down there"   Vision 3 - A low lit table of cards below deck with men huddled around as I say "I'm out for this game," and fold.   Vision 4 - A tall figure standing above me, a flash and I'm walking down a hall feeling magic and power rush over me as I hear him speak. The face of the master.   Vision 5- A kiss below deck and the name Darla.   Vision 6 - I'm strapped to a table in a dark room, screaming as I feel a searing pain while hear voices talk calmly in the background.  


Hagren - The Pit

On the first night in Nightwell Hold, upon leaving the The Soldier's Last Stand  Hagren made his way through the streets searching for an underground fight club mentioned by Kymil Stagwood. After walking around outside Hagren notices a noise coming from a sewer grate. Following, the noises he trails into the sewers until he gets to a junction where a fighting pit has been erected.    As he sidles up to the pit to watch the fight he feels a tap from behind. Turning around, Hagren finds an older looking gentleman in fancy clothes looking befuddled. The man asks "Hagren, where are we? Why are you here?" But Hagren writes him off and attempts to turn back to the fight. The man taps him again asking, "When will you be returning to your journey?" After the man continues, "What do you seek?"   Hagren goes off on the old man saying, "I don't know where this is or who you are!" with some of the surrounding spectators giving him strange looks.   As Hagren turns back to the pit a final time the man warns of 'grave consequences' and inquires again "When will you be returning back on your journey?"    Shortly after the guards broke in, the fighting pit dispersing in yells. As Hagren turned to make his exit he noticed the man was no where to be seen.   

Hagren - First Dawn

The following night in Nightwell, as Myra, Tintreach, and Adama were in the brig at Powder Keg Keep, Hagren and Gwen saw Kymil Stagwood give a bundle to a half eleven man who stopped by the church. After, while Gwen talked to Ky, Hagen snuck over an using his pocket hole moved some of the supplies from the pack to the room we were staying in the back of the temple.    Returning to the back room Hagren is investigating the food when he hears the voice of the old man behind him, "Eat it or not it's time to return to your journey."   

Hagren - Crossing to Slekul

Mentioned in Sea of Secrets - Crossing the Beholden.   Sailing on 'The Right Price', Hagren had entered into a conversation with Inxosa about his previous life as a sailor. As Inxosa returned to his work and Hagren returned to looking out at sea standing in front of him, just off the ship floating in the air, stood a familiar old man. The old man spoke, "You're getting close, you must find it. Return to your purpose seek it out and you will be greatly rewarded. Lead them, I offer you what you seek, you shall be rewarded." Hagren noticing the man pretends not to see him instead staring past out to sea. The man vanishes a moment later.  

Everchange Exchange - Pancakes and Poltergeists 

As found in Arts and Crafts - Breaks & Bounty Boards and The Red Scarves Return - Tracking Thompson's Treasure .  


As everyone settles in at Wilth's invitation of pancakes and Myra's coffee the beads to Rolwisi's Lamp erupt as a feathered figure stands heroically in the doorway, "Welcome back to my presence" greets Onsprey. He enters and sheepishly asks if there are more pancakes and is welcomed along with first mate Kay into the lamp. As we eat Onsprey asks where out target destination is, we explain the general vicinity and tell him that we are hunting stories but we have a good idea of the general location and some tools that should be able to help track the goods we seek.   As we are talking Myra remembers that Hagren has a compass that points towards what he most desires and says that they would be pretty useful around now. Onsprey jokes that he hopes Hagren isn't in love with someone as the compass could then lead us around in circles. Hagren, pulling out the compass thinks to give it to Myra to help navigate but as he goes to hand it over he finds that he is unable to part with it as the world slows to a stop.  


As the Scene pauses with everyone else in the Lamp coming to a stop Hagren notices the older man that he has seen on several occasions. As the man sees Hagren he begins speaking, "We're so close to the goal. To home. Return me to my king and you shall be rewarded. It's about time that we came to some sort of arrangement. I can grant you power and things men covet in this world. All you must do is return me to my king. I can sense your longing to return and share the sea with others. Name your price and I will pay it in exchange for my vessel's return. Dare not relinquish control of my vessel or I will cause you great pain."   Hagren tries to ignore the man, instead pretending that nothing out of the ordinary.   Infuriated the mage stammers, "Do not try to fool me while I am in this state. I can still cause you great pain."   Hagren tries to shoot the ghost but the bullets melt in mid air as the scene around him still frozen.   The mage laughs, "Try as you might to ignore me we are bonded." But getting no further response from Hagren frustratedly sighs, "If the carrot doesn't work I will have to try the stick." As Hagren feels a sharp pain in his head as images he couldn't imagine fill his mind: smells of caustic liquids, dark chambers & screams.   As the visions fade the mage murmurs, "I will return to you when you might be more agreeable"   " I doubt it," Hagren retorts causing the mage to whirl around.   "My power could be yours but you are too stubborn to embrace it," he comments as he disappears.   


Hagren - Seraching for Vlypeum - Temporous Timbers

While trying to track down Thompsons' Treasure Myra asks Hagren to use the compass a number of times, not having been told about the troubling side effect of having a Mage bound to it. As Hagren uses it more the mage does not appear as frequently, however, Hagren starts to feel almost compelled to use the compass.    The compass consistently point's towards a course that seems near where we expect Vlypeum to be and points into the raging storm that seems to be surrounding the area.   Later arriving in Temporous Timbers Hagren uses the compass to continue to attempt to find Thompson's treasure. When he uses the compass the needle seems to almost point down into the compass as though the pull was coming from under where we were, matching our guess that the items were being stored in Vedette.   

Wardens - Discussions with the Specimen

Upon entering the interior of the structure in the reefed expanse the group started communicating with an entity later known as 'The Specimen'. During initial introductions with the specimen it began talking in the minds of each of the Wardens. To Hagren it said, "You, one of spirit, you know what it is like to be far from home."    As Hagren talked to the Specimen he pulled out the compass and said, "If you want to mess with me you'll have to take care of him."    The Specimen laughed, 'What trinkets of power do you have?"   

Wardens - Above Vlypeum

As the Wardens raced back towards the Vitae Vigilia on the Divine Reach, Adama noticed that the beds had been disturbed below decks despite no one having had a chance to sleep in the beds. This prompted us to ask Reach if there was any way to scan the decks for life forms. Reach agreed and proceeded to check the decks. All were empty until he reached the top deck where, instead of 6 creatures 8 were identified.    In a stroke of luck we had just passed into a new level of the rings surrounding Vlypeum in which poisonous gas was everywhere. This gas revealed two forms in the mist of humanoids with joints and proportions that don't quite make sense. As they noticed each other's visibility they moved toward the party, vanishing an reappearing next to Hagren. As one grappled Hagren the other rooted through his bags until he found the compass grabbing it and disappearing again.    Scanning the ship we learned they were three levels down and managing to kill them just as they were about to jump out the back of the ship's hold. Adama asked Hagren what the hell was going on as Raijun supported Myra, who was barely on the edge of consciousness. Adama picks up the compass and Hagren divulges that he's been being haunted by a ghost who keeps promising him power. Raijun mentions he's hurt Hagren hadn't mentioned it before and Hagren insisted that he had the situation handled.    During watch Adama investigates the compass attempting to coerce and threaten the ghost into appearing to no avail. During his investigation the compass points strongly west. Raijun attempts to trick Adama into believing he's the voice inside the compass earning him second watch.   On Raijuns watch he takes the compass from where Adama left it, the ghost not appearing to either of them. Raijun notices 6 stars on the compass case but doesn't know what they relate to. While Raijun looks at the compass the compass seems to point in their general heading but occasionally spins wildly before returning to the heading. Raijun returns the compass to next to Adama before passing the watch to Hagren.


As Adama tosses in the night his arm brushes against the compass. Suddenly he is awake his arms can move, suddenly shackled in place on the table he finds himself laying on. Standing over him is a familiar face, Invendor the high mage of Skull hill keep - proctor of experiments, who smiles as he gestures to Adama's bound state, "Well I wasn't expecting you to find this fragment." He draws a hand across Adama, "Such potential I saw in you."   Adama is shocked into silence before he begins shaking violently insisting that 'he' can't be here his voice tremoring.   The mage seems to ignore Adama's comments, "He tries to find us but he can't seem to see us." The man's hands glow green, "We seem to be bound in our paths you and I. But it seems that I must rely on you to fulfill your purpose. Return the fragment back to where you belong."   Adama struggles further in the chains, "Not you. I-it can't be y-you. How? No!"   The man seems to take immense pleasure as Adama struggles against the bindings. He runs a hand across Adama's scar, "You made him so upset when you left. My work unfinished. I saw such potential in you."   "W-where am I?"   "You are in the prison that holds me," the man sighs, "But I can still give you the things you seek. Conquest. Vengeance. I'm not ashamed to be a focus of your vengeance. Carry me with you. Do what I could not and you will be welcomed home. He'll certainly be glad to see you."   "Ca-an you take that pain away? Take the memories away?"   "Return home and all will be forgiven. Fulfill your potential."   "Is-s he here? Is Rex Mortis here?"   The man laughs, runes on his chest, face, and hands glowing softly. "No he is not here. Carry me with you and power and rage that fuels it will be yours."   Adama wakes suddenly, returned to his place on the Divine Reach, the compass now on his chest his arms wrapped around it protectively.  


As morning comes Adama finds Myra, clutching the compass in his hand, and asks her to more thoroughly identify the compass. Myra agrees but asks why Adama seems so set on it now as she had other things to look into as well.   Adama seems more serious than normal, "My tormentor sits inside of this compass. He takes glee and pleasure from tormenting others and he wants to return to Skull Hill Keep. The King of Skull Hill wants to become a Litch, maybe the compass is somehow related. Can you look at it?"   Myra agrees and asks Adama for the compass. He struggles for a minute, almost being unable to give it up, before his conviction allows him to almost throw it across the room. Myra goes and picks it up, not feeling or seeing anything out of the ordinary with it and begins to cast identify ritually. As she is casting there's a ruckus up above that Adama insists they will handle and to continue identifying. She gets most of the way through the spell before having to give it up due to the combat above, but doesn't sense anything aside from the Compass of Finding that Gwen had previously divined. She informs Adama she can continue looking at it later (though she will not have a chance before the next section) and tucks it into the bag of holding suggesting that it might be better for her to hold onto it if both Hagren and Adama were having issues.  

Wardens - Vlypeum - IR- AV Room

The next time the compass is mentioned is in the IR-AV room (this will be captured in The IR- AV - Tracking Thompson's Treasures but I haven't fully finished that session report yet) after the Wardens realize that the crucible is melting objects into power for Vlypeum.   Adama, wishing to get rid of the compass, suggests throwing the compass into the crucible to have it be destroyed. Myra initially agrees and goes to pull out the compass (what Myra hears in section below), but pauses and suggests that maybe that's too dangerous. Not knowing how the crucible works or how the compass works it could be extremely dangerous to just throw it in there. It could explode or if this mage that Adama is so worried about has crafted his spell correctly it could release him which seems to be the opposite of what Adama wants.   Adama looks furious at Myra saying that nothing good can come of the compass, saying that the soul inside is one of the most wicked mages he has ever met and that they need to put it into the crucible. Adama explains that the soul trapped in side tortured him and an unknown number of other users and that nothing good could come of having it.   Myra takes a few steps back from Adama's anger, motioning to the other members of the party that she is concerned that Adama will attack her as the other members move closer to protect her. She insists that if the mage is as bad as Adama says, she's not against destroying the compass but that she simply needs more time to study it to make sure they do it in a way that ensures the destruction safely. Raijun suggests the bag of devouring they found and Myra notes that that will just dump the compass on another plane not actually destroy it. She pleads with Adama that she'll help him do whatever it is he needs she just wants to be careful especially as they are about to go fight Voice.   Adama looks ready to attack Myra before he notices her eyes are unfocused and glassy which he takes to mean she's been charmed by the compass. He explains this to the group as he makes a grab for Myra but she slips away backing behind Kanna, Sarya, and Hagren, whispering that she's scared as she goes. Others look at Myra, but not seeing what Adama sees, insist that she's trying to protect the group and move protectively in front of her. Eventually, Adama sees that there's no point in arguing with the group and stalks out of the room angrily.  

Myra - IR-AV Room

When Myra reached into the bag to get the compass out to throw it in the crucible she heard the voice of Invendor, the same voice she heard in Thomas's memories, "One so curious. What knowledge could I bring to you. The things I could teach you. The power to save the ones you care about," as visions of Gwen and Tintreach's deaths pass before her eyes.   She finds that she is unable to give up the compass. If there's a chance to protect the others, even if what Adama says is true, maybe she can find a way to extract the information before having to dispose of the compass. She shouldn't let him out, shouldn't help the voice, but what if she could use him... just to protect the others.   She pivots, raising concerns about the destruction of the compass, things she was truly concerned about but until a moment before seemed less risky than continuing to hold onto a potential phylactery. As she successfully avoids throwing it into the crucible there's a sense of satisfaction that radiates out of the compass as Myra has a hard time for a moment letting it go back into the bag of holding noting that she would have to study it again later.  

Wardens - Beholden Crossing - Interested Parties

In Heroes of the Beholden - Beholden Crossing, upon returning to the Divine Reach after defeating Voice and destroying Vlypeum Adama suggests hiding all of the relics from Slekul, including the compass, aboard the boat and leaving a guard as the group goes to parlay with the delegations. Myra doesn't object, mentally calculating that she would like to study the compass more but doesn't want Slekul to possess it, and leaves the compass under the guard of Spryg and Peng Yu on the bottom level of the deck (magically protected by private sanctum).  

Wardens - Alabaster Gale

Leaving the compass in the warded area seems to be have been a good choice as later upon the The Alabaster Gale a dwarf in the colors of the Manten’Liche Army walks up to the Wardens and demands to know, "which of you controls that ship," pointing to the Divine Reach. Hagren steps forward and asks what might be the problem and the dwarf (later identified as Admiral Blackspear) accuses, "you have stolen property of ours." Hagren says that they are welcome to tour the boat when the parlay is concluded but Myra intervenes (knowing that we do in fact have Slekul branded boxes in our hull) asking what evidence they have that we stole anything as we have just concluded saving everyone. Blackspear pulls out a familiar looking compass, "We have been on the search for a royal heirloom, this is it's mated pair." Myra asks to see where the compass is pointing saying if it is at their ship then they will happily let their delegation aboard but that she doesn't like being accused of things. The admiral opens the compass expecting the needle to point to the ship but it instead seems to be spinning, picking a new direction every few second. The admiral demands to know what we did to his compass and Myra proclaims that she's never seen his compass before. The admiral narrows his eyes but starts walking away. Myra says she didn't catch his name and he says, "that's right you didn't," as he walks into the crowd.  

Adama and Myra

As noted in The Alabaster Gala - Beholden Crossing, later that night after the party Myra checks in on Adama who has locked himself in with the boxes and compass. He mentions the difficulty he's had with the book of spells and Myra offers that tomorrow she can probably look into the issue further if he wants. He accepts her offer and gives her the spell book. As she leaves the room Myra swipes the compass on the way out, placing it back in the bag of holding.   On the way to Beater's Point, the Wardens took a few days of rest with Adama choosing to burn his arcane recovery to cast non-detection on the bag of holding to keep the boxes and compass away from potential watching eyes. Myra spent most of her time identifying the items that were found in the IR-AV room (see The IR- AV - Tracking Thompson's Treasures) including the spell book Adama had asked her to look at. She also took time to investigate the Cursed Compasses and fully identify it still receiving only information on it being a Compass of Finding. While she identified the compass it did not talk to her further but Myra, wary of the voice she heard, seemed reluctant to touch it further.  


After the second attempt at identify and no longer being actively charmed by the compass Myra became much more warry of the compass. She was never sure after the fact if she had in fact been charmed by the compass and this contributed to her not feeling like she could trust herself and generally avoiding touching the compass. As she never had confirmation of being charmed she never talked with Adama regarding what happened in the IR-AV after the fact. Taking more time she did connect the voice she heard in the IR-AV back to the coin Thomas was bound in and began thinking about the specifics of the curse that the coin had.   The coin was to 'hold a user to an area until the 'thing' that user is supposed to protect is transported'. Originally Myra had assumed the thing in the curse was the coin Thomas seemed bound to, with Myra even keeping the coin halves in case he was somehow still trapped. However, in replaying the events in her in her mind Myra realizes that the coin broke and Thomas declared that the "vessel" was ready around the same time Hagren surfaced from the wreckage of the boat with the compass and other items from the ship. This is particularly troubling to her given the memories she experienced as Thomas the cruel face of 'the master' still burned into her mind.



Adama - Nightmares

Excerpt below pulled directly from Fair Fights - Hazelden.   It's late in the night when Adama awakens to a burning in his scar. The sensation of building fear, of something truly terrifying just outside his field of vision hits him as he looks around the room panicked. On the floor his bag is spilled and the compass sits open, needle oscillating back and forth lazily. He rises from bed and reaches for the compass the needle still vacillating but pointing more firmly toward the shared living chamber between the groups suites. The needle seems almost metronomic now swinging back and forth as he enters the shared living space. Adama, looking for aid, knocks on Myra's suite door to no reply. He knocks again louder before pushing the door in and it swings open revealing only inky blackness where her room should be. Thoroughly panicked he tries the mental link yelling for anyone in the group who might be in range. There is no response back except for menacing whispers that start to build. Adama looks toward a mirror, perhaps trying to determine if this is a dream. In it he sees the form of a man, no a boy, a hero, a father, some of the forms feel forgotten or lost but there stands Adama. All of the people he has been or that he tells himself he's been. He turns back toward the void in Myra's room the darkness seeming to grow reaching for him, the people he trusts gone. They are always gone. As he faces the darkness the whispers in his mind grow until they coalesce into a growing chorus demanding, "Come."  


The below excerpt is pulled directly from Smoke and Mirrors.   As Raijun meditates and Myra is writing something in her notebook Sarya notices the color of the sky start to change to an indigo and points it out to Myra and Raijun. As they look out at the ocean they see a number of figures first one two then more than ten. Myra enlarges Spryg and takes off to get a better vantage point the figures seeming to track her motion through the air. She feels like they aren't normal illusions but is unsure exactly what they are. Inside, Adama's scar burns as he hears the whispers in his head pick up.   Outside, Myra also begins to hear the whispers are she returns to Raijun and Sarya. Myra mentions the voices to them but they indicate they can't hear anything, Raijun suggesting that perhaps it's because he's the chosen one. Sarya points out that if he's the chosen one she must also be chosen bursting his bubble as Myra tells them to focus and gathers them inside to find Adama as they prepare for something. As they rush inside they find Adama, who seems to be completely out of it, and doesn't react to their entrance or their information even when Myra slaps him.   Hagren had a lovely walk back to the tidepools seeing nothing out of the ordinary. As he entered the suite, the light changed dramatically and the whispers heard by Myra and Adama began in his mind too. Myra looks relieved as he enters having them all together as Hagren demands to know what's going on. Myra catches him up and asks if he can hear the whispers and Hagren nods. Myra does some quick mental math before asking Raijun if he was ever effected by the Cursed Compasses. Raijun says he wasn't but also reiterates he's probably the chosen one so that's probably why there's no effect. Myra has already stopped listening and directs the group to stop her if she starts to do something abnormally stupid as she reaches into the bag for the compass.   As she pulls it out the smell of ozone intensifies as do the whispers in her head. The compass seems to be radiating the indigo light, which by now has darkened the sky outside. Raijun complains about the compass asking why we haven't sent it into the bag of devouring. Myra reminds him that the bag doesn't actually destroy inanimate objects instead just spitting them out on another plane of existence. Myra looks to Adama to ask if he knows anything about it but he is still zoned out. Meanwhile, the compass has started exuding an indigo smoke that is slowly blanketing the floor. Myra opens the compass to further investigate and immediately collapses to the ground as the fog starts billows more violently out.   The group begins to panic (with three bad medicine checks), with Trenchcoat finally being the one to pull it together to realize she's just unconscious. As he does he goes to pick up the compass asking "what should we do with this," before falling unconscious himself. Raijun kicks the compass closed moving it further away, as the fog still seems to flow out from the sides, commenting that he saw that one coming. The group lays some pillows under Myra and Trenchcoat and attempts to wake them to no effect. Raijun decides to try to go for help hoping to find Meko who might know what to do.   As he exits the room he finds himself reappearing inside, he tries several more times before admitting defeat and saying that they are stuck. Raijun tries to center himself, calming himself down as he detects heartbeats to see if there is anything in the room that could be causing this. While he gets back no other specific heartbeats there's an irregular presence in the room with them making him think that they are not alone.   As Raijun tries to discover what is going on the fog that was blanketing the floor has grown slowly creeping up like tendrils over the bodies of Myra and Trenchcoat starting to envelop them. As Sarya and Hagren try to pull their friends up out of the smoke they breathe some of it in causing them to feel drowsy, like they need to lie down for a while. Adama, who's been almost catatonic this whole time slowly moves toward the compass with Raijun trying to stop him. Adama ignores his pleas slipping past Raijun and picking up the compass opening it and dropping into unconscious as well.   Raijun looks to Sarya and Hagren who are slowly succumbing to the fog and begs them not to fall into it reminding them that they have to stay up. In an effort to clear the fog Raijun breaks a window as he feels the presence from earlier moving slowly closer. As Sarya and Hagren slip into unconsciousness Raijun sighs and walks towards the compass announcing, "fine if you want to get your ass kicked in the dream world let's deal with it," as he opens the compass and drops into unconsciousness.
Report Date
26 Aug 2021

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