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Just a Taste - Kolis Tane

General Summary

As the portal closes the Wardens find themselves down three of the fiercest of their enemies. Ayen holding Alsume at sword point the battle has stalled, three of the five gems still glow enabled.   As Myra comes to consciousness slung over Spryg's back she sees Ayen standing triumphantly over Alsume, blade in hand. Thueban's body bleeding out beside him. From the sides three more blades appear, two holding swords to Trenchcoat and Persistent.   "Well umm... certainly not an expected series of events," Alsume concedes, hands raised.   Sarya rushes out from another room running up to Myra to heal her. As she does, she see's Myra's form up close for the first time. Battered and bruised Myra has teeth and claw marks covering her body from Thueban's attacks. In some of the places where her clothes are torn Sarya sees bits of wood jutting out, old and rotting, that seem to be somehow fused with Myra's flesh.   "Are you okay? I mean obviously no. What can I? How?" Sarya stammers.   "Sarya?" Myra stumbles off Spryg into Sarya.   Above, Raijun moves closer to Adama holding off the remaining Blades surrounding the artificer, "Can't say I'm surprised they would just leave you guys in the dust, I mean at this point your at the peon rank right? But it doesn't have to be this way. If you're tired of getting left in the dust by people who don't care about you maybe you should just do what I did and join the nice side." They look at Raijun as he continues, "Do you remember when we were all orphans and we had to do the tightwire trapeze of death, the fireball traps? What if you could raise the next generation and then help them out in a way that didn't require that kind of madness. Help them become the kinda guy you wanted in your corner."   One spits, "We know what we signed up for. Failure results in death. Only death awaits us."   "That's because that's the only option they give you! I'm giving you another option," Offers Raijun. "You could join us, become a hero, be revered by kids and be the dragon ninja you always wanted to be. But this time you're doing good instead of just hurting everybody. Frankly it pays better."   "Or you could keep fighting and I could cut your fucking head off," Adama adds helpfully.   Raijun can see the eyes behind their masks dilate in fear as the newer blades look down at the floor below. One of them points to Trenchcoat and Persistent being held at blade point. "You let us leave or your friends do not survive."   "Oh. Counteroffer," Adama smiles "You live another hour and you leave them alone now."   "You really think I can't reach there first?" Raijun asks.   "You're not even like the B team," Adama laughs. "If you had your bosses here maybe it's a fight. This isn't even a slaughter. What's beneath a slaughter? It's not even going to be interesting. Why don't you drop your weapons and go to the wall because frankly I haven't stabbed enough people today and the only reason I'm not stabbing you is because Raijun is trying to get you to see the light of your ways or some shit."   Below, Nari sees Ayen standing confidently with a blade to Alsume's throat. Alsume pretending to go along with it as he surveys the room gauging the surroundings. Alsume "You know it was not our idea to hurt the girl. We just... knew the leverage we could apply with her civility and conscious."   "Well you kinda fucked up," Ayen replies. He nods down toward Myra below, "You see, that girl is very important to me. And the fact that you touched her means you're going to end up like your friend there," nodding to the body of Thueban.   "Well I can't say I'll be as lucky as him now can I my friend?" Alsume asks.   "We can make it quick," Shouts down Adama helpfully.   "Where would the fun in that be? I mean, I'm not my brother I do enjoy this," Alsume grins.   "I liked your brother too, actually," Adama adds from above   "Oh you do?"   "I do. One of the few people I have interacted with who I didn't want to stab," Adama adds as his sword moves closer to the Immortals throat in front of him.   Alsume takes a step to the side as though to get a better view of Adama.   "You need to stop or I'll make you," Nari adds from behind.   "I'm just looking to talk to my new friend here," he calls out hands up. "He should know the fate of my brother. As you know, falling thirteen stories out a building..." At Alsume starting to move Nari casts hold person paralyzing all of the blades on the floor. But instead of the spell hitting Alsume it seems to almost ricochet off affecting Ayen who is able to shrug off the affect. Alsume grins at Nari, "you're going to have to try a little bit harder than that. I am cooperating at this point," hands still raised, "I understand the situation. No offense my friend." Ayen walks over and clocks Alsume in the face. Alsume spits up blood, "I understand it is a side effect of an unfortunate event that has happened, my apologies."   Nari speaks to Ayen's mind, "He can't get near that chest." Ayen nods.   "How about this," Alsume offers, "We can all go our separate ways, you can take the crocodile man, and claim yourself heroes. I do not want to be here when that," pointing up at the roiling storm being generated by the crystals, " continues. And I do not think you all do too. I can just leave. Simple as that. That way, I do not need to end up like my brother splatted all over the floor."   "He's not dead," Nari adds.   "Excuse me?"   "He fucked with your memory."   "What?" Alsume says incredulously. "He can't do that."   Nari laughs, "No. You didn't think he could do that."   Alsume laughs, "No. I do not believe you. You are quite funny. I saw it. I did it. I got the joy out of it."   "Have you really thought about it?"   "Yes it was very pleasant. There was a little push. The recognition in his eyes. A nice smile. It is the least I can do after," gesturing to himself. "It's the least I can do to return the favor."   Raijun silently jumps gracefully down from his perch landing on top of the treasure chest further cutting off Alsume's access. "Don't want you messing with this."   "Oh very fancy," Alsume applauds.   "Thank you!"   "I can appreciate some skill."   "Is he really a bad guy?" Raijun asks the group.   "Yes," Sarya calls out exasperatedly from behind.   "That is high praise, such high praise coming from someone," He looks over his shoulder at Sarya grinning, "Do they know what you used to do?"   "Some of them do," Sarya comments.   Alsume leans into Raijun and Ayen and in a whisper, "She used to be me," pointing back and forth between them and giving a thumbs up. "I'm the upgrade," he smiles.   "Well I used to be Iroh," Raijun admits. "So I don't know if that's going to get you too far in the 'spreading the words of chaos to divide us' mentally. I thought it was a good attempt! You led off well."   "I am enjoying these conversations!" Alsume smiles, "I have been stuck with him," gesturing to the body of Thueban, "not much of a talker if you can imagine."   Raijun exhales, "I get it man. I'm a talker and you need two talkers in the same room and suddenly it's a lot easier."   "Yes, I can tell you are a man of wisdom and class. I do not believe we had the chance before the fighting," he places the dagger down moving it over to Ayen with his foot. He extends a hand out to Raijun, "I am Alsume, it is a pleasure to meet you, man of skill."   "They call me Nightblade," Raijun says grasping Alsume's hand.   While Raijun and Alsume had been talking Sarya, Myra, Trenchcoat, and Persistent have been dealing with the paralyzed Blade, removing their weapons and restraining them.   As Raijun is pulled into Alsume's grapple, Ayen moves in, his rapier slowly piercing Alsume's cheek. "I'm sorry I did not mean to knock you off balance," Alsume apologizes to Raijun, "but I can say your friend right here is very quick and has a very sharp blade."   "Yes I keep it that way and I'm very interested in adding another body to its count. If you're ready."   "You make another move and I'll turn you into the sand you seem to like so much," Nari comments.   "Oh I am not the one who likes the sand that was always my brother's thing. But I would like to see you try," Alsume smiles.   Raijun shadow steps out of the grapple appearing behind Alsume as Adama fires a firebolt off from up top at Alsume. The firebolt seems to redirect as it approaches hitting Ayen instead, causing him to stumble back, but Raijun is able to pick up the hold before Alsume breaks free. Ayen recovers and stabs him in the side.   Alsume coughs some blood, "Okay, okay I'm aware of where I stand now."   "You said that last time," Sarya comments as she and Myra move closer to the conversation.   "You can't blame a guy for trying!"   "I mean we can," Adds Nari as Raijun comments, "If I were in his position I would keep trying to escape too."   "I'm so close it's so frustrating," Alsume cries reaching towards the chest.   Raijun moves him away calling out for Hagren to grab the chest.   "Please just a little taste. I just need a little bit. You don't understand. It's going to get bad."   "oh I know. Magic withdrawal. the scrolls are pretty addictive aren't they?"   "It - it is a little bit more than that. It is a little - you don't understand. I just need a little a little bit. You are such a nice guy," Alsume pleads.   "Thank you! no one else notices," Raijun confides.   "I do! I do. I can show people -"   "How long do we have before that portal opens?" Nari cuts in.   Alsume glares at her, "you do not have anything I want unless you want to come over here and give me a nice hug."   "I'd rather keep my distance thanks."   "I can take what I want."   "Stab him," Sarya suggests, leading Ayen to clock him again.   "Yeah we should probably subdue this guy and get out of here before this whole place blows," Raijun suggests   "Adama. Can you have your friend up can you have him turn off the things? I don't think we really want whatever that is," Pointing to the rift opening above the dais.   "Okay first off you three need to go stand on the wall," Adama orders the remaining Blades, "Or I get to get stabby happy." Turning to the artificer, "Hey guy can you turn these things off?"   "Uh yeah I can do that. Just - please Are you gonna let me go after this?"   "Uhh... we'll see?"   "You have a better chance if you do what he says, " Nari comments from below.   "Is he going to stab me?" the artificer nods at the Blade who hasn't moved.   "Oh," Adama turns to face the unmoving immortal.   "I am prepared to die," the immortal says stoically.   "You should let him then," Nari shouts up.   Adama stabs him straight through, "Oh your just dumb." As the assassin pulls himself further onto Adama's blade he comes close whispering, "Your kingdom will fall under their great might," before dying.   "Wait which one?" Adama asks confused. "Oh come on which one, damnit," as the man falls to the ground dead.   "Does he need help?" Nari asks.   "Someone should double check him," Adama calls down, "cause I don't know what he's doing."   Nari walks up to the pillar and in a puff of mist steps to the top investigating the gem nearest her. It looks damaged, either through time and disuse, or perhaps incomplete. She understands that it is meant to stabilize the field used for teleportation but it will take a big to bring down carefully in such a way that the temple would not come down with it. She starts in on the one in front of her calling over her shoulder, "It's going to take a minute, you all should corral anyone who's not yet been dealt with before the paralysis wears off."   "Look that guy died for nothing and he's v coming back," Raijun informs the remaining immortals nodding to the one Adama slew up above. "The orphanage has hot meals and attractive elf ladies if your interested in that." Some of the immortals look like they are evaluating other options.   Sarya helps wrangle the remaining paralyzed people while Myra moves up closer to Ayen, relying heavily on Spryg. "Ayen?" She asks weakly.   "Hey," He smiles softy, "How you doing kid?"   "Felt better," Myra winces a smile.   "I told you we'd come back and save you," Raijun comments from the corner still tying up someone," Cause that's what heroes do."   "Well, why don't you just go and take it easy right now," Ayen says only paying attention to Myra, "and we're just about wrapped up here after we do some cleanup." Myra nods leaning on Spryg as a capacitance discharge is heard from up above as the artificer moves to the next crystal. "You should stay back and just rest. We'll talk more when we get you back home."   "Hey," Adama calls over to Nari, "Should we check for magic traps in this thing so it doesn't go off?"   Nari calls out that hers seems all clear as Ayen goes over and stabs Thueban through the eye again for good measure.   "Didn't that guy have the other scroll?" Adama asks.   "Iroh escaped with the Necro scroll," Sarya offers.   "No I mean the divination scroll are they here?"   "Not we haven't seen them."   "Who?" Myra asks.   "Surat." Sarya explains.   "Oh," Myra slumps further into Spryg. "I suppose that would explain what you were saying about what happened at the party? You said you saw him on the grounds."   Alsume laughs softly from the ground, "He's going to come for you when you least expect it,"   "Surat?" Myra asks.   "He's already in your minds."   "Yeah he seems like a dick," Nari calls over her shoulder from above.   "You're not wrong," Alsume smiles as Sarya walks over and clocks him. He coughs, "You, you could help me out a little bit. Just transform. Just transform for me. Please."   "Ohh, oh yeah no. That sounds like a great idea," Sarya's sarcasm dripping, "I'd love to feed you a little more magic," punctuating the last word with another punch to the face. He doubles over again.   "Hey Nari," Adama calls out, "you know that thing you do where you can see invisible shit or shit I can't see."   Nari, elbows deep in the device, "Yeah..."   "Might be a good time to do that."   Nari pauses her work to take a look around the room, she sees two familiar figures. One is standing over Thueban looking down in a bowed head salute. The other just circling Myra, examining. "There's one looking a Thueban, but there is one circling Myra..."   "It makes sense if you have someone who doesn't have to be here to leave him around to figure out what's going on," Adama comments. Addressing the air, "Hey buddy, I'm gonna cut your fucking head off."   There's no response but the one next to Thueban disappears as though they are going to observe something else.   "You can tell him," Alsume calls out, "That not all is lost. The immortals got what they came for. And my mission is not done yet."   As Nari's gem deactivates she focuses her attention on Alsume trying to pierce his thoughts to provide the group more information.   "Excuse me are you going to take me out of here?" The artificer asks.   "Hero business is really his jam," Nari comments misty stepping back down focusing her efforts again. As she does there's a connection, but it's not to Alsume's mind. Nari has always had an easy connection to magic, feeling it ebb and flow drawing from the world around her to work her wonders. But as Nari concentrates she feels that flow and feels plunged deep into it's stream, too deep for anyone to swim. She closes her eyes for a second to handle the ecstasy that rushes through her. And for a second its glorious and brilliant, and then it's gone, and every piece of her that feels magic aches with it's loss. There's a searing pain throughout her body as it screams to bring back the connection. She opens her eyes, which immediately latch onto the strongest source of magic in her vicinity as she starts to circle toward the chest.   Alsume is on the ground as Ayen pulls out a pair of shackles similar to the one that hangs off Myra, and begins fastening them to him. "I believe it's time to go. Adama can you get our friend here and we need to leave."   "Who the croc guy?"   "No fuck him the smart man up there."   "Oh yeah come on dude," and Adama sweeps the man up in a fireman's carry and jumps off the ledge taking the brunt of the damage. "So what are we going to do with the rest of our friends?" Adama asks upon landing.   Hagren notices that Nari has been relatively silent since coming down and has now circled behind him opening the chest.   "Why's she going through the chest?" Raijun asks.   "What'cha doing?" Hagren asks looking into the chest behind her.   "Well we need to get the thing away from him right? So if we just separate it out it will be easier to take away?" Nari comments while continuing her looking.   "Ma'am whoever you are, would you take a step back you're acting weird," Adama asks.   "You don't know me," Nari comments as she continues shuffling through.   "I don't usually ask twice," Adama says placing his hand on his sword.   "Hey," Ayen interjects, "No need to get in a tiff. We're just about to leave. She knows what she's doing. Right Nari?"   "Yeah," Nari says, not looking up.   "Nari you know what you're doing right?" Ayen says less confidently.   "I do."   "Nari step back from the chest."   "I told you," Alsume smiles, "it is not fun things that were done to me."   Nari disappears with a clap of thunder, the chest going with her as Adama swings. Adama's swing cuts into her deeply as she teleports away the crack of thunder damaging Hagren, Adama, and Meko in the process as she appears right beside Myra.   "Nari what is going on?" As Ayen finishes putting the shackles around Alsume he turns his full attention towards her.   "Look it's nothing personal I just need it."   "At this point it's very fucking personal," Adama growls.   Nari holds up a finger to Myra an upspoken threat of how easy it would be to cast something to take her down. Raijun shadow steps behind Nari attempting to stun her. Meanwhile, Sarya feels sandy feet wrap around her leg as Alsume smiles up at her, "I just need a taste, I just need a taste. So close."   Ayen looks horrified at Nari as she shrugs off Raijun's attempt at a stun, "Nari we just need to leave, then you can calm the fuck down. I don't know if you're having one of your episodes. Now is not the time for games," fear creeping into his voice. He rushes her grappling Nari, "Nari what are you doing?"   Nari looks upset, regretful, desperation lacing her voice, "I just need it." Hagren and Adama shoot her as she burns magic to hold those around her. A few manage to shrug it off but Raijun, Hagren, Adama, and Myra are all paralyzed. As she does that Alsume wraps his hands around Sarya, his veins a familiar opalescent glow as there's a warm sensation from his hands as Sarya feels some of her powers drained. Hagren's crew Jumps on Nari as Hagren shakes off the paralysis, restraining her.   "You don't understand," Nari pleads as she looks around at the group. "I'm sorry," she repeats over and over, another peel of thunder echoes through the chamber as she disappears from the grip of the group, splintering the chest and injuring those around her. As the thunder echoes Nari hears the sickening crunch of Ayen's head hit the ground. She see's the scroll on the ground, free from all those previously holding her she scoops it up clutching it. As she touches the case she feels elated and the need driving her grows to an uncertain amount as the energy flows through her. And then as suddenly as it started it ends. Nari returns to herself surveying the damage she's wrought around her. "No," she cries, releasing all the spells she was holding she scrambles to Ayen's side unable to do anything else but plead.   Alsume, has grappled Sarya and from behind she hears, "I just need a taste. Come on you remember how fun it is. It can be that fun again." She feels a shocking nature as the magic leaves her as the manacles around Alsume shock him further. "Yes, oh yes," Alsume cries as the rush of magic hits him. Sarya tries to escape but Alsume's grip around her neck is too tight as Sarya attempts to stab him.   "You fucking bastard," Sarya growls.   Alsume lifts the chains up over Sarya's head, whispering in her ear, "The family misses you but I'm sure we will be seeing you again."   Nari roars, "what did you do to me", pointing at Alsume as he starts to disappear taking Thueban with him. He winks as the thing on his hand swirls and opens up, as he gives a small bow exiting the chamber.   Myra looks distraught, the paralysis broken, she runs over to Ayen skinning her knees on the floor as she falls to the ground beside him. She pushes her hands to his chest, chanting "no", as light wreathes them and the wounds close.   Ayen coughs awake as an arm blade springs from his arm plunging towards Nari to deflects it to her hand taking only a superficial cut. Ayen springs to his feet as Nari sits on her knees rocking back and forth where Ayen had been repeating, "I'm sorry. I didn't- I'm sorry."   Raijun duffs Nari, "What the fuck you fucking traitor. You let him get away what is the point of this whole thing." Nari doesn't move out of the way as Raijun's swings allowing the blow to hit her.   Adama rushes out of the room trying to find where Alsume might have gotten off to. But by the time he gets upstairs he doesn't see anyone else moving. Nari looks around, not raising up from her still asking for penance, and sees a single solitary figure standing where Alsume last stood, a smile on their face. With a finger-by-finger wave the image Surat disappears until it is only his yellow eyes remain, before disappearing a moment later.   Raijun notices Nari still clutching the scroll tightly in her hand, "Hey why don't you let go of the scroll? You've already shown you were susceptible to it. It would probably be better for everybody if you dropped it."   "Can you give it to Myra?" Sarya offers.   "Drop it now Nari," Ayen says darkly. Nari drops it, not looking up as Ayen stoops down and scoops it. "You should leave. Meet us back at the house." Nari nods, picking herself up and exiting per Ayen's request.   "Everybody else," Ayen continues, "Collect your shit and were going. Myra you're with me." He turns to her both of them hurt, putting her between himself and Spryg and begins leading them out.   "Where exactly are you intending on us going? Just back to your fancy house?"   "Yes. we are going back to the estate. There are healers and other people waiting there."   Raijun bumps past Nari, "You should have just stayed at home." Nari doesn't react not leaving her place on the ground.   Adama investigates the runes on the ground hoping to learn more about where the group might have gone. There's not enough to make out the full destination but Adama recognizes some of the runes as familiar to him as they are similar to those shown to him by Ayil. The runes seem to connect in a similar style. "I think I know something..."   Adama turns to the remainder of the tied up immortals asking if they know anything about where they went. "They sought neutral ground. That's all we know."   "I don't know what that means but I don't have the time to torture you to figure it out, you're having a lucky day."   Some of the contents of the bag of holding lay scattered around the ground where the chest exploded. As they walk out Myra turns to Trenchcoat, "Trenchcoat would you mind, I have a list so I'll know what they took."   "You got it," Trenchcoat nods, "It's alright I'll grab it."   Ayen leads the group out as Hagren's crew grabs the items strewn about the floor for collection.  


Ayen calls for carriages, clerics awaiting inside to patch up the group, as they are transported back to the Stagwood Estate. As they enter the grounds the group can hear there is still some commotion left from the earlier gala as a few stragglers remain. The appearance of the event, never broken. The group is quickly escorted back to the sitting room outside of Myra and Ky's rooms, Ayen peeling off to inform the Stagwoods.   As the group sits in the lavish sitting room, Myra addresses them softly, "Ah, thank you," she says into the silence.   "Well I for one owe most of you an explanation," Sarya concedes. "I can do it now or after we've rested...."   "I mean might as well do it now while we get bandaged up," Raijun offers.   Myra slips into her room, entering her closet to find something to cover the now shredded clothes she's wearing. As Raijun hears the click of the lock he darts into the room and into the closet. He somehow hiding in one of the armoires going through things before she's taken more than a few steps into the room. Myra steps to the side pulls out a larger sweater that can cover her, and exits the closet, entering back into the sitting room. She looks around confused at the lack of Raijun, "Wait, did he -?"   "Was I supposed to stop him?" Sarya asks apologetically.   "Oh. No its - there's nothing -"   From the closet, "I have now changed my name you can now call me sir cloak!"   As Raijun looks around he takes in the closet for the first time, it's larger than the entire bunkroom of his childhood. The smell of rich fabrics and materials permeates the air. The clothes are majestic and flowing, Raijun wondering why Myra would even have some of the garments that she would clearly never wear. As he enjoys the rapture of the experience he comes across a beautiful purple shawl made of a fine cotton fabric that almost reminds him of a heartier cloak. Raijun cackles, "Victory!"   Myra returns to her seat, the oversized sweater now concealing her form as she pulls her knees up and smiles softly. She turns back to Sarya, "Sorry, you were saying?"   "I - "Sarya sighs, "I owe most of you an explanation. I mentioned that I've been on the run from my old crew. And well. You've met two of them tonight. Thueban, the big lizard, he was one. And Alsume seems to have joined after I left. Oh- And Surat, the tiefling, they're also - they've been everywhere. There's - There's others too... I ran with them for a while. They... appreciated me in ways that no one else had. Or at least, I thought so. Their leader Nasir Alzalam, him and Nalla, his partner, they had broken out of prison. They were going to escape when, something happened, an explosion of a pillar? A magical object of some kind. A magical object exploded and she was killed. And that - he's never forgiven the world for that. I suppose that's why they wanted the Necro scroll. He has no room left in him for compassion or anything like that. Of the others, well you met Thueban and you've seen Surat. The final member of the group, other than me was Khanfsa Rimmal a halfling. She was a halfling and the one I got along with the best. She was sneaky and stabby, my kind of rogue. But the others are... they were even crueler than she. But, those were the main ones. And they had all been together when that accident happened. And gave them these... opalescent scars that gave them extra powers. I'm not sure exactly what they were, but they were certainly more powerful than they had any right to be. they took their aggression out on the Golden Scarab guards who imprisoned them and tried to prevent their escape. I suspect that's how Yamil knew them. He... He knew I was with them and, well, I certainly regret that."   "So you weren't there for the explosion?" Myra asks.   "No."   "It was in the desert?"   "I think they were wagon wheel prison?"   "The Wheelhouse?"   "Yes! It was underground..."   "The explosion was there... interesting..." Myra trails off.   "Well Sarya," Raijun emerges from the closet, "I think from my own shadowy lineage I wouldn't have any room to talk. It looks to me like you're doing the right thing now a days and trying to change the world. So I can't really hold it against you now can I?"   "I - I've mentioned that my family is from Lunaacre. I had left them, because.... Well, they didn't think as much of me as I did... In hindsight they were right -"   "I don't know about that," Raijun cuts in. "I think they're pretty wrong. I think the world of you."   "I traveled with the Untamed and most of the people we... preyed upon had it coming. They were rogues, thieves, killers, and the like. But, when I was in Greenport, I saw a little girl get hacked to pieces in front of me. She reminded me of my niece, though she looked nothing like her. and I realized I couldn't do this, so I killed my comrades who I was there with and fled into the mountains. And well... I only left to come find Reina."   "Well Sarya, you can't change the past but you can change the future and it looks like that's what you're doing. These things happen and your clan was only one half of the equation and my clan was the other half so maybe we should just work together and take them down. We make a pretty good team," Raijun smiles, bumping elbows with her.   Sarya laughs, "I appreciate that."   As Raijun wraps himself in the shawl, obscuring his face raising his eyebrows, "even if you don't support my cloak thieving ways..." Sarya laughs again.   "How many cloaks do you have?" Adama asks Raijun.   "Now three," Raijun says showing off the new one.   "How many cloaks is enough cloaks?"   "The answer is infinitum."   Adama nods then looks back to Sarya, meeting her eyes, "We all know my past. Don't betray me. Don't betray us."   "I... don't intend to," Sarya murmurs.   "I wouldn't look into his mind then." Nari comments for the first time. She's been standing next to the fireplace back to the wall, eyes closed not commenting.   "Who's mind?" Sarya asks.   "Alsume. That was a mistake."   "Clearly," Sarya says dryly.   "So can I just stab and kill that guy the first chance we get?" Adama asks.   "Please be my guest," Nari adds.   "I would appreciate it for one," Sarya chimes in.   "Good to know," Adama notes, "I've been trying to murder less now..."   "I think we can make an exception for this one," Sarya explains.   "Fair enough. Though to be honest he did do me a favor. I mean I really wanted to kill the crocodile guy and well because he took him I'm gonna assume he's gonna bring him back to life which gives me another chance to kill him!"   "Look at you," Sarya smiles, "Always looking on the bright side."   "That's my tale," Sarya shrugs.   "How did you find them to begin with?" Myra asks quietly from the corner.   Sarya shrugs again, "Ah, you know. I fell in with another group called the As'ler and one thing led to another... I ended doing a job with Khanfsa."   "So are the Untamed a subgroup of the As'ler or are they independent of each other?"   "No, the way I understood it, sometimes the As'ler would hire the Untamed if they needed something. My friend, well, the one who I ended up killing. He was the one who introduced me to the Untamed. Shernan."   "If they wanted," Myra starts, "I mean - When the immortals attacked the community center (see Feasts and Foes - Lion's Crest) they originally were looking for the necromancy scroll. I think transmutation I think it was mostly bonus for them at that point. But this time, it seemed like they wanted - well all of them obviously - but you don't need all of them to bring one person back. Was it just....? It seems too easy to be bonus goods..." Turning to Nari, "And what did you mean about not looking into Alsume's mind?"   "I don't just do thing for the bloodydamn pleasure of it. When I looked into his mind it was like... An addiction but it somehow transferred to me. But if you really want to know," she touches a hand to her temple pulling out a strand of memory looking at it. "I'd be concerned it could cause problems though."   "What I want to know is where are they are right now and how can I stab them?" Adama adds helpfully.   "I could try to scry on them. But I would not be surprised if Surat tried to stop me again though. He seemed to have a particular affinity with the in between and frankly I'm not in the best of shape to be in there if there's someone else." Nari glances around the room searching for the familiar figure but doesn't find it. She feels the weight of the magic suppression specifically of divination. "I don't know that I could do much right now. I'd have to leave the estate. I, unlike them, cannot just bypass the wards that are in place."   "I generally have a rule about getting my ass kicked. And I generally have a rule about people getting away. And at this point both of those thing have happened so I'm down for hunting these guys down and having some fun. Or do we have something more pressing to do?"   Myra starts to rise as Lylah, who has been making her rounds on the room patching up those injured, turns to Adama, "Everyone needs to rest right now. You've all been through an ordeal. The city is not in a place to be wandering around, especially after the events earlier this evening," giving the group a glance. "Now Lady Stagwood works her magic in many different ways, dissimilar from your own, so I would recommend remaining to lay low." To Adama, "You need to let your shoulder heal," to Raijun, "You have some sort of blockage within you." To Sarya, "you are about to pass out, and you," looking over at Hagren, "look like you need to punch something and that, that can be done here." Lyah pushes Myra back down to the chair with little resistance, "You," she sighs, "you have probably the worst ahead of you."   Myra pulls the sweater down around her hands further obscuring the view of her skin and the damage underneath, as she shrinks into the chair.   "Your parents know that you are back now," Lylah says kindly, "and they know that you are safe." Tears start to form silently at the edge of Myra's eyes as Lylah squeezes her shoulder, and one of the pieces of rotting wood that had embedded itself in Myra's neck seems to release and fall to the floor as she feels the warm sunlight of Lylah's magic wash over her.   "So one of the guys," Adama speaks up, "the one who killed himself on my sword said something interesting. And as I was looking at the teleportation sigils another thing popped into my head. Who's running all of this? Who's controlling and causing all this havoc? I mean getting together two different groups that takes power or persuasion."   "Or money," Raijun chimes in, "They're both mercenary groups so at the core of it probably somebody rich. The Immortals are a service."   "This time it was just recovering a magical scroll?" Hagren asks.   "Eh recovery was one of our services," Raijun shrugs.   "But how much could you sell that scroll for?" Adama asks.   "As far as I knew or could tell, it seemed like Nasir was the one who ordered it. And also from Alsume's reactions."   "That's what I got from the bard too," Nari chimes in.   "I imagine Akuma is involved too, cause Iroh doesn't leave the island unless he gets told to."   "Yeah but there's a question there if we know people have had their memories changed. You could just change the memories of everyone -"   Myra wipes her eyes, not quite following, "Someone else has had their memories changed? I mean I knew Fortis and Em'mt but you were looking into it right?" She asks looking up at Lylah.   "If I had the ability," Adama adds, "or had someone who had the ability to change people's memory and I was orchestrating pretty much anything I would have myself erased from people's. Once again I'm always conspiratorial. But there's just too many disparate pieces to not believe there's' someone or something controlling this."   "Who do we know who could afford two of these groups," Raijun questions. "Cause I can tell you just asking for Iroh alone is a couple thousand gold and a whole squad of immortals behind him and another group?"   "Maybe it more of a clean-up?" Myra suggests.   "What if it was your parents!" Raijun exclaims "And they were trying to show us that you shouldn't be an adventure but now it backfired and so now they'll have to backtrack..."   "You think it was my parents?" Myra asks, hurt plain in her voice.   "That's just too elaborate," Hagren comments, shaking his head.   "Well hold up hold up," Adama offers, "We have an answer here though. We know the rich people that were around because they were at the gala. So many current assertion is that it would probably the rich guy and the two kids that Myra decided she didn't want to marry one of."   "Oh him?" Hagren asks.   "But I feel like that Urza guy more enjoys the torture and playing with people than the actual murder and destruction..."   "Yeah," Adama agrees, "That's why I was thinking that old guy with the cane."   "High Lord Eivwern'nath?" Myra stammers, looking horrified that this could be related to her.   "Well let's look at this from a political standpoint, If you're going to try to make a political move," Adama explains, "in an area where you don't have the full political means to take over. You need power then -"   "The community center was before all of this," Myra pleads wearily. "And it seems like Trist or Dartina or whoever the fuck she is wanted to get us out of the party right? So if it was someone who orchestrated it from - I don't... I don't think my parents had anything to do with it," She say smally.   "Is there any chance it could be like a Thompson kinda guy?" Raijun asks. "Or is there another guy like him rolling around?"   "The Immortals did come into the harbor on a Thompson ship," Nari adds from the corner.   "Wait they came on a Thompson ship?"   Nari nods. "So the question is," Adama asks, "Does that mean he knows or that he just booked out the ship?"   "Wait Thompson's involved?" Myra looks confused.   "Well there's the question there though. There's the question of if he knowingly involved or he's not really the type to micromanage his own ship right?"   "But we know who would..." Myra trails off.   "Okay so I think the question is we need to connect a couple dots. Cause I don't like getting attacked by people. And I like it even less when I'm not expecting it. And twice now they've had our number. Three times if you count them getting away. Perhaps we need to go on the offense to figure out trying to come up with a different plan." Adama turns, "Hey so Nari..."   "Yeah?"   "Your a divination wizard right?"   "That is my specialty."   "I thought your specialty was betrayal," Raijun cuts.   "With a side of traitor?" Adama jokes.   Sarya glares at Raijun and Adama. Nari seems unbothered by Adama's and Raijun's words giving no shits about their perspective. But her gaze slides over to Myra, wincing in the corner pulling the sweater around her as she tries to recede into the chair, and Lylah standing over her a protective hand on her shoulder and a remorseful look crosses Nari's face. She looks back to Adama wondering if he's going to ask his question or just continue pontificating.   "Alright well I once heard of a spell that allows you understand more about certain situations."   Nari thinks and considers, turning over the physical manifestations of the weave and the anchor she had held in her hands earlier in the night. "I could... attempt to connect to the weave directly." She thinks of a place, people that could help, and another anchor in its own right but it would be not without risk and cost. "You're not going to like... It would require me to use the anchor again," She has a sour look on her face as she suggests it. "I mean you could have it back after it would be fine. There's no way -" She pauses, taking a breath. "You all, have somehow stumbled into a physical manifestation of an anchor of the weave. I don't know if you all know exactly how bananas that is but it's not just another magic item... you could literally unravel magic with one, one of those. So if I had the capacity to use one. I could probably get you answers. Not here. There's a location I could take you to."   "But you would need to use one of the scrolls?" Raijun asks incredulously.   "Yes, probably specifically the evocation scroll."   "That's gonna be a no from me...."   "You could have it back after!"   "Yeah like last time when you touched the treasure chest and went berserk?"   "And then I gave it back?"   "Cause you snapped out if it for a second after almost killing everybody?"   Nari laughs, "I wasn't trying to kill anyone. And you could have just let me have it then no one would have had to get hurt."   "You could have just not fallen susceptible."   Nari pulls the strand she was playing with earlier out again and touches it to Raijun's arm before he has a chance to move. What Raijun see's is a desperation like he dove too deep underwater but is unable to make any headway as he searches desperately for air. But it's not his lungs that burn but all of the nerve endings across his entire body. And that bridge that comes with magic, for that brief moment where Nari shares that experience he is burdened with a desire to be in that stream and connection. And as soon as she removes her fingers its gone and there's a phantom nerve pain that remains across his entire form for just a second.   "Was I supposed to be impressed?" Raijun asks.   "What was it like?" Adama inquires.   "Like magical heroin. But of course these wizard junkies love this stuff," he says flippantly giving Nari a side eye.   Nari looks actually upset for the first time, "I have never - I have studied magic for decades and never felt anything like that. I don't do things like that.   "Wait so you don't just do some magic coke?" Adama asks.   "I don't even drink!"   "That was Alsume's thing anyway," Sarya comments from the side.   "Look I get it," Raijun smirks, "you fell for it. But how can we trust you after that happens?"   "Any one of you could have been affected!" Nari shouts exasperatedly.   "Raijun!?" Adama shouts, "We forgot the most important thing? Did we pick up the drug gem?" They both turn to Trenchcoat, who looks in the bag as Hagren smiles knowing that he still has it packed away in his bag.   Trenchoat paws through his things that he picked up, shrugging, "No gems."   "No gems?" Myra asks from the corner, having been silent during the fight with Nari.   "No gems," Trenchcoat echoes.   "Are you serious? They stole the most important thin in that bag!" Cries Adama.   "There were quite a lot in there..." Myra says quietly. "Um... I can probably - I'll deal with it it's fine," Myra says mostly to herself. "It's my fault anyway..." Louder, "Trenchoat if you leave the things in my office I'll look through it later. I have an accounting of everything. I just need a moment..."Myra says tiredly   "Yeah I think everybody needs a bit of sleep today."   "It has been a long day. I think a rest would do us some good," Raijun echoes.   "Nari," Adama asks, "How far is that location you were talking about?"   "A couple days by train. Fairly close."   "So I guess the question is is there anything else we need to do in the city. And start working on the plan for how we are going to deal with these people."   Lylah chimes in, "You all are going to need to rest for quite a while. I think it is going to be insisted upon. There is no need to rush out. You deserve, all of you, some time to yourselves. And for returning a very precious gift to this household," Her hand still resting on Myra.   "I think you haven't considered the ramifications of what it is that was taken and who has it. Consider that the most all consuming power that can bring life and then take it away was given to the biggest psychopath and serial killer out there. Think about giving me something that would let me kill anyone who annoys me. Do you really think that's a good -"   "Speaking of," Myra says weakly, "Who took the... does Ayen have it?" Nari nods and Myra nods in return. "I'll talk to him..."   "Well," A familiar voice comes from the door, addressing Adama, "I don't believe it would be too hard the heroes of Nightwell to overcome something else that stands in their way. Though no one says you're going to look as good as you do now while doing it," as Kymil Stagwood steps into the room. Myra's brother enters the room beaming, he's slightly taller than her in fine clerical robes, walks past Nari giving her a clap on the shoulder before walking around the rooms giving everyone hugs.   Emotions fly over Myra's face as she looks relieved, before troubled, and then landing on slightly ill at the slighter of her brother. "Well you all look like shit," He smiles clapping Adama on the back.   "Not the first time," Adama replies.   "Did I hear correctly that you had a tram station dropped on you?"   "Wait what?" Myra looks horrified.   "Ah the roof," Raijun brushes off. "But we got people out in time... I think."   "I mean not on us," Sarya adds.   "When?" Myra looks confused, "After... oh." Softly, looking ashamed, "I didn't know..."   Ky makes his way over toward the back corner with Sarya and Myra. As he reaches Sarya, "Oh, hello. Ky Stagwood," extending a hand. "And you are?"   "Saryeva Undo’nen," she replies, taking his hand. A flash of hurt crosses Myra's face in the corner before she can mask it, having never been trusted with Sarya's full name herself. "Sarya to my friends," Sarya smiles.   "Sarya," Kay nods, "well if you're hanging with this lot your certainly an... interesting sort of company." He smiles, "nice to meet you."   "Nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you."   "Well I hope only the good things as my sister tends to have an active imagination," as he walks over to Myra giving her look and then a punch in the arm. Myra winces, attempting a smile, before Ky wraps her up in a deep hug. As they break the embrace Ky searches the room as though looking for some other figures not with them.   The attempt at a smile that Myra had crumbles as new tears start to form. Quietly, she grabs his arm, as they start to roll down her cheeks, "I... couldn't put it in a letter Ky..." But before she can finish there's the sounds of hurried steps from the hallway.   The first thing that enters the room is a large tray of baked goods that come bursting through, followed by the very hurried footsteps of Lord Stagwood. He searches the room, quickly pushing past the group giving nods as he almost runs to the back corner where his children stand, followed by Cosmo close behind. Following them, almost in tandem are Ayen and Lady Stagwood.   Myra's tried to move towards her room, hoping to prevent others from seeing her in her current state, but there's little chance as her father sweeps her up into an embrace. As Lady Stagwood enters the room, Raijun makes a tiny "eep" and turns invisible, but she has eyes for no one else in the room as she walks over to lord Stagwood and squeezes his shoulder. "Dear, maybe it would be best if I get her cleaned up first."   The squeeze tightens until Lord Stagwood's embrace releases Myra, "I'll be right outside," he informs them both. Myra is pushed through the door to her bedroom followed by her mother, closing the door behind them.   Outside, lord Stagwood has his arm around Ky in an uncomfortable hug, Spryg has curled up in front of the fire content to rest now that Myra is back. Cookies and baked goods have been passed around several disappearing as there's a whisper, "Is she gone?" from an invisible Raijun.   "Yes she's gone," Nari responds, taking one of the many cookies from Raijun as she has no trouble seeing through his invisibility.   "Hey chill out traitor," Raijun says with a kick to Nari's shins as he materializes, a pile of cookies in hand. "You don't understand," he says with a glare, "there's layers to this."   "Like an onion," Sarya comments in mock seriousness.   Raijun looks amazed, "How'd you know I was gonna say that?"   "More like an apple," Adama comments.   "Okay there's just one layer," Raijun concedes, "but still."   Azer makes rounds with the large platter, "I brought extra," tilting it towards Raijun who eagerly helps himself. "I'm so glad you're all back!"   Cosmo is going around the room shaking Adama's hand, "He was really worried there for a little bit."   Adama nods to Cosmo before turning to Ayen, "Step outside with me for a little bit."   Ayen nods, gesturing to the door to the music room. As Ayen walks by he doesn't acknowledge her, as she just looks at the floor. Adama and Ayen exit, closing the door behind them. "Hey, one sorry about the firebolt didn't know he could do that. Two, we're still going to fight at some point. Three, here's the ring that I need you to help me with." Adama passes over the spell storing ring.   Ayen takes it, turning it over, "Well the person that I was going to ask for assistance is in the other room..."   "Oh shit," Adama comments realizing how much poorer the evening could have gone.   "But," Ayen continues, "I have other contacts if you do not feel as if that is the right person to be assisting. I need to have a word with her about what was going on..."   "Yeah let me ask you a question about that. How many years have you known her?"   "Enough. Plenty."   "And was that as out of character for her as me putting on a pink tutu and running around?"   Ayen pauses, "Although I'm sure you have the legs for it, that is not in a million years the kind of behavior I would expect, or understand, or even guess for Nari to have. So, for her to lose control like that says something about what she experienced... And it is not something that I would take lightly." He pauses, "I still trust her. Although I need to understand what is going on, and if she is okay."   "Alright, I have two points on this. One I have, in my past - actually with the Wardens, had someone dominate my mind. I was unable to control myself. It was just, something about magic. You can't always control what you do with strong magic. So from that point of view, talk to your friend. Talk to your colleague." Adama pauses, "I think the thing to do is make sure she's okay. Cause I'd imagine if anyone I cared about did that, after I got done being pissed off, I'd definitely want to make sure that they were okay. But that being said, if you trust her I trust her." Adama's mask slips back on as he smiles, "You're still on my good side. I'm gonna fuck you up one of these days. It's gonna be me and you and none of this bullshit 'no magic' thing. It's just going to be me and you."   Ayen exhales and smiles, "I'm greatly looking forward to it. I think it would be fun."   Adama sighs, "let's go back in the room and deal with all that other bullshit that we have to talk though. Cause some feelings and shit are gonna come out... damn it! I still don't know invisibility. I really need to get someone to teach me that..."   "I really wish we could skip the feelings part," Ayen commiserates, "It's so inefficient."   As they exit back to the main room the camera pans into Myra's. As the door shuts Myra feels her mother's hands grip her tightly on the shoulders from behind. Myra freezes, unsure what will come next as she goes over everything that has happened in the past twelve hours. The strong icy grip along her shoulders builds in tension for only a moment before it fades as Myra is turned into a warm sweeping hug from her mother. The tears from her mother's eyes begin to rain down onto Myra's cheek, as the words she is able to muster now, only in private, "I thought I lost you. I never would have forgiven myself. I'm so glad you're safe." As Myra collapses, bawling into her mother's warm embrace.

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