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Rewards - Drel' Themar

General Summary

Having left the compass behind the Wardens traveled to Drel'Themar to catch the train up to Myra's home town of Kolis-Tane. Before they caught the train though they thought to make a quick buck by recieving the bounty on Myra's head previously mentioned by the Red Scarf Gang (see Ransacking the Red Scarves - Beater's Point). As they made it to port it seemed that they weren't the only ones who had been alerted to the bounty as the group came face to face with many 'Myras' walking about.  

Mistaken Identity

As they leave the docks to enter the city the number of Myras only seems to grow as Myra pauses sighing, "Okay just get the jokes out of the way." Raijun notices that it's not just Myra that the people seem to be copying though and quickly becomes distracted looking for himself, instead finding a smaller person in a trench coat wearing ninja clothes underneath. The group notices that the people don't seem to be going in one specific direction so the group decide to ask one of the other Myra's where the reward may be.   Raijun approaches a half-orc Myra who gives Myra a thumbs up at her hair, Raijun introduces, "I see that you found Myra too," and proceeds to ask where the turn in is. The individual looks Raijun up and down and, instead of giving any information, asks who Raijun is supposed to be noting that he doesn't have the costume right for any of the members. Raijun asks what the person could possibly mean as he is the notorious ninja but the person looks at him blankly saying he's clearly not the shapeshifting captain.   As Raijun starts arguing with the person in the background Hagren notices some teenagers hanging out in a nearby alley with red scarves tucked into their jackets. He approaches one asking for some directions on where they are supposed to go for the reward. The kid chuckles and asks if we're here to "enjoy the show." Mentioning that he'd heard that Myra had already been found at the bottom of the sea. As the kids chuckle Hagren asks again where the bounty turn in is but the kids rebuff him again saying that that info ain't cheap especially with what the bounty is up to.   Hagren, tired of the back and forth, lifts one of the kids off the ground slamming him into the wall of the alley demanding to know more. The kid quickly divulges that everyone is in town dressed up just trying to get the bounty, they don't know who set it up but they are reviewing the people in the warehouse district. Hagren shakes him slightly more and the kid says that you can't miss it it's the one with the stag on the sign and it will have a huge line. Hagren gently places him back on the ground and thanks him for his time returning to the group and letting them know the information.   Upon hearing the description of the warehouse Myra immediately slips the cuffs putting them in her bag as she storms off across town in the same direction the kids motioned. The group follow behind as Myra leads ranting to herself asking 'what they thought they were doing' and remarking on how embarrassing it was. As they approach the warehouse district the people in costume become thicker some even remarking on the groups outfits or Myra's accent as they pass. Myra leads them to where the line originates, a building with a large banner out front of a stag, coins falling from it's figure. The sign reads "Stagwood Exotics Imports & Finery". A short dwarven woman with darker skin stands outside the store directing the traffic into line.   As the group approaches the woman attempts to shoo them into the line. Myra protests explaining that she has proof but the woman sighs and says that yes, yes all the people waiting have proof. As the guards approach to help enforce the line the group concedes and begins to follow it to the back, Myra grumbling. As they reach the back Raijun asks the person in front of them how long they've been in line. The person gives him a confused glace, trying to decide who he is supposed to be, but indicates that they've had to come back the line's been so long. Myra throws up her hands declaring this as ridiculous and begins to storm back around the front of the building. Meanwhile, Raijun starts moving through the line trying to discern the matter of real importance, if anyone is dressed like him.   Myra rounds the bend back to the front of the shop where the dwarven woman clocks her intent and immediately starts summoning the guards. Myra declares that she understands their predicament so she won't have them all canned at the end of this. As she makes her declaration the pin in her cloak gleams and as she steps she disappears materializing in a window seat she used to read in. The woman shouts from outside and the guards draw on her inside the shop telling her to stop and go back. Myra eyes the layout identifying the person running the show at the table and sighs telling them all that they will regret what they are about to do, her brooch gleaming again as she steps from the window seat and appears atop the table, the sounds of glass shattering behind her where the guards fired at her previous location.   At the table sits an ebony skinned elf with stark white hair slumped over the table looking at notes. They barely glances up commenting, "Let's just get this over with," as they wave off the attacking guards. The man at the front of the line, also dressed as Myra, protests only briefly before the elf levels a look at him saying they would be done in a minute.  

Who is Myra Stagwood?

The elf at the desk sighs, quickly scans Myra before dismissing her as being too skinny and asking for the next person can come up.   "Well that's a little rude Ayen. I'd expect that from Azer or Orion but from you?" Myra comments as she sits cross legged in front of him.   The elf looks up, actually studying Myra for the first time. "And what about your twin sister?"   "Twin sister? No sisters I mean there's Ky? I mean maybe by elvish standards but we are 10 years apart so I wouldn't really consider us twins."   "Being so close in age you two must have been pretty close."   "Not really but do we really need to drag family business up here?"   "You had a lot of friends-"   "Ayen this is starting to feel like a personal attack. You know I didn't have many friends and I'd rather you not drag Skye-"   "Who were stuffed. What were their names again?"   "Harsh Ayen harsh. We both know they only one that matters is Mr. Horney."   Ayen smile, "What did your mother make you when you had nightmares as a child?"   "Well it was Orion and I made scones. I mean it used to be croissants but after I burned them the second time I lost that privilege.   "And what about what you buried out in the glade by the Caspious tree?"   "The Caspious tree? I don't think I buried anything out there but either way that would be difficult because you know that the glade has a Beetlebung tree."   Ayen sighs, "Do you have any idea what you've put me through?"   Myra winces, "Sorry, and sorry about the window I can clean that up if you give me ten minutes."   Outside in the street Myra hears someone exclaim, "What none of you know Raijun?!?" There's a loud moan, "I shouldn't have been the unseen."   Ayen claps his hands together giving a wrap it up motion to the production, "We found her everyone else can go."   Myra points out the Wardens, consoling Raijun outside, and waves them past the guards explain that they are with her. As they enter she turns to Ayen, "Everyone, Ayen. Ayen these are the Wardens of the Weave. Captain Hagren, Adama, Sarya, and Raijun. If you want to give the reward to someone it should be them."   Adama speaks up saying that he feels weird taking money for Myra but Myra shoos him off insisting that they take the money.   "Do you have any idea how many people think your a twin and want double the reward?" Ayen asks. "Where do you want us to put it?"   "Well we could put it towards the boat and any work you want done there Hagren," Myra suggests.   "And the rest?"   "Ayen, what exactly was my bounty up to?"   Ayen checks some mores, "As of this morning 1,186,000 Platinum."   Myra groans, "I sent them letters! I told them I was coming home."   "Well apparently not recently enough. And after the sky exploded -"   Myra growls, "Did Grand Marshal Lunest not deliver my letter?" Seeing a blank look on Ayen's face, "No of course she didn't. Perhaps it would be better if I gave the bank account numbers then."   "That might be better," Ayen comments as he motions to a group of guards carrying a chest filled with platinum. "There was to be 1,000 platinum to be delivered now and the rest of the payment upon your safe return in Kolis-Tane but that shouldn't be a problem if you were headed home anyway. I can have the train cars prepared, it will take them a few hours but I'd guess we can be ready to go by early evening."   Myra looks back at the Wardens, "Well I guess we have a time table. Hagren I suppose we need to settle on a deal with the Bow Breakers. Did anyone else need to do anything in town."   Adama speaks up addressing Ayen, "Do you know where a morgue might be?"   "A morgue?" He turns back to Myra, "Are you sure you're okay?"   "I want to check that a friend we knew was coming this way didn't end up in there," Adama comments innocently.   Ayen gives Adama a look, "Right, I don't want to know. I don't know about any morgues but maybe ask around with the people who live here?"   Myra looks to be preparing to go with Hagren before realization comes over her face, "Ayen can I go to the Bow Breakers with Hagren."   Ayen does some mental calculation, "We could escort you if you need to attend -"   Myra turns back to Hagren resigned, "It might be better if you go without me. Sorry."   Hagren shrugs and looks to Sarya, who nods saying she's happy to accompany him.   "Right well I guess meet back here in a few hours," Myra turns to Raijun, "If you're late I'm leaving without you and you won't be able to access my closet."   Raijun 'eeps' and turns to Adama, "We gotta get going!" and they take off down the street.   As the other depart and Ayen goes to make preparations the dwarf woman approaches Myra, "I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you Miss Stagwood. And sorry to interrupt but did you mention that you might be able to fix the window?" Gesturing to the shards of broken glass littering the ground. Myra sighs and walks over to begin cleaning up her mess.  

Mutually Beneficial

As Hagren and Sarya walk through the streets they see the crowds of Myras beginning to disperse but hear the murmurs of the townsfolk declaring, "the horned princess has returned." They make their way without issue to the location Crothu mentioned previously finding a bustling office space. A half-orc directs them to a back office where Crothu joins them shortly after wiping something red off his hands onto a rag.   Crothu introduces himself to Sarya and compliments Hagren on his, "interesting crew." He asks if they would like to join him in a drink poring two fingers of a nice scotch for them. He asks Hagren about where he procured his ship. Hagren asks if he's heard the rumors and Crothu comments that he's only hears facts. He heard what happened in the Beholden and he heard Hagren's ship saved the day. Hagren comments that you could say the ship was a spoils of war smiling. Crothu smiles back saying that there aren't many people "who know how to seize an opportunity," throwing the now bloody rag onto the desk.   Crothu continues, "I have that same sort of fire in me. I want to seize opportunities and I don't like it when people take advantage of my willingness to help."   Hagren comments that he hopes that any deal they would make would, "benefit both parties."   Corthu echoes Hagrens sentiments and seemingly changes the topic asking about our previous employment under Thompson. Hagren frowns saying that was a headache. Crothu asks if we didn't part on the best of terms and Hagren comments that it was more like after we claims the ship everyone wanted a part of it. Crothu steeples his fingers saying he's going to do Hagren a favor and withdraw any kind of offer he or his men would try to place on the ship saving Hagren from having to repeatedly rebuff the requests.   He continues that he too used to work with Thompson, noting that he had thought they had a mutually beneficial arrangement. Thompson needed a shipyard and Crothu had needed work. However, after recent events Thompson had decided to bring all of his work in house cutting off the deal he had promised to the Bow Breakers. "The problem is, him and I, we made a deal. And I made a deal with the men who work for me. You can understand doing what you have to do. And given a little luck, I'm still hoping we can make a deal." He smiles a Hagren, "You see there were these blueprints. We make ships here with a guarantee that they will take you from one place to another. Thompson had promised the work of one of his in house artificers, someone named Monty Yontuma a real down to earth type like your friend," nodding to Sarya. "He was supposed to be working on a pattern for sails that are unbreakable, something that as you would understand would be quite valuable with a massive storm raging in the middle of the Beholden. Even with the storm gone wouldn't it be advantageous to have a storm and be able to sail through it? Those designs belong to my men.   I'm hoping we can make a deal that would 'benefit both parties' if you can deliver those blueprints to my cousin in Kolis-tane I can give your boat safe and private harbor and work on making it a little more... robust no charge."   Hagren looks to Sarya who shrugs saying she could be interested in some blueprints. Hagren looks back to Crothu and offers a hand saying they would take the job. Crothu smiles and tells Hagren to find his cousin Gorzwin in the waterside district of Kolis-Tane.   Hagren and Sarya thank Crothu for everything and head back to meet up with Myra collecting Meko and Persistent on the way.  

Dr. Nana

The camera pans across town to Adama and Raijun who have found themselves a 'real dive bar' where they hope to find more information on where they could relieve a dead body of some of its limbs. They sidle up to the bar and the bartender says he hasn't seen them around and asks what brings them to a place like this. The guys say they are new in town been around seen some things and this bar isn't nothing. The bar tender asks what they've seen and Adama and Raijun riff on Myra getting turned into a dragon and eating people not mentioning the towns or people by name. The bartender nods that that does seem like a lot. Adama asks if there's a doctor around, repeating the line about trying to find a potentially hurt friend. The bartender give them a once over before mentioning that they might try talking to Dr. Nana Lanate in Bunkrack Bungalows. The guys slip the bartender a few gold thank them and walk out while reminiscing about the number of other bars they've left in less positive situations.   Adama and Raijun follow the bartenders directions wandering until they come across a building with just the work "medicine" on the sign out front. They knock on the door which is answered by a very tall imposing figure who asks what they want. They explain that they are here to see Dr. Nana and the man backs up letting them into a small waiting room explaining that Dr. Nana is currently in surgery but will be out in a second.   The guys walk in and after a moment hear screaming from the back room which turns muffled as the tall lanky figure of Dr. Nana emerges still covered in blood. Dr. Nana introduces themselves and asks what's wrong with them as they seem to have all their limbs attached. Raijun steps forward saying that they are actually medical professionals. Nana asks what field they study and Adama quickly says the foot. Dr. Nana smiles and says to hold on one second, ducking into the backroom. There's a sawing noise followed by a scream and when the doctor returns he's holding a foot, seemingly fresh.   "What's wrong with this foot?"   Adama looks closer at it and pretends to make up some explanation but Dr. Nana isn't buying it, tutting and saying he thought they were experts. Raijun cuts in looking at it saying, "To start it's missing the rest of the body."   Dr. Nana smiles wide, "Exactly, I could tell you were men of science," and starts laughing menacingly. After he stops he asks what he could do for such esteemed men.   Raijun and Adama explain that they need two eyes, a rib, and a heart. The doctor doesn't even blink before asking if the eyes need to be the same color. Adama pauses, realizing Myra probably knows the most about the boxes he casts sending, "Hey Myra, do the eyes need to be the same color and from the same person."   Cut to Myra sitting in a window, startled out of her reading, "What? Why? No? I don't think it should matter."   "And does the rib need to be right or left?" Dr. Nana inquires.   "Oh, good question," Adama replies, "The eyes can be of two different colors." Casting sending again, "And does the rib need to be right or left?"   "What? I don't know Adama. I don't think it would matter," Myra says nervously.   Adama turns to Raijun, "She doesn't know so one of each just to be safe?"   Raijun shrugs, "Both seems good."   "Excellent, so two eyes, they don't need to match, a right and left rib, and a heart. Does it need to still be beating?" Dr. Nana questions innocently.   "Myra, does the heart need to still be beating?" Adama sends.   There's no pause this time, "WHAT? NO?! Where are you?! Please don't kill anyone!"   Adama turns to Raijun, "She doesn't think it needs to be beating but isn't sure. I'm supposed to be being nicer which is why we're here." Turning back to Dr. Nana, "Not beating is fine."   "Excellent, excellent," Dr. Nana sends his henchmen to the back room to gather the supplies. "That will be two thousand gold."   Adama comments that seems steep while Raijun seems happy to pay.   Dr. Nana comments that, "It's not the parts that you're paying for. But for me to not remember your beautiful faces," he says as he makes a caressing motion.   Raijun backs up and just says that they can pay. Adama begrudgingly says he'll split it with Raijun and they talk about how they are going to carry the body parts lamenting that they don't have Myra's bag. As they receive the parts they realize it's getting late and there's not much time to get back to the train. Worried that the body parts will spoil they decide to split up with Raijun running to the ship given his speed while Adama will head back to the warehouse meeting Raijun there.   As they leave Dr. Nana comments that it was wonderful doing business and waves, "Goodbye gorgeous."   As Adama heads back, Raijun rushes to the ship ducking past Rand and Reach, entering the room with the chests. He tries the chest with the heart and eyes first and while the eyes seem to be accepted, whirling around to face him, the heart seems to not be just sitting limply in the slot. Raijun swears and moves to the next box placing the rib in. The rib is accepted no problem but unlike the last box that opened a pool of ooze seems to seep from where the rib was placed. The ooze spills onto the floor and while Raijun is trying to think about how to clean it up it starts to congeal into pseudopod like arms forming a mound then a body until the form of a deformed figure stands before him. Raijun says hello and the figure seems to try to imitate him but only a groan escapes. Raijun waves and the being seems to mimic, he does the wardens dance and the thing attempts to follow. Raijun squees with joy before swearing trying to figure out how he is going to keep this from Myra. He directs the form to stay where it is and stay silent and that he'll be back.   Raijun backs sneakily out of the room and right into Reach. "Do we have a new crew member?"   "Uhhh yes. But could I have you exclude Myra from that information?"   "You are not authorized to do that."   Raijun swear, "What if we just don't tell her? In exchange for maybe a weapons upgrade?"   "I could use additional firepower. I can agree to not divulge the information unless asked directly."   Raijun whoops and locks the door making to leave the ship as Rand stops him. "Mr. Raijun could I have you deliver this to Captain Hagren. It has the requested adjustments." Rand hands Raijun an updated version of the prototype to allow for contact to reach now in a sleek wood and metal frame. Raijun says he's deliver it and dashes off to join the group.   As he finds Adama outside he mentally relays the info on the heart and the thing that came out of the box.   “Wait does that mean we have to use a live heart?” Adama asks.   "Dude apparently, or maybe another species?"   ”Hmm… maybe we can like wire it up so it’s beating. Maybe it required a beating heart. Can you have a beating heart that’s not attached to a being?”   "Maybe with a wire and a shocking grasp?"   ”Honestly, I bet Myra could probably wire it up for us… I am not sure if she is going to do that.”


The group once collected is led by Ayen towards the train station. Myra looks resigned as the group is flanked by nearly thirty guards surrounding them.   "Do you always have this many guards?" Raijun inquires.   "Not this many usually."   "Well it is an election year," Ayen comments.   Myra groans, "I had forgotten."   As they approach the train station, Ayen goes to apologize saying that their private train is broken so they are on the general public train but he's had the cars added near the back so there should be some distance. Myra waves him off saying she's fairly confident most of the group has never been on any train so they wouldn't know the difference. As they enter the station they see the caboose, a construct that seems to run on a combination of steam and magic and nine cars hooked up behind that. There are fine passenger coaches, more cargo based cars covered in tarps and near the back three cars in the same green and gold colors.   As they board the step into the lavish interior which seems larger than the outside would represent. Inside is marble floors and a nice sitting area with multiple couches as a mini bar which Myra immediately heads to. Raijun practices his posh accent and Ayen says that it's coming along. Ayen also explains that there will be a gala in five days which is one of the reasons for the mounting rewards. Myra asks if Ayen is to drag her straight home upon entering Kolis-Tane or if they have time for a stop.   Ayen says that they should have some time if Myra has places she needs to go and Myra comments that they know she does. The rest of the group looks lost and Myra clarifies that she'd like to go see an old friend named Vila Soothammer commenting that she thinks Raijun may enjoy the trip as she is a master sword smith. Ayen is dismayed that the group doesn't seem to know about Vila or Sky asking Myra how long she's been traveling with them.   Myra more formally introduces Ayen to the group as the head of her parents security explaining that he's been with her parents longer than she's been alive. Raijun asks about funny stories and Ayen recalls getting Myra out of a tree when her poofy dress got caught. Myra counters that she would have been fine if she'd been allowed to carry a knife but in unison her and Ayen say that would be unbefitting a woman of her station. Raijun asks if Myra will need to change before going home and Ayen comments that a dress has been sent for her, leading Myra to drink. Raijun comments that he has no idea why Myra wouldn't be excited to come back to everything as all of this seems super cool while Adama and Sarya comment that it feels like a very nice cage.   The group chats about a myriad of topics - see Train Talk - Campfire - before Myra excuses herself to see just what she's getting into with the dress.   Myra exists to the next car over where there are a series of bedrooms. In the center, where her parents used to stay, floating above the bed in a magically suspended dress carrier is a green ballgown with a gold bodice, intricate flowers snaking up it. Below the dress sits some jewelry to be worn in tandem. Myra sighs pushing it farther across the bed and lying down to stare at the ceiling, Spryg curling up next to her.   After a moment there is a knock and Sarya enters, having followed her. Sarya questions how Myra is doing saying that this seems to be a lot. Myra says she doesn't know commenting on her worries that the million platinum bounty was just out of a light concern. Sarya comments that she knows the feeling revealing that her family was also in politics.   As Myra and Sayra chat, Hagren back in the other car, notices a series of bangs but initially writes them off as perhaps normal train noises. However they seem to grow closer and louder until there is a flash just outside of the train.
Report Date
21 Apr 2022

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