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The Alabaster Gala - Beholden Crossing

General Summary

Having explained the state of the Beholden to the gathered delegations the Wardens find themselves lauded as heroes as a celebration kicks off on The Alabaster Gale. As the party begins, Raijun fails to deliver a threatening note from Adama to the Slekul delegation and Sarya receives an old calling card welcoming her back.  

Party People

As Sarya handles the coin the blood drains from her face and she staggers back. Myra asks though the group link if she's okay, not sure if something is going down. Sarya assures Myra she's fine but says that she isn't feeling well and needs to head back to the Divine Reach. Myra asks the group if there's anyone else who'd be willing to go with her, as she doesn't like the idea of Sarya on Reach alone given what is in their hull, but wants to make sure the Wardens are seen at the party not wanting to draw suspicion upon them. Adama agrees to go as he says he's not feeling much like partying anyway and the two head toward one of the dinghies moored to the side of the ship.   As they disembark they pass a woman boarding the ship in the colors of Slekul, Adama averting his face, who tries to introduce herself asking the pair if, "you are one of the ones that came from the flying ship." Sarya, looking like she is going to puke, rushes past the woman (later identified as Ryla) and points out Myra. The woman is slightly taken aback but lets Saraya and Adama pass as they head back to Reach.  

Old Business

Raijun, after having conferred with Adama and given him a piece of his mind about the letter, sets his sights on finding Miss Carter who is off to the side looking through a ledger. As he approaches he clocks the woman who approached Sarya but continues on towards Carter who doesn't look up from her notes. Raijun asks what Carter is doing prompting her to snap the journal closed.   "Oh, I see you're one of the ones who survived, congratulations." Raijun begins to feel hurt but notices the book that she was using was the one gifted to her by him, stolen from Myra. Raijun begins to beam as Carter continues, explaining that, "there will be expeditions to recover the lost items." Raijun says that he knows she's secretly happy that he made it out and that what they talked about previously still stands if she needs help. Carter softens thanking Raijun before putting up her mask again commenting that, "if I need further damages to my reputation I'll let you know.   Raijun leaves carter to her work turning around immediately into Yamil who seems to be standing with the blue captain from earlier. Yamil and Raijun hug and Yamil congratulates Raijun saying that he cannot wait to "hear about your many adventures". He introduces Raijun to Captain Al'Saded Maharead, whom he did not have a chance to meet earlier though the captain does ask if Raijun was in the same group as Myra.   "It is a pleasure to meet you." He comments that he's glad the negotiations and everything with Carter went well as, "I am less inclined to the fighty fighty and more on the drinky drinky." The captain insists that Raijun show him more of their flying ship commenting that a ship like that would be worth it's weight in coin. Raijun pulls Hagren into the conversation saying that he's the captain and would have to talk to him.   Hagren indicates that he's not currently interested in selling the ship but as we discovered a new type of vessel may be open to having someone study the ship. Captain Maharead says he knows all of the best shipwrights and many excellent captains such as Captain Allister Johnsten or "Allie" for those she's close with. He continues that either Drel'Themar or the Everchange Exchange would have fine craftsmen who could fix her up.   Hagren also says he might be looking for a crew as most of the Wardens are fairly useless at sea. Captain Maharead says that he could loan Hagren a crew for a favor or three in the future. As they are talking the captain notices something and goes to shake Hagren's hand running a hand along Hagren's arm. He asks Hagren if they've sailed together before but Hagren says he thinks he would remember that. Turning the topic the Captain asks, "what journeys do you sail onto now?" Hagren explains that they expect to sail on to Beater's Point as they have some things to follow up on there. Hagren asks if the captain has been there but Captain Maharead says that Beater's, "is a little rough for my blood," but looks over to the handsome man (Angelo) standing next to Admiral Atilius Manerver and comments that "good people for that can be found".  

Distant Reaches

Having made it to the Divine Reach Adama begins by asking Reach to perform a scan of the decks to ensure they are alone. After Reach confirms Adama turns to Sarya and asks if she's okay. Sarya claims that she's just not used to a lot of people saying that she will be fine and retreats to the crows nest. Adama, not one to pry, checks on the Slekul boxes and, when nothing is disturbed, posts up nest to them investigating the tome we recovered from one of the boxes earlier. Adama looks at the book but has a hard time making out what is says understanding that it has something to do with the church of the immortal king but having a difficult time translating it as it seems significantly older. He notes some of the markings have religious significance but has a hard time remembering what exactly they stand for but beings working through the book trying to translate what he believes are spells inside.   Above, Sarya tries to survey the party on the The Alabaster Gale for whoever might have sent her the coin. She knows that it must have been someone on the Gale but from Reach it's difficult to tell who was there especially with the speed at which she and Adama left. Sarya peers at the boat wondering not yet sure if it's safe for her to take another form to investigate further.  

The Lost Pilgrimage

The girl from Slekul has been glancing at Myra for a while. Myra who has been politicking with a number of parties, including returning the research from the Tangent Wave to Starmapper Decimal Tolerance of The Ay Collective, has noticed. Myra also noticed that the rest of the delegation from the Manten’Liche Army seems to be ignoring the girl. As Myra goes to approach James Jasper Whitehall III she purposely walks past the girl who stops her.   The girl introduces herself to Myra as Ryla and thanks Myra for her service saying that it, "probably wasn't the easiest". Myra agrees that her companions have certainly had easier tasks and asks her what her role in the delegation is noting that she didn't see her at the talks earlier. Ryla says that she is a navigator and interpreter for the Slekul delegation. When asked what she interprets, she explains, "We hold the idea of certain transitions in life to be sacred." She continues that she is in the Beholden Crossing looking for "vessels from a lost pilgrimage" and that her duty is to blend their faith with the duties asked of them and the arcane arts. Ryla explains that they were not the first to go looking for the objects saying that many had been sent in search of it.   Myra asks if her king knew what was going on and why they didn't try to stop it sooner. Ryla pauses saying that the knew there were 'problems' but not to the extent that we found. They knew there was some sort of disturbance and that some of the ships and individuals that had gone missing were of high importance which is what prompted her and the Admiral to be sent out in search of them. Myra wishes her luck with their efforts noting that we didn't meet anyone alive from Slekul while we were moving through the area. Ryla comments that she supposes most of they are looking for is below the waves and Myra nods and only comments that she hope that they have luck finding what they are looking for. Ryla excuses herself and leaves the party after the discussion as Myra continues on but veers towards where Admiral Atilius Manerver is stationed.  

Raise a Glass

As Myra is intercepted by Ryla, James joins the conversation between Raijun, Hagren, and Yamil. James asks how they came to come by such a fantastic vessel jokingly suggesting that they stole it from somewhere. Raijun jokes that surely he, a man of the cloth, couldn't have done such a thing. Yamil comments that his only devotion is to finding another bottle and all of them cheers and drink. James comments soberly that Raijun seems to be in high spirits after the death of both Gwen and Tintreach.   Raijun comments that he feels that they are all, "where they need to be."   Yamil comments that that is a very beautiful sentiment and says that, "those lost need to be remembered especially those lost too soon." As he stares off a tear starts to form in his eye before he catches himself brushing it away and smiling, "But we also drink be we are alive. And because we are the best looking men on this vessel," raising his glass again.   Raijun notes the tear asking Yamil who he is talking about but Yamil brushes him off saying it is for another time. Yamil instead turns the topics saying that his time aboard 'The Right Price' is done and he has other places to go. He asks where the Wardens are headed next and Raijun says that he thinks we need to stop by Lion's Crest before heading to Glemios and the Bismuth Abbey. Raijun says that of course in stopping in Lion's Crest he needs to pay a visit to the refugee camp to donate more making Yamil exclaim, "this guy, I really like him."   Hagren who's migrated to the edge of the group has noticed a eagle shaped aarakocra in the colors of The Ay Collective (this will later be identified as Random Factorial) staring off at the Divine Reach. He seems to be gazing interestedly and making notes in a small book every few moment. Hagren doesn't approach the man but instead notes him and watches him intently while enjoying his drink to the side.  


Myra has made her way over to a group of people including the handsome man (Angelo), Admiral Atilius Manerver, Grand Marshal Antenel Lunest, Kay, and Onsprey. Kay seemed to be cleaning and as Myra approached she asked after his health noting that Onsprey had said he was hurt. Kay implied that they were fine now but looked at the number of people on the deck and seemed to do a mental sigh for the cleaning that would have to be done later. As she approached Myra noted that Onsprey seemed to be engaged in a very one sided conversation with the Grand Martial. Myra intentionally places herself next to the Grand Marshal before introducing herself formally to Angelo disrupting the story Onsprey was telling. This earns her the briefest bit of good will from the Grand Marshal who flashes her a look of relief.   Angelo introduces himself, he doesn't mention that he's the king of Lion's Crest but Myra notes that the Admiral is standing deferentially to him in a way she's only seen him do with the queen formerly. "We owe you a great debt. Whatever evil spawned here did a great harm to the area."   Myra thanks him for his kind words but insists that their group was lucky and they could have ended up as dead as their friends had fate not blown in their direction.   Angelo notes her somber tone commenting that it seems "wisdom is another one of your qualities in addition to bravery it seems." This comment causes Myra to blush as he continues, "my kingdom's interest in this will continue," leading the Admiral to step forward clarifying that most of their naval ships would be returning home but some would stay to aid the third party group.   The Admiral nods to the Grand Marshal saying that he hopes they have Glemios's continued cooperation to better understand what is going on in the area. The Grand Martial nods saying that the forces were heavily injured but some will be staying behind to aid while those injured will return back. She turns to Myra and asks where the Wardens plan to go next. Myra comments that she needs to stop by the capital, nodding to the Admiral and Angelo, before she plans to return home. The comment of 'returning to the capital' referring to somewhere other than Kolis-Tane earns her a sneer from the Grand Martial who snidely comments that it's good to know where her loyalty lies before excusing her self for the night.  

Clean-Up Crew

Around that time there is a large commotion from the edge of the ship where two figures appear. The first is a large rotund individual, with patchwork armor, and an overly large blunderbuss strung over his shoulder. The second, a wide eyed tabaxi female all black except for a small white patch. Myra notes they aren't wearing the colors of any of the major nations as Yamil steps up and extends a hand to the man.   "I was wondering when Master Hunter Poro would arrive. Have you brokered the deal on behalf of the Shikari hunters my friend?"   "Yamil Alshara, the handsome man of the desert who breaks things. Are you sticking around for the ground fall parties? And have you had the pleasure to meet my associate Miss Jubilee ?"   Yamil says he has not had the pleasure and suggest that he has already explored some of the islands that they plan to go into and notes that there is a lot out there but that he has other plans. Poro says that he looks forward to exploring saying there are lots of beasts to study and capture, causing Myra to wince thinking about what Kanna might say if she were above deck.  

Worlds Apart

Adama sits in the muted sounds below the ship, blocked to the world by the sanctum spell they performed earlier that day. Through his time spent studying the book he has translated that the spells inside are old ones not normally known. He's managed to translate the names to: curse of light, blunt the edge, and fiery cloth but doesn't know the specifics of what the spells do or what they cost to perform. He focuses on the curse of light further understanding that it would make someone who is not normally sensitive to sunlight sensitive to it in the way that some undead are. In the book he finds a number of notes on how it could be adapted, changed or potentially used to reverse a similar effect. He feels that he will need access to more divinatory magic to fully understand the spells or will need to consult with Myra to further identify the specifics.   Meanwhile, Sarya had become frustrated with the situation and with herself, having moved to quickly out of the situation to be able to see who was around who might have dropped the coin. Deciding to take matters into her own hands she transforms into a seagull hoping to gain more insight. As she flies away from Reach she notices a number of ships and people paying attention to it many wearing the colors of the Ay Collective. In one dinghy she spots a small group of people having a hushed conversation just off the side of one of the more ominous boats from Slekul. Soaring around the ominous boat she sees the shape of a familiar debt collector, cloaked, making their way though the flagship. Sarya circles back first checking on the Gale before returning to Reach.  

Counter Offer

As Hagren is enjoying his drink off to the side of the Gale he is approached by Miss Carter. "It seems that you have acquired a new vessel." Hagren nods. "You were still under the employ of the Thompson Trade Corporation when you acquired it." She pulls out her note book and shuffles through some paperwork, "Techincally any vessels acquired while you were under contract would be considered part of the Thompson Trade Corporation per section 24 sub section c. However, seeing as your group is responsible for unlocking the Beholden Crossing, I think we can waive this clause if you would be amenable to the prospects of future work," she explains as she extends a hand.   Hagren shakes Carter's hand saying that perhaps there would be more immediate partnership with the boat in exchange for sponsorship. Hagren notes the damage done to the boat and that it is in need of repairs also confiding in Carter that he's worried about others attempting to use the technology. Carter's eyes gleam at the prospect and she says that she is sure she could work up a contract that would supply the Wardens a good deal on repairs in exchange for the ability to study and document some of the technology on the vessel, specifically mentioning an interest in the flight capabilities. She begins writing up a number of ideas and says that she can have something over to Hagren first thing in the morning. Hagren cautions that he'll need to run it past the other Wardens before they sign anything as a group but parts with her furiously writing down ideas.  

Never Forget

Myra joins Raijuns group briefly before asking to steal Yamil for a second. Pulling him aside Myra asks if he was the one she heard in her head (referencing the message she heard in Rifts - Reefed Expanse - note: she had not mentioned it to the group as she had the intelligence of a tiger and thought it was possible that she had imagined it as that was a very bad day) the other day. Yamil initially denies it before confessing that he is, "cursed with some abilities." Myra thanks him, saying that it came at a very difficult time when she needed a comforting voice. Yamil looks surprised saying he's, "glad that it was comforting. I find that nothing good has ever come from magic." Myra suggests that maybe this can be the first then. She comments that she believes magic is a tool and that its intent is determined by the use. Yamil says he's had little luck even when magic is given to those good of heart.   Yamil starts to make an exit claiming to need more liquor but Myra stops him handing him her flask. He takes a drink and asks what it is, Myra joking that it's a 'family recipe'. Yamil gives her a look saying that he had heard mention of her last name earlier but notes that she doesn't seem to present herself as someone of status. Myra takes the flask back drinking heavily and says that the way he feels about magic is the same way she feels about status and titles. She says that titles and names have gotten her into more trouble than it's gotten her out of and that they too are frequently abused. Yamil toasts joking, "here's all the status anyone needs."   Yamil softens apologizing to Myra for the loss of her friends and asks her how she is doing. Myra jokes 'why do you think i'm drinking' suggesting that maybe if she drinks enough she'll be able to forget the pain. As she goes to raise the flask again Yamil grabs her wrist to stop her. Yamil looks her in the eye seriously, "Don't ever forget." He continues that we will remember them that they will not be forgotten as the beginning of tears spring to Myra's eyes. Yamil notices, releasing Myra's wrist and looks away commenting that he is sorry, "I do not wish to dampen the mood." Myra notes that she's sorry and that perhaps it is time for her to turn in.   Yamil agrees with the sentiment making to go towards his own boat but before they part Yamil asks if perhaps he could hitch a ride with the Wardens as the other boats are not going in the right direction. Myra asks where he's going and he explains that he has business and personal work in Bismuth Abbey and it sounded like we were maybe headed in that direction. Myra comments that she's not sure if we are going directly there and that she would have to double check with Hagren as the captain but assures him that she's sure the group would love to have him as long as we are headed in the same direction. Yamil says he can pay if he needs to but Myra waves away the money saying that he doesn't need to pay them as a friend. She notes that Raijun and Adama would especially like to hang out and Yamil jokingly asks if we have more of the Magic Beans. Myra says to come to the boat in the morning and that she would discuss it with the group to smooth everything over before he arrives. Yamil thanks her and they break with the rest of the Wardens heading back toward the Divine Reach.   Before turning in for the night Myra checks in on Adama who has locked himself in with the boxes and compass. He mentions the difficulty he's had with the book of spells and Myra offers that tomorrow she can probably look into the issue further if he wants. He accepts her offer and gives her the spell book. As she leaves the room Myra swipes the compass on the way out, placing it back in the bag of holding.  

Past Lives

Sarya watches the other Wardens make their way tipsily into one of the dinghies and begin to row it back toward reach, conducting slow circles of the area. As she circles she notes the form of a familiar non-binary halfling (who she identifies as Tumal Naan) rowing a dinghy back towards the group of ships branded with the colors of the The Carrefour. As she circles above them they look up, noting the seagull, and nod at her before she flies off to return to Reach for the night.

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