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The Gala - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

Having returned to the estate for Myra's fitting before dinner the group now finds themselves preparing for dinner again, Myra joining them in the dining room a moment after the group congregates. Max joins the group to inform them that Myra's parents will not be joining as they are tending to last minute details of the Gala leaving the group alone for their three course meal.   Sarya asks Max about meeting Birch, Max indicates that would be easier in the morning tomorrow as they are currently in the middle of preparations but assures her that Birch would be more than happy to meet with with and talk about actual horticulture instead of yelling people to get off the grass. Max notes that the guests aren't supposed to arrive until the afternoon so they should have time in the morning if Sarya would like. Sarya nods and Max says he'll arrange it.   Adama asks the group what they should do in the worst case scenario where someone attempts to use the gala to attack those attending. Myra assures Adama of the security but, over the mental link says that she can always use the scroll to turn into a dragon. Adama says he loves that for her but is worried about being hampered himself as he draws his great sword and the flames seem to be reduced to a mere simmer. Myra suggests talking to Ayen as they clearly have a way to designate specific people to have access. Adama compliments the idea saying he'll find them after dinner. Myra also reminds him that he should ask Ayen about the ring as Ayen had indicated he could set up an appointment with someone. Adama indicates his excitement about the ring before getting serious for a minute and asking Myra if she trusts Ayen.   Myra explains that despite any differences she may occasionally have, she trusts Ayen completely. Adama notes that that is a vulnerability given the amount of power Ayen would control over the security. Myra comments that she would hope her parents have provided Ayen a way to deflect potential charm effects. Adama muses aloud about fighting Ayen again and Myra jokingly suggests that if they really want to fight, no holds barred, they should just do it at Urza's. Adama immediately latches onto this idea starting discussion with Raijun on logistics as Myra sighs at her big mouth.   The group splits after dinner with everyone deciding to retire to their respective rooms. Before returning upstairs Sarya pulls Myra aside, "Are you going to be okay?" Myra smiles, though it doesn't quite meet her eyes, "It's just a party Sarya. I'll be fine"   "You just seem to have been caught up in ... well, who you have always been."   "I'm sorry? I ah, it will be over tomorrow."   Sarya nods, turning to walk up the stairs. Myra watches her until she's out of view before turning down her lonely hallway.  


Myra and Adama both take time to study as the group all gets a good nights sleep. As they wake the next morning, the house is already abuzz with activity. Myra is off preparing with people assuring the group that they would see her later. Max finds Sarya and asks if she would still like to introduce herself to Birch .   Sarya follows Max outside where a satyr is currently berating two larger orcish fellows for stepping on the grass. In the distance Sarya can see a number of tables being set up, people fluffing the grass, all in preparations for the gala that evening. They approach and Max tells Birch to simmer down indicating the gentlemen should move on as he introduces Sarya.   Sarya bows, swiftly switching to druidic saying that grass was never her favorite. Birch smiles, "Ah yes but the grass here is much nicer. I take pride in that which is taken for granted back home." Pointing at some of the trees suspended in different seasons, "One for each of the seasons as is custom for their legacy."   Sarya comments that she heard that they had some issues with the grass recently. Birch frowns, "Yes the grass was burned and there were bones in it." Birch smiles gesturing at the now beautifully maintained yard, "I am quite skilled at my task, though some do not appreciate the effort," grimacing at the servers who had stepped on it before.   Sarya offers to help if there's anything Birch needs. Birch says they could use some help beating the bushes, to rouse the sleeping spirits, as Lady Stagwood has asked for fairy lights. As they begin the task Birch comments that it's been a while sine they had seen a stranger to the house asking, "Where do you hail from and where have you been?"   Sarya responds that she's originally from Drumerin but came by way of the Beholden. Birch pauses thinking, but says that he is not familiar with that portal. Sarya smiles and uses the opportunity to hear if Birch has heard of another druid named Reina.   "Is she also one who returns home to the Pure lands?"   Sarya says she's unsure but it seems likely she might have ended up there.   "I am not familiar with the one whom you speak," Birch apologizes. "Many get lost but many have been finding themselves recently. Many of the lost find themselves in Nouveau, maybe you could go there and search for her." Sarya thanks Birch for the information and considers how best to use it.  


As preparations are made Ayen finds each of the Wardens asking about finalizing some information for the Gala.   Approaching Adama, already in more formal wear for the gala, "I was going over the list and I did not realize there might be a conflict announcing you."   Adama contemplates the expected Slekul delegation and what it would mean to be announced not as Adama but under his true name and titles. He asks Ayen if there would be any problem using his true name Tsama Amani. Ayen considers, "As long as there's not a problem on these grounds I don't have a problem with it. Is there any titles you want announced with that?"   Adama relays that he used to be a prince but he doesn't think that title fits instead asking to be relayed as "the former commander of the Vigil". Ayen nods and makes a note. Before he leaves Adama grabs him, "May I be dubbed a guard for tonight?"   Ayen looks him over, "Do you promise not to start shit?"   Adama promises but Ayen looks skeptical, "I got a report last night about you asking what the most expensive thing in the house is and considering setting the dining room on fire." He pauses taking in Adama's concern, "But, if shit gets real come and find me. We'll make it work." Adama nods and allows Ayen to depart.   Ayen finds the rest of the Wardens confirming Hagren's title as well as Trenchcoat's. Raijun decides to be announced using the title Ayen suggested on the train while Sarya requests simply to be of the Wardens and asks that her last name be kept off the roster. Ayen takes all of the notes and departs.  

The Gala

As the others change and prepare Max finds Myra in her quarters, having had a team of people working on her since the morning. He informs her that her parents would like her attention before the gala begins. Myra nods and is quietly led out to the back garden where a number of lavish tables and tents have been set up. In a central tent she sees her parents conversing with three other elves. Her father is in a tailored three piece suit, her mother stand beside him assessing, dressed in a magnificent dress of her own. As Myra approaches, she can make out several beautiful figures standing beside her parents. She freezes momentarily as she recognizes High Lord Eivwern'nath, a boogieman from her childhood, as the figure in the center. Ayen reaches her during her pause taking her arm as she grips his a little tighter than proper. He gives no indication it bothers him, and walks Myra the remainder of the distance. As they grow closer the other two elvish figures come into focus, a handsome elvish male with golden hair, and to his right a beautiful elvish woman in a jumper and pantsuit.   As she approaches her father smiles, "Hey kiddo, you, you look amazing. I know where you get it from," He says beaming at his wife.   Lady Stagwood smiles reintroducing Myra to the High Lord. He smiles, "well Myra, you look enchanting as the last time I saw you. Your mother has been telling us about all of your adventures."   Myra's smile is curious as she looks to her mother who just smiles and nods. The High Lord speaks up before Lady Stagwood can comment, "Ah but let me introduce my Wards. This," gesturing to the male elf beside him, "Is Caldir."   "I've heard of many of your great deeds it is a pleasure to meet you."   Myra nods offering a hand to shake as the High Lord turns to his other side, "And this is Axilya ," gesturing to the beautiful female elf.   "I love your hair," she compliments Myra.   "Thank you. It took a skilled artist several hours I don't think I could move it if I tried."   Myra's mother looks over her appraisingly, "Yes they seem to have done an admirable job."   The High Lord speaks up, "Myra, I'm uncertain if this is the right point to ask but how does it feel to have done so much good in the world in such a short period of time?"   Myra pauses considering, "It feels good to have done something."   The High Lord smiles, "All those years ago I remember a little girl who was afraid, you seem to have grown since then." He claps his hands together, "Now are you ready?" Myra looks confused as the High Lord looks to her parents, "Unless there's other things you wish to discuss."   Myra's mother smoothly slides in before My can asks what she might be ready for, "Yes there is another matter I wish to discuss first."   The High Lord smiles again and offers an arm to Myra's mother, "Perhaps you would parade me around the grounds while we wait for the others arrive." Myra's mother smiles and takes the offered arm leading the high lord away his wards following shortly after.   Before Myra is able interrogate her father or Ayen further the guests start to arrive and she's caught up in greeting them.  


As the guests begin to mingle it becomes clear that the Wardens are the talk of the town. Adama is first Warden to enter. Max announces "Tsama Amani, former commander of the Vigil." While the delegate doesn't seem to notice much his guard Venyetra Hespin, a current knight of the vigil, snaps to attention at the title taking in every inch of Tsama.   Raijun is next with Max announcing, "Master Raijun, Ward of the children of the Den of free moon, Nightblade of the Wardens of the Weave". Sarya follows trying to use Raijun's spotlight as a chance to slip in under the radar of most. Finally, Hagren is announced as "Hagren, Slayer of Serpents, Bester of Beasts, Warrior of the Wardens" with Trenchcoat announced as his first mate.   With all the guests arriving the Wardens choose to split up instead of clumping. Myra, having been on the scene first, goes to mingle with the first arrivals, the delegates of The Ay Collective who were of course extremely prompt. In the group Myra reconnects with Unintentional Asymptote and is introduced to Obedient Chord and Pleasing Factor. The delegation seems honored for Myra to be making time with them and mentions several times that they are also honored for having been invited. Asymptote thanks Myra for the work the Wardens have done repairing the trade routes.   Myra inquires if the Collective was able to get the notes they sent back and Asymptote expresses regret at the crews deaths but notes that they will all be properly credited with some of the discoveries they did in the field. Asymptote also notes that as their host they would like to gift Myra with two things unrolling scrolls and that he ahs another for Adama should he be present. Myra reviews them as Asymptote explains that they are the sigils to Aegermouth Keep and Kolis-Tane. One so they could host the Wardens, saying that the invitation is open anytime and one so that Myra can return home. Asymptote also remarks that her parents were quite helpful in connecting the networks with the addition of the Kolis-Tane sigil. Myra thanks the delegation again for coming excusing herself as over the mental link she calls to Adama explaining that the collective has a gift for him.  
Chosen One
Raijun having made his way into the party seemed drawn to a group of people, one of whom (Lylah Lightbringer ) he had met the previous day. Raijun instead approaches a woman with shocked white hair and a dark black ensemble. As he approaches she turns to him, "I knew you would come."   "Was it that obvious?"   "Fate dictated it. I am fate author Denmor Galtren. I've heard that you've provided boons to those who's paths have become tangled."   A smaller woman dressed in flowing white robes speaks up, "It's very noble what you have done." The woman introduces herself as Valerian Calmeres the Dawnbright of the church of Lathander. Rajiun looks from the Dawnbright to the Fate Author and asks if it is common for them to work together. The Dawnbright smiles warmly, "We just operate as different sides of the same coin."   Raijun makes a sign commenting that , "I try not to question my other operator," ribbing the Fate Author.   The Fate Author looks at Raijun stoically, "You have many chapters ahead," her face grows concerned as she looks further, "be wary of what lies ahead. Not all things," she pauses placing her hand on her temple as though a migraine is coming on, "not all things have met their natural end."   Raijun smiles at the group, "Well I'm basically the chosen one right? So I can't die."   The Fate Author looks at Raijun, seriously, "I will write your epitaph. It will be glorious."   Raijun claps smiling, "That sounds great well, nice to meet everyone, but I have orphans to save and asses to kick," as he shadow steps away.  
Hagren does a lap of the party before zeroing in on a tent where a kobold is standing on a table preaching to Ryan Fortis. Cosmo is also present and seems to be off to the side attempting to console Fortis and keep him from doing anything rash. "...And that is just another failure of your security. Meanwhile the city gave my lab the commission on the tunnels and how did those turn out? Those tunnels will stand for thousands of years!"   Hagren approaches the table and the Kobold turns on him pointing him out to Fortis, "Shouldn't you be filing a claim anyways with the Wardens of Whatever?"   Hagren says he wasn't sure he caught the Kobold's name and he pauses his humiliation of Fortis to introduces himself as, "Zap the only trustworthy source of Arcanotech in Kolis-Tane."   Hagren comments that he hasn't heard of him, to the snickers of the crowd, and asks what kinds of things he's worked on.   "Lots of gadgets and tech has made it to the public because of me. One of the objects we developed is a load lifter. It allows someone to lift something significantly heavier than usual."   Hagren nods along noting the gun strapped to the Kobolds side, a large gun with too many ornamental pieces as if it might be overcompensating for something. "Do you provide other items besides things to lift trash and weapons of mass destruction?" Hagren asks noting the gun.   The crowd giggles as Zap fumes saying that he doesn't like the kind of things that Hagren is implying. Hagren asks if there is any job Zap wouldn't take for the right price before pivoting to asking about his newer work. Hagren mentions that the weight modulation sounds similar to some work he saw recently with gravity, offhanded suggesting that perhaps Zap might be in line with the Mithril Sprockets . He asks if Zap might be interested in looking into it.   Zap storms off commenting, "I don't have time to help you with your homework."  
Ays and Ears
Tsama, having received Myra's message from before wanders over to the table of the Ay Collective, Sarya not far behind. Asymptote greets him warmly though is slightly confused by the name change. He hands over their gift which is the rune for the teleportation sigil for Lion's Crest. Tsama thanks the group but asks if there is any more knowledge that could be shared about how the actual translocation magic works or how one might be able to set up a teleportation sigil of their own.   Asymptote begins to respond before Obedient Chord cuts in that that knowledge is both proprietary and very expense. Tasma nods, but feeling that he would be shut out of more interesting conversation takes his leave.   Sarya steps out from Tsama's shadow as he departs making her introduction to the group. She asks them about themselves and Asymptote explains that they view the world as a series of questions to be answered. The Viceroy cuts in to ask that Asymptote refrain from religious talk as he excuses himself to another conversation. Asymptote nods and him and Sarya swap to other topics of discussion.  
Myra has made her way over to the group Raijun recently excused himself from. She greets Lylah warmly congratulating her on her recent promotion and welcomes both the Dawnbright and Fate Author. She turns to the Grand Teller who has joined the group and apologizes for not having met them before holding out a hand to introduce herself. Dhuni Karabas takes her hand to use it as a pull into a hug as Myra tenses, the Grand Teller expresses how lovely it is to meet her.   After being released from the Grand Teller the Dawnbright asks after her brother, Myra indicates he's doing well and seems to have come into his own under the service. Lylah smiles saying she knew he would find fulfillment with them. Myra apologizes for spoiling the mood, though the Fate Author gleefully suggests she should, and asks after Em'mt Le'trevem and his condition. Lylah's smile fade as she says that while he has been stabilized they have been unable to make much progress.   Lylah then smiles excusing her and Myra, pulling Myra off to the side. Lylah asks if Myra has any more of the information about what happened to Em'mt and Sarya as the effect seems to be spreading to some of the priests. Myra gazes around smiling and says that perhaps here would not be the best location to talk of it further but that she would be happy to visit Lylah at the temple. Lylah takes the hint and nods saying that that would be lovely and she awaited Myra's visit. Myra takes this as an opportunity to switch again and heads towards Gameta.  
The Price of Fame
Raijun who had shadow stepped away from the more religious group found himself suddenly next to a table of beautiful women as he identified Laura Mooncrest and Gameta from the other night at the Nal. Raijun waves to Gameta getting her attention. But as she starts to move towards him silently he changes position loudly announcing, "As a man of the shadows it is hard to be stealthy when there is this much radiance around."   Laura squees and jumps into Raijun arms as he deflects her kiss to his cheek, "But I always make time for my favorites," Raijun announces.   Laura sits in his arms, "I just can't wait for the big announcement plus I hear there's a great after party."   As she talks Raijun sees Gameta slink off dejected. Laura turns to another elf standing nearby (later introduced as Trist) as she asks, "Is this the one you told me about Laura?"   Laura plays with Raijun's hair as she says it is. The other elf looks appraisingly at Raijun, "Yes I know where we'll go after. You're very well dressed but you look ridiculous."   Raijun smiles, "Yes well I have experience standing out."   Trist looks intrigued, taking Raijun by the arm, "You know? I think what I have come here to do will be muchhhh easier now that we are friends," she smiles.  
Lines of Communication
Tsama, having excused himself from the Ay Collective made his way down the tables until he reached a large collection of people including Thirsten Thompson VII and Miss Carter. As he approaches he hears Thompson commenting to Count Bildres Camrell, "...with the trade routes reopened it would be nice to restore the paths." As he see's Tsama approach he turns to greet him, "Ah! Tsama is it now?" He takes his hand shaking it.   Tsama greets Thompson warmly giving his condolences again on his son. Thompson pauses for a moment turning somber before regaining his composure and goes around making introductions for Tsama. He introduces Count Bildres Camrell - count of Evreres , Temmolt Vestinron - councilor for the Crescent, Schent Talmis - executioner of coin for The Carrefour , Grechen Peddlefoot - councilor of the Shadow.   Tsama looks at the Count who seems completely uninterested in Tsama asking Thompson who he was again. Thompson clarifies that Tsama is part of the Wardens the group that cleared the Beholden. The duke toasts his efforts but despite Tsama's attempts seems completely uninterested in him or his past. As such Tsama allows the conversation to resume just noting the players.  
War Games
Hagren, having driven off Zap turns back to Ryan Fortis ready to strike up a conversation when Grand Marshal Antenel Lunest and a very well dressed pigeon walk up. The pigeon quickly introduces himself as Graith Seawing, a local council member for the Waterside district. Seawing compliments Reach and asks Hagren if they have yet to put Reach through the paces in the water.   Hagren says that they've seen some action but notes that the ships flying capabilities have also allowed the Wardens to navigate around other potential issues. Seawing claps his hands together, excited to have confirmed the rumors. He asks Hagren if he and his crew would be interested in a skirmish, a war game. He assures Hagren that no damage would come to Reach or if there was any it would be cared for.   Hagren considers it but regretfully informs Seawing that Reach is not currently in Kolis-Tane as it was getting repaired in Drel'Themar. Seawing says that shouldn't be a problem as they could have the boat relocated here. The Grand Marital speaks up saying that it might be better to have the skirmish in the turquoise currents anyway as to not disrupt the fishing and other trades that are located in the Fissure Sound.   Hagren considers and says he could be amenable to that as it would be an interesting test. Seawing claps again saying he'll begin preparing immediately. He asks Hagren to congratulate Lady Stagwood for him and says they'll plan for it to occur "after the ceremony," before excusing himself.  
Sarya, having concluded her chatting with the Ay Collective turns to take in the crowd looking for another quiet group she could join, thinking perhaps to see out one of the other Wardens. As she does she notices someone watching her, a black and red tiefling with short black horns. They watch her intensely with eyes of yellow, a smile full of broken teeth and malice.   Sarya, unnerved by the figure, begins to circle around the party toward Myra. Raijun, catching her movement out of the corner of his eye also sees the figure in robes so dark red they almost seem black. He notes them tracking Sarya's path. As the figure catches sight of Raijun watching, they smile and vanish into the crowd.   Sarya converges with Myra and Gameta just as Ayen also approaches, "your parents want you by them for the welcome."   Myra nods, motioning to Ayen that she'll be just a moment. She turns to Gameta, "We should talk later," before turning to Sarya, "You look beautiful."   As Myra's about to walk away Raijun shadow steps beside Gameta panting, "I think I got away."   Myra smiles, "Nah their right behind you," causing Raijun to look over his shoulder as Myra allows Ayen to lead her to her parents in the center of the clearing.  

Opening Ceremonies

Lord Stagwood chimes a glass bringing silence to the crowd, "Welcome one and all. Thank you all for making the journey for an event like this. Thank you to my ever beautiful and patient wife for this spread and the entertainment. And welcome home to my daughter Myra. The sun I always see rising and makes my day every day. Thank you also to the her and her Wardens for their recent work returning things to the way they should be."   "So we can make money again," Count Camerell offers laughing to himself as there are some forced laughs around.   "Is there any more you can hope for than for your kids to go out and make better of themselves and the world? I would say you couldn't but we we could by contributing back. I how we may have let it out a little to much but it is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that my daughter Myra has been chosen to lead up a new Futures division of Stagwood Industries for all to benefit. It's going to be a grand expansion of the business and a great opportunity for the family to grow." He grins looking at Lady Stagwood and then Myra, "Continuing in that trend, we are flattered by everyone's attention and concern over the recent incidents and we want to assure everyone that we have recovered and will continue to rebuild. But our family is one where we will continue to invest not only in the community. I want to announce the impending engagement of our sunshine, our daughter Myra."   There are hearty claps from the crowd as Lord Stagwood steps back allowing Lady Stagwood to step up, "Please, raise a glass for the prodigal daughter has returned and now shall stay in Kolis-Tane."   As fireworks start Sarya leans over to Ayen unable to help but ask, "Did they ever say to whom?"

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