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Unintentional Asymptote

A thin sweaty half elf man dressed in the colors of The Ay Collective. Met in the Everchange Exchange while he was looking for a group to help him retrieve the cazaltium from the Writhing Pillars. A conjuration specialist, he claimed that his technique for teleportation with the cazaltium was far superior to that of Radical Exponent.   He had come to Slekul to set up the teleportation sigil for The Carrefour but his crew was attacked outside the Writhing pillars, due to him being loud. Asymptote believes that the group is a bunch of strong idiots making it clear several times that he does not believe the Wardens are smart enough to understand the technology he's built or the complexity of his casting. This puts him at odds with most of the group who is almost ready to throw him to the beetles he summons by stomping around outside the Pillars. Asymptote says that we cannot treat him poorly as our benefactor and Myra comments that we were not the ones stupid enough to come into the middle of the desert looking for a very valuable artifact with a bunch of bounty hunters and then insult the people with the weapons. Asymptote blanches, finally putting together the situation, and insists that he can be helpful.   True to his word Asymptote reevaluates his position in the group and starts helping allowing the group to use the Magnetic Mana Shard Cube and summoning a very buff wolf to help them track the cazaltium into the mounds. During the fights leading into the mounds and the fight with the worms he proves useful though Adama and Tintreach take turns showing him up magically asking why he can't do things like cast fireball.   Asymptote makes their exit from the pillars easier by teleporting them out after the cazaltium is retrieved, it takes him a couple minutes to cast the teleport which is why he could not do it instead of fighting the worms. Asymptote surprises the group by actually complimenting them explaining that he underestimated them. Adama, rolling very high on a persuasion check, asks for some of the Ay's teleportation sigils and a scroll of teleportation as an additional reward. Asymptote agrees but says that we can never let the sigils leaking be traced back to him. Asymptote pulls out his book and shows Adama that he has sigils to Aegermouth Keep, Lion's Crest, Kolis-Tane, Maelmere, and Lunaacre, saying he can pick one. Adama negotiates up to two and asks if he has any for Slekul, despite previously discussing how much he doesn't want to be on the continent. Asymptote indicates that he doesn't because, as he mentioned previously they have not yet been set up. Adama sighs and picks the sigils for Lion's Crest and Kolis-Tane noting that it would be useful to get back to Lion's Crest and our friends there and Kolis-Tane as Myra had mentioned her family was having issues and that's where she is based out of.   They parted on more amicable terms than when they met with Asymptote making plans to head towards The Carrefour now that his tool was returned.  

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