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Transitions - Nightwell

General Summary

The Wardens, having defeated Viridius and celebrated their victory, planned to have a relaxing couple of days before deciding where to head next. Wanting to help the town get back on track after the events for the past days they planned two meetings for the town, one for guards and one for the general citizens. As the group gathered, prior to the second meeting, an ornate carriage pulled up an and an opulently dressed man exited. The man introduced himself as Thirsten Thompson VII and asked to see his son. This session begins shortly after Raijun informed Thompson of his son's death.


Grave Reunions

Hoping to avoid conflict with Thompson after Raijun informed him of his son's death Myra offered to show him to the Temple of the First Dawn where she assumed Kymil was keeping the body. Thompson assigned Yamil to watch and unload the carriage while he and the commander, later identified as Claudia, went to find his son.   Arriving at the temple Myra found Gwen and Kymil having recently returned from errands. When introduced to Thompson both paled slightly as Kymil ushered us to the backroom where the body of Thirsten Thompson VIII was being kept. The body looked peaceful and Kymil had wrapped bandages around the chest obscuring the stab wound from Commander Law. Kymil gave his condolences to Thompson expressing how his son had seemed 'excited' about the city in the short time they had interacted. Thompson looked disappointed and made a remark about his son failing at even the simplest of tasks, before requesting a minute alone with him.   Leaving Thompson with the body of his son, Kymil noted that the exchange went 'better than expected'. Myra agreed, thankful that Raijun's blunt telling of the death hadn't caused any larger incidents. Kymil inquired how long the Wardens would remain in town now that the immediate threats had past. Myra hedged, saying she didn't know and would have to consult the group but mentioned that it seemed like some were antsy to be off again. Myra inquired if Kymil was planning on staying and if he had told the church anything about the past few days yet. Kymil admitted that he hadn't reported in yet but that this report would be more interesting than past reports. He said his current orders were to set up the church here so as far as he was concerned he was remaining in Nightwell. Myra assured Kymil that he would be fine but hoped he would maybe be a little less busy in the future, to which Kymil replied she reminded him of their mother and asked jokingly if Myra had reported into them recently. Myra scowled at him and told him that they could go a few days without word from her and left to go find Gwen.   While Kymil and Myra were showing Thompson to his son and talking, Gwen was ruminating in the main vestibule about the events of the past days. She was thinking about her gods and generally feeling distressed about the pain Thompson must be feeling. Thinking about the potions she was given she was wondering if the gods would leave her alone for a moment when a hunched elderly woman walked up to her. The woman, clearly beautiful in her youth with long silver hair and just a streak of black down one side, sitting next to Gwen on a pew asked if she was ok. Gwen vented some of her frustration, guilt, and anxieties to the old woman who listened solemnly before telling Gwen that she was sure that all would be forgiven. When she reached out to take Gwen's hand Gwen felt a sense of safety and comfort like going home. The woman sagely explained that the path before her was a journey but reminded her to look for the light.   Myra, returning to find Gwen concluding her conversation with the woman, joined her on the pews. Gwen inquired after Thompson, concerned for his well being after the death of his son. Myra related that he may be less upset then Gwen would expect but noted that people grieve in different ways. Myra mentioned Kymil's question about the Warden's impending departure and asked Gwen for her feelings on leaving. Gwen confessed that she liked the friends that we had made in Nightwell, mentioning Kymil by name several times, and was sad to leave but would follow the will of the group. When Myra explained Kymil would be sad to see the Warden's leave, Gwen tried to insist the reason was Myra. Myra, not convinced by that argument, said that she thought he would miss others too leading Gwen to confide that they had become 'good friends'.


  • “It seems like my son failed even the simplest of tasks. Please leave me.” - Thirsten Thompson VII
  • “Your path before you, it is a journey” - Lana
  • “The dawn shines bright but the moon is just as so” - Lana


Back in the town square, the remainder of the group (Hagren, Raijun, Tintreach) inquired if Yamil was with the Manten’Liche Army. Yamil indicated that they had been traveling together for a few days but that he was unrelated. He also conveyed that they were unlike other armies he had seen, though he didn't elaborate further. As Yamil returned to unloading Thompson's Magnificent Carriage it became evident that the carriage was magical in nature, clearly holding more items than a normal carriage would be able to.   With Yamil preoccupied, Jimmy reminded Hagren and Raijun to not mention the Nether Scrolls in front of others looking at Yamil and the army. He then quickly changed topic to inquire where the group would continue on to. Hagren and Raijun said that they didn't really know, having not discussed it as a group but rather posed that they were open to many possible avenues. Jimmy, noticing the statue of Viridius that Raijun had asked who exactly that was. Raijun, introduced Jimmy and in doing so remembered that he had not yet checked the body. Upon looting the body Raijun found 8 Magic Beans , and pocketed them. In further discussions about Viridius and Law Hagren offered to show Jimmy Powder Keg Keep and evidence of Law's treachery. Jimmy accepts the offer but Hagern mentions that they should stick around until after 2PM to ensure the second meeting has at least one representative from the Wardens.   Hagren inquires how Jimmy was able to get to the hold so fast as they had only sent a runner that morning with news. Jimmy recounts how when Thompson hadn't heard from his son in an appropriate amount of time he threw a fit in court. The commander of the Manten’Liche Army was present and, as they were previously planning to come this way, offered to provide an escort. Jimmy was sent as emissary but noted that he was also becoming concerned about out lack of communication. Upon first entering the The Everpine Thompson's group met light resistance by the forest but the army was able to easily dispatch it. around the second day they notice that all resistance stopped, which Jimmy attributed to our deeds.   One of the Warden's inquired who the mayor of Nightwell should be now that Thirsten Thompson VIII was dead. Jimmy started to explain that King would replace the mayor when Yamil came over and cut in that Thompson take over. He further explained that Nightwell hold had been given to Thompson as a bribe or gift. Yamil mentioned that Thompson had made some kind of deal to make a lot of money in the area but didn't mention what the deal entailed, instead continuing into a broader explanation that Thompson is the head of a powerful merchant house and trades in gems, metals, exotic materials. Raijun inquired if Thompson dealt in swords causing Yamil to chuckle that he didn't trade in mundane items 'for us normal folk'.   Yamil mentioned that Nightwell was more important for Thompson now as things were not going so well for his ships. Jimmy added that the ship attacks we had heard about when last in Lion's Crest seemed to have picket up in intensity and frequency. According to Jimmy the crews were attacked by creatures who suddenly 'appeared' on board. While the king has upped patrols of the seas in retaliation nothing seems to be working. Yamil commented that the ship attacks were clearly related to magic and that this is why you cannot trust magic as it never leads to anything good. In response to the mention of magic being bad Tintreach performed some street magic pulling coins out of Yamil's and Raijun's ears, both were impressed and amused, Yamil commenting that this kind of magic he liked.   While the others carried on with Yamil and Jimmy, Adama (who had previously disguised self as an old man upon seeing the Manten’Liche Army ) went over to the army and questioned one of the soldiers. Pretending to be a townsperson, he thanked the soldier for saving them and asked where he was from. The soldier indicated that they serve the Immortal King and indicated that the army had work to do asking Adama to step away. Before retreating Adama asked if the Immortal King was nearby to which the soldier replied, ‘He’s in a land faraway’ before turning back to his work.


  • “I was traveling with these people for several days. They are very different from other soldiers” - Yamil on the Manten’Liche Army
  • "The town was a bribe for Thompson, a gift." - Yamil on the next mayor of Nightwell
  • "That’s why you can’t trust magic it is never anything good" - Yamil on the ship attacks

Down to Business

Back at the Temple of the First Dawn , Thompson emerged from the back having concluded some time with his son. After thanking Gwen and Myra for our patience he asked what happened to his son and demanded that the perpetrator be brought to justice. Myra recounted, truthfully but sparsely, what happened leading up to the death of his son and informed Thompson that Commander Law had already been brought to justice for his crimes. Thompson, not wanting to take Myra's words on face value addressed the old woman Gwen had been talking to and asked if what Myra said was true. The woman gave a knowing smile and said everything I had said was true, winking at Gwen after Thompson had returned to addressing Myra.   Thompson makes a note about being upset by his son's death but was happy to see that his son, before his death, was making friends with the 'right' kind of people. As a reward for our help Thompson offers to give us the money he had set aside for his son's 'allowance'. He identifies the commanding woman who ahs been accompanying him as Claudia and tells her to pay Myra. Claudia pulls out a large satchel and hands it over to Myra, the satchel contained 12,000 gold. Thompson indicates that now that his son is gone he plans to take over Nightwell Hold himself and will set up and stay for 'the duration'. Myra indicates that there was to be a towns meeting shortly and offers to lead Thompson back to the square so he can make any announcements. Thompson agrees to this idea noting that it would be worth introducing himself to all of his new 'employees', referring to the townsfolk.   As the group goes to leave the temple Gwen pulls Myra aside, concerned about the way Thompson is talking and the lack of decency. Myra notes that perhaps he is just grieving privately and agrees with Gwen's sentiment of concern. Myra asks Gwen to let them see how it goes as the last thing Nightwell needs is more fighting and Thompson seems to have an army's backing. Gwen agrees and prepares to head out but remembers one last thing, rushing back into the church to request the name of the woman. The woman smiled and said that Gwen could call here Lana.


  • "I am happy to see he was making the right kind of friends" - Thirsten Thompson VII on his son making friends with Myra
  • "I had set aside an allowance for my son that he no longer needs" - Thompson on the 12,000 Gold reward for the Wardens

Thompson's Speech

As everyone reconvinces in the town square, the people have started to gather for the expected meeting. As Thompson goes off to talk with Yamil, Myra notices Charlie sauntering up. He has acquired a cape and it is clear from his swagger that Adama's words the night before have convinced him he will be mayor and that all the power has prematurely gone to his head. Cutting him off before he can reach the head of the crowd or get anywhere near Thompson, Myra offered him 10 gold to return to The Soldier's Last Stand . Charlie, being the enterprising man he is, took the money, spun on his heel and returned to his watering hole.   As Myra returned to the group Thompson climbed onto a fruit box like a podium to address the crowd. Myra noticed that the man who's cart it was previously was standing next to Yamil with a new purse in his hand. Thompson begins his speech by acknowledging the recent issues the town had had with some locals though 'not you locals' and continues ensuring everyone that, under him, Nightwell will become the 'greatest settlement'. Thompson informs the gathering that they will all be developing this city 'for me' and that they will be 'reclaiming it for civilization'. Thompson ensures that the transition will go smoothly and a 'civil atmosphere' will be kept by his 'friends', motioning to the Manten’Liche Army that stands behind him.   Once his speech is concluded, Thompson gets down from his soapbox and requests to be taken to the location that Commander Law was previously staying. The Warden's indicate that that would be Powder Keg Keep but Jimmy intercepts saying that perhaps he should go ensure it's safety and readiness for Thompson before he arrives. Myra, agreeing with Jimmy, offers to escort Thompson around the town for a few hours while the keep is prepared to ensure Hagren and Jimmy have the time the need to 'prepare' it.  

'Refreshing' the Keep

Hagren, Raijun, Adama, and Jimmy return to the keep, Hagren having mentioned incriminating evidence against Commander Law . The group splits up with Adama and Raijun offering to take Jimmy downstairs while Hagren does some reconnaissance on the upper floors, looking for Hall gun set. As they arrive it seems there has already been some looting as ornamental weapons and paintings have been grabbed.   Hagren, beginning with the ground floor for the gun box and further evidence of Law's crimes, notices that one of the drawers on Law's desk had been smashed and now appears empty. Failing to find his quarry he continued upstairs where he finds a mess hall as well as Hall's sleeping quarters and office. In Hall's office, Hagren finds papers that look like schematics for the battle machines in the sub-basement as well as a larger invasion plan pointing towards Lion's Crest . Pocketing the notes he continued to Hall's bedchamber which was sparse but contained the gun box he was seeking as well as a journal kept by Hall further detailing the deal Commander Law struck with the avatar of War. The journal further detailed how Law's pact with War began on The Red Night and consisted of Law providing souls to War for the blood war in return for boons and power. Having found enough to satisfy himself and Jimmy, Hagren continued to the basement to find Raijun and Adama.   While Hagren is upstairs, Raijun and Adama accompany Jimmy down to the sub basement where the last of the war machines sits. Raijun shows the war machine to Jimmy and asks if he thinks Thompson would buy it. Jimmy, pales slightly, and says it would be better not to mention the machine to Thompson and that they should ensure that this kind of weapon doesn't get into his hands. Raijun pivots to pretending he was joking telling Jimmy that actually he was the one to convince the team not to take the machine into town to fight Viridius while Myra had advocated for using it (Raijun criticalled on the bluff check). Jimmy made a remark about having thought that he had Myra pegged and looked confused as Hagren rejoined the group showing them what he had found above.   Reviewing the documents, Jimmy grew more concerned and said that the queen would be interested in the information. He asked if Hagren would like to deliver the news to her personally, but Hagren hedged unsure of when we would be back in Lion's Crest. Jimmy said he would be happy to deliver it for us if we weren't coming back but left the option open. While talking about next steps Hagren inquired as to the payment from this mission, reiterating how dangerous it was. Jimmy handed over a pouch, noting that it contained more than the negotiated amount for our troubles (the pouch contained 6,000 gold).   Before leaving the keep the group discussed what to do with the final war machine and the materials from the infernal cannons. Hagren suggested breaking down the weapons as much as possible before redistributing the parts to the craftspeople of the town, noting that many of the supplies had been commandeered from them. Jimmy thought that was an excellent plan, especially as it kept all knowledge of the machines out of Thompson's hands and also supported the town.


Having been invited to dinner with Thompson that night, the group regathered at the keep in varying levels elegance and began discussing their next quest amongst each other and Jimmy before Thompson's group arrived.

Next Steps

Myra began by outlining potential options for the group including:
  • Escorting people out of Nightwell who wished to go to Maelmere
  • Continuing on to Timeston and Hendrick
  • Returning to Lion's Crest to deliver news to the queen about Law
  • Further investigating the ship attacks mentioned by Jimmy and Yamil
In the discussion Myra mentioned that if they were going to Lion's Crest she had something to check up on and mentioned someone named The Onix Feather Bandit. Jimmy, having discussed the topic with Myra previously, provided an update that the bandit was caught breaking into an estate in Kolis-Tane. Paling slightly, Myra asked if everyone was ok, Jimmy replied that no one was hurt.   In talking about Timeston, Jimmy provided an update that Hendrick appeared to be having continued difficulty with a mine. Mentioning 'strange creatures' that had been attacking but with little detail on what the strange creatures were.   The Wardens decided that before making a firm decision on where to go next they would inquire with Thompson on if he had any additional work. The group generally seemed to be leaning towards Timeston or the ocean attacks but wanted to ensure that there would be compensation for their aid.

Dinner & Deals

Yamil and Claudia arrive before Thompson both of them in pleasant moods. Claudia seems to have a completely different demeanor than she had earlier in the day allowing and thanking Raijun for pulling out her chair. As Claudia looks at Raijun she asks if they had met before remarking that his uniform 'looks familiar' and causing Raijun to become nervous that she may somehow be associated with his old clan.   Thompson , upon entering, kicks off a several course meal beginning with a salad course. Myra, feeling uneasy about food after the events of the past days, cast purify food and drinkon the food. Thompson asks why she would do such a thing when they are all friends and Myra notes that she is just being paranoid after a recent incident. Adama elaborates that the last plants we dealt with came alive and tried to attack us and Thompson makes a note.   Jumping into business Thompson proposes some work for the Wardens. He has a shipment of goods that need to be transported from Lion's Crest to The Carrefour however all of his ships attempting to pass the Beholden Crossing have been attacked. He mentions he's had both cargo and ships disappear in the crossing to Slekul from any of the neighboring ports(Lion's Crest , Beater's Point, and Port Chrichton ). Thompson suggests that if we were to escort some more sensitive cargo for him from Lion's Crest to Port Chrichton we would be well compensated with an option to extend the job from Port Chrichton to the Carrefour if we liked.   Thompson says all of our expenses would be covered as part of the journey so long as the Warden's follow the 'rules of his employ'. He also mentioned that there would be perks of access to 'certain circles' that we would only get while working under his banner. When asked about the compensation Thompson suggests that he would be willing to pay 10,000 gold for such a journey which Gwen negotiates up to 12,000. Thompson says that we will find the ship 'The Right Price' in Lion's Crest and that we were to connect with Captain Allister Johnsten. As we were concluding the negotiation Adama requests that in addition to passage there he wants assurance of passage off of Slekul. Myra inquired if Adama has ever been to Slekul, not sure why he would want to leave immediately, and he mentioned he had indeed seen the 'Ivory tower of Skull Hill Keep' and went distant for a minute. Thompson agrees saying that he has lots of ships leaving Slekul and that we can have passage to wherever we so choose afterward though depending on the ship there might be more 'dangerous cargo'. When Raijun inquires into why the cargo would be dangerous Thompson mentions that he does a lot of shipping from Tramarick and that the 'beasts' (dinos) there were quite ferocious.   Adama turning to preparing for the new expedition asked Thompson if he had any knowledge of a specific headband, which Thompson said he had not. Raijun inquired if we could get in touch with Thompson should we need anything to which Thompson requested that we only reach out during business hours. Inquiring on if Thompson would be returning to Lion's Crest himself, he said that the would remain in Nightwell for a while to set it up as a trade hub. He mentioned that he wants to use Nightwell to improve communication over Dragon Spine Mountains especially with the sea routes being more closed than normal. Thompson mentioned that some minotaurs were working on teleportation from Maelmere to Aegermouth Keep but that he didn't trust it. Yamil interjected that it would take a lot of magic to make the teleportation circles work and that he didn't trust that level of magic, mentioning he prefers Tintreach's street magic instead.   Adama, seeing an opportunity to learn more about the cities of Vloyuth, proceeded to ask about many of the other towns on the continent. Thompson provided the following information:
  • Duskome - Is guarded by a large dome that no one seems to be able to get through. Thompson is interested in their natural resources and asked if we had an in with them.
  • Hazelden - Is a port town run by merfolk known for their 'stones' from the sea.
  • Coalwood - According to Thompson is 'washed up' unless you are interested in fish.
  • Aegermouth Keep - Is run by a group known as The Ay Collective who spend most of their time investigating a 'fallen city'. Thompson complained that they are 'Too smart for their own good.'
While Adama was updating our potential geocaching locations, Raijun turned to Claudia to inquire about more personal matters. Asking about how she came to her current commander position Claudia replied she had simply murdered everyone who posed a potential obstacle. When Raijun asked if she was serious somone else commented on the particularly brutal command structure of the Manten’Liche Army. Discussing the army drew Adama's attention and he noticed that her position was unusually high in the organization given the personality changes she seemed to exhibit. Raijun, pushing ahead asked if Claudia had anyone in her personal life like a husband or boyfriend, to which Claudia replied there was no time for romance in her line of work.   Myra, curious on the Army's presence asked if Claudia would be staying or continuing on somewhere else. Claudia gave Myra a look indicating that she should mind her own business but admitted that for a time she would be staying with Thompson as their paths 'align' before pushing onward. When Adama pushed for more information, Claudia's personality quickly changed, she threatened to cut out his tongue if he continued to push her further. Adama, silently investigating the information he had gathered, concluded that she was telling the truth that they were planning on staying in Nightwell at least for the moment. Adama, not one to listen to warnings, inquired how the King felt about the Manten’Liche Army being on his lands. Claudia countered that they were here with 'diplomatic permissions'.   Thompson, steering the conversation away from his Manten'Liche counterparts, asked how long the group had been together. Raijun, never one to miss an opportunity, did the 'Warden's Dance' saying that we were the Warden's of the Weave. Yamil clapped and commented that he liked the dance saying he thought it would 'Come together' while Thompson looked on less enthusiastically asking that we not 'disrupt business' and follow his 'rules' referencing the knocked over chairs that Raijun and Adama had caused in the dance. After deflecting that we had been traveling together for some time but we had had many assorted adventures Myra tried to only highlight things not directly connected to the scrolls, for example dino racing in strangle vine, and then mentioned again that we were doing work for James.   Thompson, concluding he probably wasn't going to get more out of the group with Myra's deflections turned to Kymil and asked what his future plans were. Kymil asserted that he was here to help the people of Nightwell. Thompson commented that he had respect for people of the cloth but he could never serve himself and said as long as Kymi didn't stand in the way of his 'business' they would get along well. Kymil, incensed at the idea that the townsfolk were just business to Thompson, argued that as long as Thompson's 'business' didn't negatively impact the townsfolk Thompson was correct that everything should go well. They left the conversation in a tense stand off of 'we should get along fine then' before the dinner concluded.   Once we had left the dinner Jimmy commented ‘well that went well’ and noted that it seemed like we were travelling in the same direction. Noting it was better to travel together he said he would defer to us on the departure time and said we could return to Lion's Crest at our discretion.  


  • "I killed everyone who got in my way" - Claudia on gaining power
  • "For a time our paths [Thompson’s] align then I would go onward" - Claudia on if she was staying in Nightwell

Bad Eggs

As others of us mingled in the keep Raijun snuck out of the keep and the hold and, just outside the walls, planted one of the eight beans he had found on Viridius (7 beans remaining). After about a minute a bush sprouted where the bean had been placed and six eggs appeared. Raijun returned to the keep where he found a necklace Myra had been wearing at dinner, a silver dragon with emeralds embedded as it's eyes, waiting by his room. As he entered, the necklace took flight down the hallway causing Raijun to follow it while exclaiming that Myra's necklace was alive. Raijun's shouts drawing the group into the hallway, he explained what had happened with the the beans.   Myra, concerned over the idea Raijun was planting anything found on Viridius, asked to see the beans to investigate them further. Raijun denied Myra claiming that they were his as he had found them, causing Hagren and Adama to grab Raijun and the beans to go falling to the floor. Myra scooped up the beans, placing all but one in the bag of holding, and began to identify it while Gwen identified one of the eggs. Myra discovered that the beans were Magic Beans and had wild magic energy that could cause unpredictable magic while Gwen discovered that the eggs were Wonderous eggs. The eggs, if consumed, could increase the lowest ability of someone provided they were able to stomach it. Raijun attempted to eat an egg first failed taking a decent amount of damage but insisted he could continue. The group instead decided that everyone should be able to try an egg but unfortunately only Adama was able to stomach it (increasing his dexterity).   Yamil, hearing the noise and cries of pain the group was making from eating the eggs, came to check on the group. Hagren, Adama, and Raijun pretended to be zombies saying that it was the salad as they had warned Thompson, concerned by our pain and the deception, Yamil cast a spell that caused him to glow in purple light and knowingly said 'Oh you just had some bad beans'. The group, sobering at Yamil's new visage asked what he was doing. Yamil replied that he has many gifts including the ability to 'see things'. Adama, in magic solidarity went to mage hand fist bump Yamil who fist bumped back with a mage hand made of sand, exclaiming 'Ah I see I am among other skilled practitioners'. When we inquired about the magic, given his proclaimed distaste for it earlier, he showed us the left side of his face. It was pock marked with purple light and as Yamil showed it to us he told us it was a 'gift' from his past.   After the run in with Yamil, the Wardens concluded that it was perhaps better to sleep at The Soldier's Last Stand for the night instead of at the keep, enabling them to have further discussions without additional eyes and ears. We concluded having reached the Tavern.
Report Date
25 Dec 2020
Nightwell Hold
In Game Start Date

In Game End Date

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