
The Mortal Realm


The geographic layout doesn't change much between the different ages with plains, mountains, rivers, seas, marshes, and icy tundras are all present. The wastelands caused by the mine explosion only exist in The Age of Sorcery and very late Vitraxine Period.


Ages of Cantarsus

Cantarsus has moved through various ages in its lifetime where magic has slowly grown in power and humanoids have become the more dominant inhabitants of the realm. The ages below give a brief description as well as what the world looked like in that age. The years are in VE (Vitraxine Era) and PVE (Pre-Vitraxine Era)  

The Stagnation

(~4000 PVE - 0 VE)
This is a world with almost no magic. Divine and natural magics did exist but were incredibly rare and often seen as prophets or demons. Great beasts roamed the earth alongside the humanoid races.


Primarily nomadic with a few fortified cities. Due to the larger beasts, smaller villages and such would be easy prey. When they do exist, they likely have a 'hero' that protects them with either divine or occult magic.


This matters much more in this age. Cities will likely speak common, but nomadic tribes will be individual races and speak only their own tongue with the occasional broken Common if they do trade with the cities  

The Vitraxine Period

(0 VE - 1271 VE, Late: 1098 VE - 1271 VE)
The earlier part of this age includes rare magic items made with an ore called vitraxine. Late in the period, a massive mine was found greatly increasing the commonality of magic items.


More smaller towns and such as magic items have provided a new source for protection. Much more common the later in the period you go. Cities are still fortified, but they now have growth beyond the walls.


Still many villages that are primarily one race (i.e. nomadic races that have settled somewhere), but they usually have a few members who speak Common due to trade.  

The Age of Sorcery

(1271 VE - present)
Near the end of the Vitraxine Period, the massive mine exploded wiping out the capital at the time and decimating a quarter of the continent's landmass. A few decades later, some of those who found a home in the wastelands developed a magical affinity creating the first sorcerers and wizards. Sorcerers and wizards are feared by some and revered by others.


Traditional mix of small villages, hamlets, and large cities. Some cities have begun fortifying for magic as much as physical assaults. Villages are unlikely to have vitraxine crafters, but even a medium sized hamlet likely has one.


Most populations speak Common. There are still areas around the continent that have stayed away from civilization (intentional or not) that do not speak it. Individuals may also have chosen to keep to their local tongue
Included Locations


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