Mystic Marauders

One of the most peculiar species on the continent of Taisunia are the undead. Vitraxine can be used to bring someone back to life, even in undead form, but the techniques used to produce such an effect are incredibly complex. The deities are also unlikely to produce these vile creatures as they are mostly incapable of worship. The fey have been known to raise a few here or there in a spurt of mischieviousness, but there are always signs left behind. Still, cemetaries across Taisunia will occasionally burst forth with life or at least the closest the dead can come around to.   These dangerous creatures led to the creation of the Mystic Marauders, first an adventuring party specialized in the spectral, then a loose organization of adventuring parties led by the aging progenetors.


The organization is structured very loosely. Each of the four original Mystic Marauders help to partner their most capable students into adventuring parties while also using their contacts across the realm to find spectral mishaps the adventurers can help tidy up. There is some talk about turning the Mystic Marauders into an official guild, but the paperwork has kept this from coming a reality.


Ishtar and Thomas had struck out on the adventuring path together. With the former able to hold his own in most fights, and the latter being well versed in healing his inevitable wounds, they were able to make a small name for themselves. Unfortunately, not every job can be solved with brutality and mending, and they found themselves at a loss on a quest to collect a rare herb. This is where they met Liam, a budding alchemist with sure hands and jovial personality. They found him quite capable and, once the job was done, offered him to join them on the road.   They traveled as the three of them for a year or two during which time they started their extensive dive into the supernatural as a niche adventuring tactic. They began developing tools and elixirs that could be used to gas ghosts and ghouls, vivesect vampires, zap zombies, and unearth any other non-surviving holders-on. One such mission tasked them with destroying a powerful necromancer and shapeshifter and their, surprisingly small, army of undead. As the three investigated the cemetary, they realized the undead were not raised with vitraxine; the conjurer must be formidable indeed if they could raise the dead with no magical aid. They stripped the mausoleum of the wooden slats barring the door before thrusting it open to reveal a spider no larger than a dwarf covered in beautiful shades of blue and green. The spider, cowering in the corner, suddenly shifted into the form of a teenage girl with green hair and sapphire markings across her face and arms. It was Petals-Upon-Silk who, in her younger years, had difficulties controlling her anadi spider form. Recognizing she was no threat, Liam was able to calm her down and found she too had been intending to rid the city of its undead infestation. The villagers had been frightened by her spider form and locked her in the mausoleum. The party agreed to help guide her along the journey of adventuring. Over the next twenty years, their depth in the occult allowed them to grow into the supreme slayers of the spectral, the Mystic Marauders.           This group of adventurers realized their skills were well suited to focus on the supernatural. They began developing tools and elixirs that could be used to gas ghosts and ghouls, vivesect vampires, zap zombies, and unearth any other non-surviving holders-on. Over the next twenty years, their depth in the occult allowed them to grow into the supreme slayers of the spectral, the Mystic Marauders.   As their age has caught up with them, the Mystic Marauders realized adventuring would soon lead to their demise and sacrificing the wealth of knowledge they had collected. While this was the disbandment of the adventuring party, it was also the start of their academic careers. Each of the members went on to different colleges and universities allowing them to train the next generation to become Mystic Marauders themselves. For example, Professor Liam Gibbitz is now at Lagmora, a university at the Library of Gorgos. Petals-Upon-Silk, the youngest in the group, has not retired but rather is now leading her own adventuring party.


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