Port Corsani

The savageness of Mourianji, whether in land, weather, or pirates, would drive most from ever stepping foot there. The pure hedonism of Port Corsani can make anyone forget the threats outside the city walls, however. The city has an incredibly low rate of crime. Some believe this to be because of the large number of foreigners, which is partially true. The pirate families of Mourianji own every inn, brothel, general store, and stable there. They ensure the city stays safe. Others have pointed out the irony in paying for safey those who would do the robbing, producing the unofficial motto of the city: "Proffer or piracy".   The issue is that the wealth of these families is unmatched. Their restaurants are filled with exquisite continental delicacies, finding ways to bring even the rarest or most delicate of morsels from far off lands either through magic or sheer force of coin. The harems are filled with equal extravagance leading to the end of chasity for more than one temple acolyte. In fact, the city only has temples to two gods: Mora, goddess of life and death but also the arts, and Tribulan, god of chaos. The rest find the sanctity of their practice impossible to reach within the confines of the city.   This wealth of excess has led to a level of status being adorned to those who live amongst its people. To claim Port Corsani as home means a person has great wealth and power. Paying the paltry sum to keep the clans from removing that symbolic status is no trouble for its denizens.


Due to the high cost of living within the city, the demographics shift constantly as various families come into money and out of it. The Ikati have long held a presence here as their natural stealth and soft paws has helped them produce wealth in a way most celebrated in Port Corsani. Shorter lived races are also commonplace as looming mortality illicits a greater desire for experiences what you can while you can.   The city itself is home to wealthy people almost exclusively, although some allow their servants to live in their homes to cater to their whims. Outside the walls, however, are vast slums for the working class. There are also many derelicts who had once climbed the social ladders before being forcefully shoved off through destitution or making the wrong enemies.
Founding Date
472 VE
Alternative Name(s)
Sapphire of the Desert; Debau (short for debauchery)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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