Prime Veritus


The Prime Veritus must be honest and forthright. They must be driven to uncover the facts no matter how dangerous. They must also have an acute understanding of society as they will be the guiding hand in deciding what types of knowledge are dangerous and how dangerous they are. This is important as this defines how deep in the library a knowledgeseeker must go and what trials they must face to show they are worthy.


The Prime Veritus must first be a member of the Presictors, the leaders of each Library of Gnosi.
  • Current Presictor Each of the Libraries of Gnosi are led by a Presictor, and they vote one amongst their ranks to take on primary leadership
  • Unanimous All Presictors must agree on the selected member. The first round of votes sets the possible options, and once a name no longer receives votes, they are removed from consideration.
  • Sophistry Disqualification Due to the strictly factual nature of the Libraries, any member who has been charged with sophistry, regardless of verdict, is not allowed to take on the role of Prime Veritus. Additionally, a Prime Veritus who is convicted of sophistry must step down.
  • Alive As this is a lifetime appointment, the undead, who are functionally immortal, are not permitted to fulfill the role.


The Prime Veritus is primarily a well-respected figurehead who helps steer the Libraries of Gnosi through setting the focused areas to gather facts on (political, ecological, mathematical, magical, etc) and brokering deals with countries to allow the archivists of the library free passage. Additionally, the Prime Veritus is tasked with ensuring equivalent resources amongst the libraries to avoid any one Library have more influence over the whole collection.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There are three primary ways in which a member is removed as Prime Veritus.
  1. Sophistry Conviction While not as strict as the requirements to become the Prime Veritus, if one is convicted of intentionally spreading lies over facts, they are immediately removed from office.
  2. Majority Vote Additionally, the Presictors can hold a vote to remove the Prime Veritus at any point, and five of eight will lead to removal. While possible to be abused, the removal of a Prime Veritus reflects poorly on the Presictors as well.
  3. Death The death of a Prime Veritus immediately removes them from the office as well as their lifetime has ended.
Form of Address
The Prime Veritus, Veritus [Name] (ex: Veritus Barisan)
Source of Authority
Elected by the Presictors of the Library
Length of Term
Related Locations
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Aug 21, 2024 02:43 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3